[SOLVED] Windows cannot update important files and services while the system is using them


New member
Jul 15, 2016
Good day everyone. This is my first time on posting & making a thread on this website. I've been looking for a solution, fix, or a working guide that can resolve the problems that I've been facing right now on my Windows 7 64bit. I've been trying to make the Windows Update work as it used to be but alas, nothing happened & the problem still persists. To be honest, I have no intentions to fix the Windows Update error before. All I do is to let the Windows Update to have have an error since last year of 2015. I didn't even bothered to fix the failure to download & install the Windows Update.

But today, my professor at school had wanted us to install an Adobe Photoshop on our computers at home. After running the Adobe Photoshop on my computer, I've encountered an error of api-ms-win-crt-runtime-|1-1-0.dll .
All it needs is to have a successful and working Windows C++ Redistributable 2015 package in order for the Adobe Photoshop to work. Unfortunately, I can't even install the C++ Redistributable package (it also gave me an error). After doing some research, it all comes down to the Windows Update. This is where it all began. Where I should have done this before by doing a research and hoping to find a working fix.

Here's the screenshots of the Windows Update error down below (attached thumbnails).

Before I forgot, I've already done the other fixes for this Windows Update error. I've already tried the Reset Internet Options method. WuReset batch file method. WindowsUpdateDiagnostic method. The registry fix method. The SFCFix method. Windows KB Hotfix method and many more. None of them worked.

I also have "no intentions" to upgrade my Windows 7 64bit into a Windows 8, 8.1, or Windows 10.

Here's the SFCFix Log file:
SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2016-07-15 16:22:09.299
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SUMMARY: No corruptions were detected.
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2016-07-15 16:28:46.228


  • WuError#2.png
    15.4 KB · Views: 2
  • WuError#1.png
    17.1 KB · Views: 3
Hello and welcome to the forum,

Thank you for the detailed description of what you have already tried.

Looking at the CBS log there seems to be an issue with the COMPONENTS registry hive:
2016-07-15 20:24:52, Error                 CSI    00000007 (F) STATUS_RM_NOT_ACTIVE #155# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysOpenKey(flg = (AllowAccessDenied), key = {provider=NULL, handle=0}, da = (KEY_SET_VALUE|KEY_WOW64_64KEY), oa = @0x188eab0->OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {s:48; rd:NULL; on:[28]"\Registry\Machine\COMPONENTS"; a:(OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE)}, disp = Unmapped disposition: 25750096 (0x0188ea50))[gle=0xd0190005]
2016-07-15 20:24:52, Error                 CSI    00000008@2016/7/15:12:24:52.317 (F) d:\win7sp1_gdr\base\wcp\sil\merged\ntu\ntsystem.cpp(3676): Error STATUS_RM_NOT_ACTIVE originated in function Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysOpenKey expression: (null)

Lets start by looking at the COMPONENTS hive:

Can you please go the following location C:\Windows\System32\config and look for the following files:
-Any other files that start with the word COMPONENTS
-Or any files that have a similar name to COMPONENTS (it could be spelt different, have a number, a symbol etc)
If you find any please create a folder on your desktop and copy and paste all these files into this folder.
Next can you please zip this folder -> Please name this zip file to COMPONENTS_{Insert forum username here}_{insert todays Date here}.zip For example "COMPONENTS_Go The Power_1803.Zip"
Once done, upload them for me to analyze. The file may be too big to attach to this post, please use either Dropbox or One Drive.

  1. Click on the
    button. Inside the search box type in CMD
  2. Right click on CMD => Choose Run as Administrator
  3. Inside the Command Prompt windows copy and paste the following commands
    dir %systemroot%\System32\config >1&&notepad 1
  4. Please post the contents of the notepad file back into this thread
COMPONENTS_GMDaddy_July 19,2016:
Dropbox - COMPONENTS_GMDaddy_July 19,2016.zip

