Automating SFCFix.exe


New member
Jun 3, 2016
I'm looking for a way to automate SFCFix.exe so that the end-user is not interrupted by pop-ups and the program will just run, check for updates and proceed without the need for user input.

I'm wondering if any command line switches are supported? I have found that running it from command line with "/?" bears no fruit. I have tried "/qn" with an output to a text file, and it creates the text file successfully and after a good while the text file did update with entries from DISM.

I do not yet know for sure if specifying "/qn" works or not.

The purpose of the thread is to find out if there is a better way to do this, and if this ends up working on my end, I'll update the thread and hopefully it will aid someone else who needs to run the tool remotely without interrupting the end user.

Thank you in advance.
Hello, and welcome to Sysnative!

SFCFix does not currently support any command line switches in the way you suggest. The closest approximation is to create a script file, say SFCFixScript.txt with contents "AutoAnalysis::" and either drag and drop it onto the executable or pass the script file path as a command line argument (e.g. sfcfix.exe C:\Path\To\Script\SFCFixScript.txt" - which is what explorer.exe does for you on a drag and drop).

Having said that, SFCFix is still in active development and I'm the developer, so could potentially add these things without too much difficulty.

In the ideal world, what command line switches or features would you like to see. I do not promise to implement anything, but if you tell me what you'd like to see from the tool, I'll see if I can get it put together.

Hello, and welcome to Sysnative!

SFCFix does not currently support any command line switches in the way you suggest. The closest approximation is to create a script file, say SFCFixScript.txt with contents "AutoAnalysis::" and either drag and drop it onto the executable or pass the script file path as a command line argument (e.g. sfcfix.exe C:\Path\To\Script\SFCFixScript.txt" - which is what explorer.exe does for you on a drag and drop).

Having said that, SFCFix is still in active development and I'm the developer, so could potentially add these things without too much difficulty.

In the ideal world, what command line switches or features would you like to see. I do not promise to implement anything, but if you tell me what you'd like to see from the tool, I'll see if I can get it put together.


I appreciate the prompt response, the tool has been immensely helpful for us now that we have scheduled monthly SFC Scans on all machines we manage.

Generally what would be ideal is if we could run SFCFix.exe silently in the background by specifying a switch like "-s" or "/qn". The initial screen where it checks for updates and it prompts "press any key to continue" would be bypassed completely and the tool would just run.

We use an RMM so getting the file on the machine and placing it in a directory where it can be run isn't an issue, we can remotely run CMD to call the executable, but it will not complete because the user is prompted for input. So in order to make use of the tool we currently need to schedule a time with the end user to remote onto the machine and begin the process manually. This is mostly for convenience so we can completely automate the process.
I'll get thinking about this. Development's been a little quiet lately as I've had university exams but they finished last week so it's time to get back out there with some new features :)

The difficulty here (not an insurmountable one though) is that although the standard prompts could easily be bypassed (check for updates, disclaimer acceptances, etc.), it's the few rare failure prompts (for example, update download failure which should virtually never happen but just might occasionally) will end up jamming the tool on a quiet mode. To do this properly I'm going to have to slightly tweak all of these prompts too. Not a huge issue but it is going to delay things a short while because it won't be quick and I've got a backlog of a couple of pressing non-SFCFix projects I need to finish up first and which were put on the backburner during exam season.

I'll get looking into this though and hopefully have an update out within a couple of weeks. I'll post back here when I do. So give me a couple of weeks to clear my pressing backlog and I'll be on top of this :)

I'll get thinking about this. Development's been a little quiet lately as I've had university exams but they finished last week so it's time to get back out there with some new features :)

The difficulty here (not an insurmountable one though) is that although the standard prompts could easily be bypassed (check for updates, disclaimer acceptances, etc.), it's the few rare failure prompts (for example, update download failure which should virtually never happen but just might occasionally) will end up jamming the tool on a quiet mode. To do this properly I'm going to have to slightly tweak all of these prompts too. Not a huge issue but it is going to delay things a short while because it won't be quick and I've got a backlog of a couple of pressing non-SFCFix projects I need to finish up first and which were put on the backburner during exam season.

I'll get looking into this though and hopefully have an update out within a couple of weeks. I'll post back here when I do. So give me a couple of weeks to clear my pressing backlog and I'll be on top of this :)


I really appreciate it! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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