Windows Update Error


New member
Sep 17, 2016
I've been trying for days now to fix an error with windows udpate. Receiving errors 80131700, 80244004, and 80070057. Started with a windows update process that was eating up all my CPU. I've done a bunch of stuff with no success. I ran a script to uninstall all windows updates files in case any of them were corrupt. I uninstalled the latest .NET framework. I ran multiple Windows Update fixes from the microsoft website. No success. Additional info is below as requested...

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2016-09-17 13:57:03.335
Microsoft Windows 7 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SUMMARY: No corruptions were detected.
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2016-09-17 13:57:42.647

CBS Logs to follow...
I think the fix worked! No more errors and i finally was able to get Update to provide a list of necessary updates. Currently installing updates so hopefully it continues to be smooth sailing from here. Thank you!
- Question: When did this "Windows Update" problem surface ? After of before the latest "Windows Update Tuesday" ?
- You may need this guide next month again. There's no guarantee that this "Windows Update" problem won't return in the next months.
I can't really say. I think it's been a problem for a while. I finally just got fed up with the poor performance of my computer and started doing something about it recently and found out I had this issue going on. I will definitely keep a close eye on it and check out that thread you suggested when I have problems again. So a final update on this current issue... I did get all critical updates installed but I did want to mention that there were a couple times I had failures that I was able to get past by using the Windows Update Troubleshooter I downloaded from the Microsoft website. In case others need it as well this is the link Thanks again for your help. You saved me a ton of time!

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