[SOLVED] Windows 7 x64 KB2952664 errors 80073701 dt000


May 13, 2018
Hi again, I'm again very sorry for bothering You guys however I was not able to proceed any further manually... I started with 190 sur errors and I'm down to 2 that I can't get rid of in any fashion :(

Step #2 - Run SFC Scan
C:\Users\NEuRO>sfc /scannow

Beginning system scan.  This process will take some time.

Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.

Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.

Step #3 – SURT/DISM Scan
Oh yes, I did.
*Courtesy of git for windows porting du to win7
236M    CBS.log
14M     CbsPersist_20180712153914.cab
4.0K    CheckSUR.log
4.0K    CheckSUR.persist.log
1.0K    FilterList.log

Step #4 - Run SFCFix
SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2018-07-13 06:42:26.538
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SUMMARY: Some corruptions could not be fixed automatically. Seek advice from helper or sysnative.com.
   CBS & SFC total detected corruption count:     0
   CBS & SFC total unimportant corruption count:  0
   CBS & SFC total fixed corruption count:        0
   SURT total detected corruption count:          2
   SURT total unimportant corruption count:       0
   SURT total fixed corruption count:             0
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2018-07-13 06:43:07.444

Step #5 – Export/Upload CBS folder
As suggested by someone, dropbox: (27 megs compressed, sorry, most of it is windows update spamming the first 240 mb of the uncompressed text file ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Dropbox - CBS.zip
I also went ahead and exported my dism.log:
Dropbox - dism.zip

Step #6 - Create Topic
Done \o/

Some other troubleshooting steps I took, I looked at the errors in CBS.log:
2018-07-13 06:46:58, Info                  CBS    Exec: Resolving Package: Package_1_for_KB2952664~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Update: 2952664-1_neutral_LDR
2018-07-13 06:46:58, Info                  CBS    Exec: Resolving Package: Package_1_for_KB2952664~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~, Update: 2952664-1_neutral_LDR, PinDeployment: amd64_d2bcb42493e1d9d482a96af4a8eab9f2_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.24057_none_c9702dd4ee15f05b
2018-07-13 06:46:58, Error                 CSI    0000070c@2018/7/13:04:46:58.782 (F) d:\w7rtm\base\wcp\componentstore\csd_locking.cpp(324): Error STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING originated in function CCSDirectTransaction::LockComponent expression: (null)
2018-07-13 06:46:59, Error                 CSI    0000070d (F) STATUS_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING #15254502# from CCSDirectTransaction::OperateEnding at index 0 of 1 operations, disposition 2[gle=0xd015000c]
2018-07-13 06:46:59, Error                 CSI    0000070e (F) HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING) #15254387# from Windows::ServicingAPI::CCSITransaction::ICSITransaction_PinDeployment(Flags = 0, a = d2bcb42493e1d9d482a96af4a8eab9f2, Version = 6.1.7601.24057, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral, cb = (null), s = (null), rid = [78]"Package_1_for_KB2952664~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~", rah = [1]"4", manpath = (null), catpath = (null), ed = 0, disp = 0)[gle=0x80073701]

So I went ahead with the instructions You guys usually provide and tried installing this KB from Temp and exporting the cab... I think that the real issue is that I'm actually missing something else so that's why it fails:
DISM assembly installation attempt:
 Directory of c:\Temp

2018-07-12  17:34    <DIR>          .
2018-07-12  17:34    <DIR>          ..
2018-06-13  15:28            25 152 EnableTask.exe
2018-06-13  15:28                73 PkgInstallOrder.txt
2018-06-13  15:24               494 Windows6.1-KB2952664-v25-x64-pkgProperties.txt
2018-06-13  15:24         7 073 865 Windows6.1-KB2952664-v25-x64.cab
2018-06-13  15:24               451 Windows6.1-KB2952664-v25-x64.xml
2018-07-12  17:31         7 258 969 windows6.1-kb2952664-v25-x64_9c592f060c857166bb548b021223ed4b4cfe4d37
2018-06-13  15:34           172 404 WSUSSCAN.cab
               7 File(s)     14 531 408 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  128 876 335 104 bytes free

c:\Temp>DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\Temp\Windows6.1-KB2952664-v25-x64.cab

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Image Version: 6.1.7601.18489

Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB2952664~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
[==                         4.4%                           ]
An error occurred - Package_for_KB2952664 Error: 0x80073701

Error: 14081

The referenced assembly could not be found.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log

I'm currently out of ideas, help! :)
(BTW, going off to work, will check this topic back in ~8h or so... no rush... I just spent the evening yesterday troubleshooting and got stuck... this update is a part of July monthly rollup and I try to keep up to date)
Hey, if You were wondering I'm back now... still can't seem to get the windows update to work ... I wonder if there's a troubleshooting guide of some sorts on MSDN about resolving missing assembly errors :)

The problem with KB2952664 is that there are several versions and you need the correct one...

Try this:

Install Update using Dism
  1. Please download KB2952664 http://download.windowsupdate.com/d..._d5c5ddff818eff5b5739b40713e850fa5a147c5f.msu save the file to c:\windows\temp
  2. change the name of the update file to a smaller name windows6.1-kb2952664-v24-x64.msu
    (keep the extension .msu in the end of the file name in case its visible if not ignore that)
  3. open the Command Prompt as Administrator (Tutorial)
  4. type or Copy & Paste the following commands line by line:

    cd /d c:\windows\temp
    expand windows6.1-kb2952664-v24-x64.msu -f:* C:\windows\temp
    DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\windows\temp\windows6.1-kb2952664-v24-x64.cab

  5. You should receive the message:
    The operation completed successfully.
    Restart Windows to complete this operation.
    Do you want to restart the computer now (Y/N)?
  6. Make sure to allow the computer to restart if prompted.

    If you receive any other message:
  7. Right-click on the Command Prompt window and click Select All, this will invert all of the colours by selecting the text, now press enter. All of this text is now copied.
  8. Paste (Ctrl+V) it into your next post please.
Adding the package worked!
However I still have these 2 corruptions in SUR which I have no idea how to get rid of :) (I uninstalled avast a while back)
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Image Version: 6.1.7601.18489

Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_KB2952664~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
The operation completed successfully.

Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.22471
Package Version 26.0
2018-07-15 14:39

Checking Windows Servicing Packages

Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs

Checking Package Watchlist

Checking Component Watchlist

Checking Packages

Checking Component Store
(f)    CSI C Mark Deployment Missing    0x00000000    c!avast.vc110.crt_2036b14a11e83e4a_11.0.60610.1_0b20a8ff883c3a4a    x86_avast.vc110.crt_2036b14a11e83e4a_11.0.60610.1_none_1d37a43bbfe1dc9c    
(f)    CSI C Mark Deployment Missing    0x00000000    c!avast.vc110.crt_2036b14a11e83e4a_11.0.60610.1_c373722873c01144    amd64_avast.vc110.crt_2036b14a11e83e4a_11.0.60610.1_none_d58a6d64ab65b396    

Seconds executed: 257
 Found 2 errors
  CSI C Mark Deployment Missing Total count: 2

Edit: woo I was able to fix these two registry issues with a script from another thread :)

Windows update fails - CheckSUR.log says CSI C Mark Deployment Missing Total count:8

SFCFix version by niemiro.Start time: 2018-07-15 15:03:08.915
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SUMMARY: No corruptions were detected.
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 3 datablocks.
Finish time: 2018-07-15 15:03:48.044

Thank You so much, I'll see how to close the topic ! :)

Those "errors" related with avast or AVG can be safely ignored.

Thanks for reporting the result.

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