Windows 7 System Files Corruption


Sep 1, 2019
This issue stems from a failing HDD. I helped to recover my parents 7 year old Windows 7 laptop from an HDD failure. The computer had been running slower and slower according to them, when one day it just failed to boot. I managed, after some effort, to clone the disk onto a brand new SSD.

For the most part, the laptop now works fine. However, I was aware that the disk cloning had not been 100% successful as the old disk was too far gone and some sectors were just too corrupt. The affects of this are some missing/corrupt dlls which prevent some Microsoft programmes running correctly.

I've done all the steps as directed on the posting instructions (most of them for the second time as I'd already played around a fair bit with SFC and SURT). I've also done a full malware sweep, a full rootkit sweep, and a full antivirus sweep just to make sure that everything's as clean as possible for fixes.

Below is the contents of SFCFix.txt, and here's a link to a Google Drive copy of (I suspected I could probably have uploaded the CBS folder without the CBSPersist_2017*.cab files, but I decided to play it safe).

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2019-09-01 16:26:43.714
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Not using a script file.

WARNING: Manifest damage on component "x86_microsoft-windows-hlink_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23601_none_5a5ad33bdb762de7". See CBS logfile for more details.
WARNING: Manifest damage on component "x86_microsoft-windows-i..-nlsbuild.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23572_en-us_78dd01e2058cf2f5". See CBS logfile for more details.

CORRUPT: C:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-d..gement-winproviders_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23471_none_15b94a0fd4dcde6b\CbsProvider.dll
CORRUPT: C:\windows\winsxs\wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering_31bf3856ad364e35_11.2.9600.18837_none_ffc4ab2a6bb7d885\mshtml.dll
CORRUPT: C:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-directx-d3dcompiler_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23796_none_eb8e769493af6438\D3DCompiler_47.dll
CORRUPT: C:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_4bf7e3e2bf9ada4c\mfcm90.dll

SUMMARY: Some corruptions could not be fixed automatically. Seek advice from helper or
   CBS & SFC total detected corruption count:     34
   CBS & SFC total unimportant corruption count:  0
   CBS & SFC total fixed corruption count:        0
   SURT total detected corruption count:          31
   SURT total unimportant corruption count:       0
   SURT total fixed corruption count:             0
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2019-09-01 16:28:53.584
Hello and welcome!

SFCFix Script

Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop.
  2. Download the file below,, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and
  5. Drag the file onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please - put [CODE][/CODE] tags around the log to break up the text.

Afterwards, please run System Update Readiness Tool again and attach CheckSUR.log.


Apologies for the slow response, I've been away from the problem PC all week. Thanks for the SFCFix script. SFCFix.txt below and CheckSUR.log attached. I won't be able to do my own tests of repair state, so please do let me know if there's anything else I'll need to do for fixes.

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2019-09-07 17:07:02.611
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Using .zip script file at C:\Users\******\Desktop\ [0]

Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_4bf7e3e2bf9ada4c
Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-wow64_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_d0d161603bb00676
Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.19131_none_149c81e064451679
Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-kernel32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_fc697e97baac5d5b
Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-appid_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_bff7a9a2168820b3
Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23334_none_0ad4771d48ff3d74
Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests

Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_4bf7e3e2bf9ada4c\mfcm90.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_4bf7e3e2bf9ada4c\mfcm90.dll.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-wow64_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_d0d161603bb00676\acwow64.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-wow64_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_d0d161603bb00676\acwow64.dll.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.19131_none_149c81e064451679\apisetschema.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.19131_none_149c81e064451679\apisetschema.dll.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-kernel32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_fc697e97baac5d5b\kernel32.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-kernel32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_fc697e97baac5d5b\kernel32.dll.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-appid_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_bff7a9a2168820b3\appidapi.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-appid_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_bff7a9a2168820b3\appidapi.dll.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23334_none_0ad4771d48ff3d74\apisetschema.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23334_none_0ad4771d48ff3d74\apisetschema.dll.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Manifests\amd64_63f57bd96acb34fbd6ad715e124c53f3_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23512_none_4bf509e8c39739ba.manifest to C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_63f57bd96acb34fbd6ad715e124c53f3_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23512_none_4bf509e8c39739ba.manifest.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-b..vironment-os-loader_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23226_none_b9cd57ec9c6a9798.manifest to C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-b..vironment-os-loader_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23226_none_b9cd57ec9c6a9798.manifest.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-kernel32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23313_none_f26c53ef8609d52f.manifest to C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-kernel32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23313_none_f26c53ef8609d52f.manifest.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-lsa_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23571_none_04b61d208cbbf3fd.manifest to C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests\amd64_microsoft-windows-lsa_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23571_none_04b61d208cbbf3fd.manifest.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Manifests\x86_microsoft-windows-hlink_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23601_none_5a5ad33bdb762de7.manifest to C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests\x86_microsoft-windows-hlink_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23601_none_5a5ad33bdb762de7.manifest.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\Manifests\x86_microsoft-windows-i..-nlsbuild.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23572_en-us_78dd01e2058cf2f5.manifest to C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests\x86_microsoft-windows-i..-nlsbuild.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23572_en-us_78dd01e2058cf2f5.manifest.

Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_4bf7e3e2bf9ada4c
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.mfc_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_4bf7e3e2bf9ada4c
Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-wow64_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_d0d161603bb00676
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-wow64_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_d0d161603bb00676
Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.19131_none_149c81e064451679
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.19131_none_149c81e064451679
Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-kernel32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_fc697e97baac5d5b
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-kernel32_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_fc697e97baac5d5b
Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-appid_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_bff7a9a2168820b3
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-appid_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23392_none_bff7a9a2168820b3
Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23334_none_0ad4771d48ff3d74
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-smss_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23334_none_0ad4771d48ff3d74
Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\Temp\CheckSur\WinSxS\Manifests
PowerCopy:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 7 datablocks.
Finish time: 2019-09-07 17:07:06.371
Script hash: 8VhCtOdMCeocqvTa/7OZ0f2D1/rkfJAY3a0hlQ2yOp0=


I was just doing some brief tests before running any updates and SFC is now refusing to run, giving me the message "Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service". Additionally, on first logon after every reboot, I'm still getting this message. Any advice before I next try to do updates (realistically next weekend unfortunately)?


EDIT: And still receiving these DLL errors from other Microsoft programmes that I thought may have been fixed by SFCFix.


As requested, CBS log attached. This time SFC managed to run but still came up with errors.



SFCFix Script

Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop.
  2. Download the file below,, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and
  5. Drag the file onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please - put [CODE][/CODE] tags around the log to break up the text.

SFC Scan

  1. Click on the Start button and in the search box, type Command Prompt
  2. When you see Command Prompt on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  3. When command prompt opens, copy and paste the following commands into it, press enter after each

    sfc /scannow

    Wait for this to finish before you continue

    copy %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log "%userprofile%\Desktop\cbs.txt"
  4. This will create a file, cbs.txt on your Desktop. Please attach this to your next post.


As requested. SFC ran but is still producing the classic 'Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them '.


SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2019-09-14 13:36:12.554
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Using .zip script file at C:\Users\Si\Desktop\ [0]

Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft-windows-directx-d3dcompiler_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23796_none_eb8e769493af6438\D3DCompiler_47.dll
Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-d..gement-winproviders_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23471_none_15b94a0fd4dcde6b\CbsProvider.dll

Successfully copied file C:\Users\Si\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\x86_microsoft-windows-directx-d3dcompiler_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23796_none_eb8e769493af6438\D3DCompiler_47.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft-windows-directx-d3dcompiler_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23796_none_eb8e769493af6438\D3DCompiler_47.dll.
Successfully copied file C:\Users\Si\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-d..gement-winproviders_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23471_none_15b94a0fd4dcde6b\CbsProvider.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-d..gement-winproviders_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23471_none_15b94a0fd4dcde6b\CbsProvider.dll.

Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft-windows-directx-d3dcompiler_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23796_none_eb8e769493af6438\D3DCompiler_47.dll
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft-windows-directx-d3dcompiler_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23796_none_eb8e769493af6438\D3DCompiler_47.dll
Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-d..gement-winproviders_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23471_none_15b94a0fd4dcde6b\CbsProvider.dll
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-d..gement-winproviders_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23471_none_15b94a0fd4dcde6b\CbsProvider.dll
PowerCopy:: directive completed successfully.

