Re: BSOD help
0x0000008E 0XC0000005, 0XF74D171D, 0X9D8B7744, 0X00000000
ATSPI.SYS ADDRESS F74D171D base at F74C7000 Datestamp 4802539d
Was the driver name actually
ATAPI.sys ?
The timestamp
4802539d = Sun
Apr 13 18:40:29
2008 -- which is a definite Microsoft XP SP3 known timestamp.
Can you get into the system at all to check the output folder
TSF_XP_Support? There may be some files in it to help us.
We also definitely need the memory dump files from
c:\windows\minidumpAre there any files in the output folder?
Copy out the folder + the dump files; zip them up & attach to your next post.
The bugcheck =
0x8e (0xc0000005,,,) = kernel threw an exception
The exception = the first parm =
0xc0000005 = memory access violation
This does not necessarily mean RAM is bad
Just so I'm clear on this - you can boot into normal Windows, but NOT safemode -- or is it the other way around?
Do you have an Windows XP CD with SP3 on it?
Regards. . .