[SOLVED] Windows 7 Won't Install Updates 2446710 / 2478662 (Getting Ordinal Errors)


New member
Apr 15, 2015
Hi Guys. I'm in a pinch, having my thesis due in a few days. I can no longer open autodesk applications and have had some file errors coming up on screen for a few days (ex. "the ordinal 707 could not be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll" - this one for autodesk revit) when opening apps like skype, acrobat, etc.

I can not Install the Updates 2446710 / 2478662 and I've tried a few things.... I've run /scannow, installed the update readiness tool.

I have a CheckSUR log with a lot of errors in it. Just let me know what I need to do next! Thank you for the help!

Also, I'm on 64bit Windows 7. More Info: Updated Graphics Driver yesterday

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