Windows 8.1 Pro, active Corners freezes when I open a zip file, drag on desktop


New member
Jul 31, 2014
I have a problem on S.O Windows 8.1 Pro, active Corners freezes when I drag from a zip file please Help me,I had a scan is Sfc / scannow and the result is that I have no errors in the system. Why this error? :huh::banghead: this is a bug of Windows 8.1? this is my video [video][/video] restarting explorer.Exe return all working this corner's
Are you using a third party start menu replacement? It's hard to tell which one from the video. If you uninstall that (temporarily), does the problem continue? It almost looks like the problem is with that replacement, rather than with Windows itself.
hi DustinH, thank's for your reply, i have unistalled and tested without this third party start menu, i have classicShell, but the problem persist, even without it, are enraged for this:banghead: i hope to solve with upload of windows 8.2 August release.. add other info; the problem to me even if I drag a file from one folder not only from a zip

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