XP BSOD help


New member
Nov 10, 2012
Could use some help please. Circular track of BSOD and unable to boot in safe mode. Operation is very very slow. Almost dormant. I am running XP
BSOD reads kdl.com and alternates to atapi.sys. Unable to open Internet Explorer and using 2nd machine to post. I can open My Documents, My Computer and get to system files yet programs will not open. The Start menu is dead so is any program icon. Tried opening programs by dbl clk Word docs and freeze.
Re: BSOD help

Hi -

See if you can run this -

Download these 2 files; save both to My Documents folder -

1. Microsoft SysInternals AutoRuns - [url]http://live.sysinternals.com/autoruns.exe[/URL]
2. System file collection app - http://sysnative.com/0x8/BSOD_XP_v1.3_jcgriff2_PROD_.exe

Go to My Documents folder and run #2. It will run #1.

Output = newly created folder in My Docs - TSF_XP_Support

Zip up the entire folder and attach to next post.

Also -
- Run Speccy - http://www.filehippo.com/download_speccy
- "File" | "Publish Snapshot" | Paste URL into your next post​

You'll have to copy the files to & from the XP system in question.

Also - Hardware diagnostics -
HDD - https://www.sysnative.com/forums/showthread.php/4072-Hard-Drive-(HDD)-Diagnostics
memtest86+ - https://www.sysnative.com/forums/showthread.php/3909-Test-RAM-With-Memtest86

Regards. . .

Re: BSOD help

tnx jcgriff2..am downloading to desktop then jump drive to laptop. will inform. L
Re: BSOD help

ran three times 0x8/BSOD XP and at msinfo32 rec'd BSOD.
0x0000008E 90XC0000005, 0XF74D171D, 0X9D8B7744, 0X00000000
ATSPI.SYS ADDRESS F74D171D base at F74C7000 Datestamp 4802539d

wondering if a memory issue is at hand? unable to safe mode and BSOD's upon running programs. Tried to run Speccy and same. L
Re: BSOD help

0x0000008E 0XC0000005, 0XF74D171D, 0X9D8B7744, 0X00000000
ATSPI.SYS ADDRESS F74D171D base at F74C7000 Datestamp 4802539d

Was the driver name actually ATAPI.sys ? https://www.sysnative.com/drivers/driver.php?id=atapi.sys

The timestamp 4802539d = Sun Apr 13 18:40:29 2008 -- which is a definite Microsoft XP SP3 known timestamp.

Can you get into the system at all to check the output folder TSF_XP_Support? There may be some files in it to help us.

We also definitely need the memory dump files from c:\windows\minidumpAre there any files in the output folder?

Copy out the folder + the dump files; zip them up & attach to your next post.

The bugcheck = 0x8e (0xc0000005,,,) = kernel threw an exception

The exception = the first parm = 0xc0000005 = memory access violation

This does not necessarily mean RAM is bad

Just so I'm clear on this - you can boot into normal Windows, but NOT safemode -- or is it the other way around?

Do you have an Windows XP CD with SP3 on it?

Regards. . .

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