Ah yes, in one section of MSInfo32, the Corsair is listed at the top, I should have double-checked with the adjoining section :embarrasment5:
Is that
all you use the Corsair for, scratch space? I see Spazio libero 57,44GB so something 'lives' there in ~17GB? of space? If there is a problem with the Corsair, any drive access, by Explorer or A/V checks, or normal Windows background tasks for example, may trigger crashes/freezes like the ones you see.
Can you check whether TRIM is supported for
both SSDs? I suspect that the nVidia drivers/chipset may be blocking it (and possibly other checks/firmware updating, etc.) for the Corsair. The Samsung comes with some software which may bypass this issue for the 840. With my old nVidia 'board, I had to change (from Device Manager) the SATA controller driver type to the standard (dual channel IDE?) Microsoft one to enable trim and firmware updating on my SSD.
Do you have any drive monitoring software to check with? I use Hard Disk Sentinel:
Hard Disk Sentinel - HDD health and temperature monitoring, for me, this gives a good 'translation' of SMART data, does a good job of reading the other stats in the drives too. I
think the free/trial version allows you to
run some tests as well - it would be a good idea to run these and give the results and any useful SMART or drive data in a reply.
In case you're wondering, I'm trying to rule out hardware errors first, and the Corsair is a (very) weak link - any hardware problem will override software issues, hardware is trumps!