Windows Update Failure error 80246007


Aug 26, 2015
hi, I was updating windows today and I received an 80246007 error. I then Googled the error code problem and discovered it was a common problem.

I ran sfc/scannow to see if this would resolve the problem but no corrupt files were discovered,
I then downloaded and ran SFCFix.exe. File was huge compared to other peoples problems, there must be a glitch somewhere.....hope it can be fixed whatever the problem.

Thanks in advance.

SFCFixscript.txt = result -

CBS.ZIP = [url]

Hi PatriciaDee :)

My name is Aura and I'll be assisting you with your issue. Is it possible for you to put all the files (SFCFix and CBS) in a single .zip archive, and then upload it on Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive and post the download URL for it? Reason is that I cannot access SendSpace from work and we prefer to avoid file sharing websites here :)
Hi Aura, Glad for the quick reply and the assist. I uploaded both files to dropbox....

Code:  [URL][/URL]
SFCFix.txt  [URL][/URL]

Thanks in advance, Patriciadee :)
   SURT total detected corruption count:          15136
   SURT total unimportant corruption count:       0
   SURT total fixed corruption count:             17099
You're my new highscore if it matters :lol: Alright, let's run SURT and see what this is all about.

System Update Readiness Tool (SURT) - Scan
Follow the instructions below to run a scan with the System Update Readiness Tool (SURT) and provide a log;
  • Download the right version of SURT for your system;
    • Your version of Windows is:
  • Once downloaded, execute the installer, and go throught the installation (this process can take around 15-20 minutes);
  • On completion, a log will be created in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log;
  • Attach this log in your next reply;
Alternatively, if these instructions are unclear for you, you can follow the tutorial below.

System Update Readiness Tool (SURT)
Hi Aura,

I downloaded the SURT for Windows 7 64 bit x 64 525mb [took 2 hours to install]
Do I get a booby prize for the most errors :huh:....anyway

Enclosed Check.Sur.log. It looks like not all errors were repaired so I'll post this here just now and perhaps if need be I might have to create a new thread to resolve all these errors....anyway, Aura see what you think.


Thanks once again, Patriciadee
It's normal for SURT to take a while to run when you're missing so many Registry entries.
Found 4405 errors
  CSI Missing Deployment Key Total count: 1729
  CSI Payload File Corrupt Total count: 213
  CBS Watchlist Component Missing Total count: 2429
  CSI Missing Winning Component Key Total count: 34
Before I work on a fix (and God knows this will take me some time), the high number of corruption you have suggest that you have failing hardware components: RAM stick(s), hard drive or processor (CPU). This being said, we'll test all three before moving on, because if one of them (or two or three) is/are faulty, you need to replace it/them as soon as possible. We'll start with the hard drive.

Follow the instructions below to test your hard drive health with GSmartControl:
  • Download GSmartControl and save it on your Desktop;
  • Extract the content of the GSmartControl .zip archive and execute gsmartcontrol.exe;
  • Identify your drive in the list, and double-click on it to bring up it's window (usually you'll find your drive by it's size or it's brand name);
  • Go in the Perform Tests tab, then select Extended Self-test in the Test type drop-down list and click on Execute (this test can take a few hours to complete);
  • Once the test is over, the results will be displayed at the bottom of the window. Please copy and paste these results in your next reply;
  • Also, go in the Attributes tab and if you have any entries highlighted in red or pink, copy and paste their name in your next reply (or take a screenshot of the GSmartControl window and attach it in your next reply);
Hi Aura,

I followed instructions to the letter, but when it came to running tests this was the result.

I ran a Short Self Test - Cannot Run Short Self Test - Sending Command Failed.

I also ran Extended Self Test - Cannot Run Extended Test Failed.

Hi Aura, sorry for delay,


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That's good :) I'm just inquiring with my teachers which program I should make you use to test your CPU, because I've never really done that before. And since a failing CPU is possible in your situation, I would like to get it tested before we move on with the fix, otherwise the corruption and errors will just comeback.
Hi Aura , thanks so much for the assistance. My cousin downloaded SIW Pro today [System Information for Windows-he builds his own pc's] and he's given me the license code so I was able to install the program.
Would getting reports from this program help to sort out my system corruption problems. It displays all network, software & hardware on my system.

Thanks once again, PatriciaDee
I don't have any experience with SIW so I cannot say if it runs any tests or else for the CPU. It looks like I didn't have any replies to my question yet, so I'll bump my thread :)
I mean, I'll bump my thread in the private section I posted it, not here haha :)
Would you happen to have your Windows 7 installation media?
Hi Aura, I ran the SWI-PRO yesterday Software->updates/missed updates.....result was after the scan the following downloads were listed.

In my windows updates today.

IE 9 KB982861
IE 10 KB2718695
IE 11 KB2841134

When I think back to 2011 that's when I bought my pc that's when the dreaded update for windows 9 stuttered into existence with the error code KB2310138, which I don't think was ever solved even though they tried different patches.... the end result I believe was that the patch itself was corrupt or problematic [maybe that why my poor wee pc is on strike about a lot of apps] and that's why there are so many corrupt files.

I've thought of going back to factory settings for a clean install.....

Please check your inbox for the proper code...a part was missing

Kind regards, Patrica
Windows 7 media was pre-installed in pc .....last week I downloaded it in prep for Windows 10.:banghead:
Do you intend to upgrade to Windows 10 or not?

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