We have three dumps, two of the same bug check and one different.
We'll start with the latest, which is of the
This is the general bug check code for fatal errors found by Driver Verifier.
Very simple stack and dump....
2: kd> kv
Child-SP RetAddr : Args to Child : Call Site
fffff880`0897c9c8 fffff800`039674ec : 00000000`000000c4 00000000`000000f6 00000000`000000b0 fffffa80`0d7e2b30 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff880`0897c9d0 fffff800`0397cbf4 : 00000000`000000b0 fffffa80`0d7e2b30 00000000`00000004 fffff880`0897e000 : nt!VerifierBugCheckIfAppropriate+0x3c
fffff880`0897ca10 fffff800`03734010 : fffff8a0`00001550 fffff880`0897cc60 fffff880`0897ce00 fffff880`0897cff0 : nt!VfCheckUserHandle+0x1b4
fffff880`0897caf0 fffff800`037a9e85 : 00000000`00000000 fffff880`00000001 fffffa80`09da43b0 fffff8a0`03bae100 : nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x1fa3e
fffff880`0897cbc0 fffff800`034d67d3 : fffffa80`0d88cb50 fffff880`0897cf78 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 : nt!NtQueryValueKey+0x115
fffff880`0897cd50 fffff800`034d2d90 : fffff800`0396bd96 fffff880`1014e879 fffff880`0897cff0 fffff880`0897cfe8 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13 (TrapFrame @ fffff880`0897cdc0)
fffff880`0897cf58 fffff800`0396bd96 : fffff880`1014e879 fffff880`0897cff0 fffff880`0897cfe8 fffff800`034d2d90 : nt!KiServiceLinkage
fffff880`0897cf60 fffff880`1014e879 : fffff880`0897da0a fffff880`0897d030 fffff880`0897d9f8 fffffa80`0a5adf18 : nt!VfZwQueryValueKey+0x76
fffff880`0897cfb0 fffff880`0897da0a : fffff880`0897d030 fffff880`0897d9f8 fffffa80`0a5adf18 00000000`00000000 : nvlddmkm+0x9a879
fffff880`0897cfb8 fffff880`0897d030 : fffff880`0897d9f8 fffffa80`0a5adf18 00000000`00000000 fffff880`0897cfe0 : 0xfffff880`0897da0a
fffff880`0897cfc0 fffff880`0897d9f8 : fffffa80`0a5adf18 00000000`00000000 fffff880`0897cfe0 fffff980`00000000 : 0xfffff880`0897d030
fffff880`0897cfc8 fffffa80`0a5adf18 : 00000000`00000000 fffff880`0897cfe0 fffff980`00000000 00000000`000000b0 : 0xfffff880`0897d9f8
fffff880`0897cfd0 00000000`00000000 : fffff880`0897cfe0 fffff980`00000000 00000000`000000b0 fffffa80`00280026 : 0xfffffa80`0a5adf18
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0xc4_f6_VRF_nvlddmkm+9a879
The device driver in violation is nvlddmkm.sys which is the nVidia video driver.
Ensure you have the latest video card drivers. If you are already on the latest video card drivers, uninstall and install a version or a few versions behind the latest to ensure it's not a latest driver only issue. If you have already experimented with the latest video card driver and many previous versions, please give the beta driver for your card a try.
The other two dumps however are of the
A fatal hardware error has occurred. This fatal error displays data from the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).
If we run an !errrec on the 2nd parameter of the bugcheck (address of the WER structure) we get the following:
Section 2 : x86/x64 MCA
Descriptor @ fffffa800a950578
Section @ fffffa800a950700
Offset : 664
Length : 264
Flags : 0x00000000
Severity : Fatal
Error : Internal timer (Proc 0 Bank 5)
Status : 0xfe00000000800400
Address : 0x00003880051db720
Misc. : 0x0000000000007fff
We have an internal CPU timer error in both dumps consistent with Processor 0 (primary CPU core) and Cache Bank 5.
If after you update the video card drivers you're still crashing:
There is only so much you can do with a bugcheck like this until it comes down to a faulty processor that will need to be replaced. Start from 1 and work downward:
1. Ensure your temperatures are within standard and nothing's overheating. You can use a program such as Speccy if you'd like to monitor temps -
Speccy - System Information - Free Download
2. Clear your CMOS (or load optimized BIOS defaults) to ensure there's no improper BIOS setting -
How To Clear CMOS (Reset BIOS)
3. Ensure your BIOS is up to date.
4. The
only software conflict that can usually cause *124 bugchecks are OS to BIOS utilities from manufacturer's like Asus' AI Suite. If you have something like this software-wise, remove it ASAP.
5. If all of the above fail, the only left to do is replace your processor as it is faulty.