Notepad log:
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is B27F-6E44

 Directory of C:\Windows\System32\config

07/15/2016  08:24 PM    <DIR>          .
07/15/2016  08:24 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/15/2015  05:17 PM            28,672 BCD-Template
07/19/2016  07:40 PM        44,302,336 COMPONENTS
07/19/2016  08:52 PM           262,144 DEFAULT
07/14/2009  10:34 AM    <DIR>          Journal
07/17/2016  12:47 AM    <DIR>          RegBack
07/15/2016  10:44 PM           262,144 SAM
07/15/2016  08:46 PM           262,144 SECURITY
07/19/2016  10:28 PM        63,963,136 SOFTWARE
07/19/2016  10:27 PM        19,922,944 SYSTEM
04/18/2015  05:01 AM    <DIR>          systemprofile
04/16/2015  05:20 PM    <DIR>          TxR
               7 File(s)    129,003,520 bytes
               6 Dir(s)  358,204,448,768 bytes free
Thank you, the hive loads fine on my machine so that is a good start. Just to let you know this error can be very tricky to pin point, this will take some time.

First, start an Elevated Command Prompt: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/wind...vista-7-a.html
and copy and paste in the following:

fsutil resource setautoreset true %SystemDrive%\

attrib -r -s -h %SystemRoot%\System32\Config\TxR\*
del %SystemRoot%\System32\Config\TxR\*

attrib -r -s -h %SystemRoot%\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*
del %SystemRoot%\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.tm*
del %SystemRoot%\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.blf
del %SystemRoot%\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\*.regtrans-ms

Restart your machine and try Windows Update again, if it still fails please provide the following information:

Please navigate to C:\Windows\winsxs and copy any files with a similar name to pending.xml (e.g. pending.xml, pending.xml.bad, pending.xml_dfsadf78 etc.) to your folder on the Desktop [there may not be any, just if there are]. Then zip up this folder and attach it to your next post.

  1. Click on the
    button. Inside the search box type in CMD
  2. Right click on CMD => Choose Run as Administrator
  3. Inside the Command Prompt windows copy and paste the following command
    REG QUERY HKLM\COMPONENTS >1&& notepad 1

  4. Please wait for this to Finish before continuing with rest of the steps.
Please also export the following registry keys, add them into a zip and attach to this post:

  1. Click on the Start
    button and in the search box, type regedit
  2. When you see regedit on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  3. When regedit opens, using the left pane, navigate to the following registry key and select it by clicking on it once.


  4. Once selected, click File > Export....
  5. Change the Save as type: to Registry Hive Files (*.*)
  6. Name this file Update (with no file extension) and save it to your Desktop.

Once done please upload this file via Dropbox or One Drive

PowersShell ACL

  • Click Start -> Inside the search field search for Powershell.exe
  • Press Enter
  • Inside the PowerShell windows copy the following command
    get-acl "HKLM:\COMPONENTS" | fl >1
    get-acl "C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS" | fl >>1
  • Press Enter
  • Type in notepad 1
  • Press Enter
  • Please post the contents of the notepad file back into this thread.
Thank you again. However I still encountered an error after applying the fix. It did worked but my Windows Update is now stuck with an infinite loading green bar. It's stuck on checking for updates. Unlike before, the older error forces me to restart my computer. This one doesn't force me to restart, but rather wants me to wait for an infinite loading time of an update check. Screenshot of the error is down below.

The pending.zip & the update.zip is also included down below.

PowersShell ACL Notepad Log:
Path   : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMPONENTS
Owner  : BUILTIN\Administrators
Access : CREATOR OWNER Allow  268435456
         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Allow  268435456
         NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Allow  FullControl
         BUILTIN\Administrators Allow  268435456
         BUILTIN\Administrators Allow  FullControl
         BUILTIN\Users Allow  -2147483648
         BUILTIN\Users Allow  ReadKey
Audit  : 

Path   : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS
Access : NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Allow  FullControl
         BUILTIN\Administrators Allow  FullControl
         ZerO-PC\ZerO Allow  FullControl
Audit  : 
Sddl   : O:SYG:SYD:AI(A;ID;FA;;;SY)(A;ID;FA;;;BA)(A;ID;FA;;;S-1-5-21-728536934-1619571286-2480008484-1000)


Sorry for double posting but I have an update regarding the situation. The infinite "checking for updates" loop is now gone. However, I've encountered a newer one:
Rather than looping on the check for updates, it only loops for "downloading updates".

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