Failed to trace component wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering_31bf3856ad364e35_11.2.9600.18837_none_ffc4ab2a6bb7d885 with return code -3.
Trace:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 9 datablocks.
Finish time: 2019-09-14 13:36:15.471
Script hash: A4jLwEKyS9XjZ4IkVNqv8VPaGuM3LtvDJ8yeAMEmw3k=

And CBS log attached


Okay, please do the following:

Retrieve Components Hive
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Config and locate the COMPONENTS file.
2. Please copy this file to your desktop.
Note: If you receive an error that this file is in-use, simply reboot your computer and try again.
3. Right-click on this file on your desktop and select Send To...Compressed (zipped) folder. This will create a file named COMPONENTS.ZIP on your desktop.
4. The file will likely be too large to upload here so please upload to a file sharing service. Examples of services to upload to are Dropbox or OneDrive or SendSpace and then just provide the link in your reply.

SFCFix Script

Warning: this fix is specific to the user in this thread. No one else should follow these instructions as it may cause more harm than good. If you are after assistance, please start a thread of your own.

  1. Download SFCFix.exe (by niemiro) and save this to your Desktop.
  2. Download the file below,, and save this to your Desktop. Ensure that this file is named - do not rename it.
  3. Save any open documents and close all open windows.
  4. On your Desktop, you should see two files: SFCFix.exe and
  5. Drag the file onto the file SFCFix.exe and release it.
  6. SFCFix will now process the script.
  7. Upon completion, a file should be created on your Desktop: SFCFix.txt.
  8. Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) the contents of this file into your next post for me to analyse please - put [CODE][/CODE] tags around the log to break up the text.

SFC Scan

  1. Click on the Start button and in the search box, type Command Prompt
  2. When you see Command Prompt on the list, right-click on it and select Run as administrator
  3. When command prompt opens, copy and paste the following commands into it, press enter after each

    sfc /scannow

    Wait for this to finish before you continue

    copy %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log "%userprofile%\Desktop\cbs.txt"
  4. This will create a file, cbs.txt on your Desktop. Please attach this to your next post.
SFC ran this time with no issues and no corrupt files found. I've also done quick tests of the programmes which were complaining and they seem to load fine. Might be there! I've attached SFCFix and the CBS log as requested anyway. Will wait for your confirmation that fixes are now complete before I start playing about with any more updating process or similar, but thanks in advance.

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2019-09-15 00:04:11.198
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Using .zip script file at C:\Users\Si\Desktop\ [0]

Successfully took permissions for file or folder C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering_31bf3856ad364e35_11.2.9600.18837_none_ffc4ab2a6bb7d885\mshtml.dll

Successfully copied file C:\Users\Si\AppData\Local\niemiro\Archive\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering_31bf3856ad364e35_11.2.9600.18837_none_ffc4ab2a6bb7d885\mshtml.dll to C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering_31bf3856ad364e35_11.2.9600.18837_none_ffc4ab2a6bb7d885\mshtml.dll.

Successfully restored ownership for C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering_31bf3856ad364e35_11.2.9600.18837_none_ffc4ab2a6bb7d885\mshtml.dll
Successfully restored permissions on C:\windows\WinSxS\wow64_microsoft-windows-ie-htmlrendering_31bf3856ad364e35_11.2.9600.18837_none_ffc4ab2a6bb7d885\mshtml.dll
PowerCopy:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 10 datablocks.
Finish time: 2019-09-15 00:04:13.585
Script hash: dEWLauDAmwPJduLva9oahESvZaeO/6gzz1HvwKo99/M=


Okay, really getting close I think now. Checked for updates and installed all 13 found - seven important, two recommended and four optional. Three failures (two important and one recommended) - KB4474419 (code failure 80242016), KB4516065 (code failure 80092004) and KB4493132 (the recommended one - code failure 80092004).

Did a second round of update checking and installing which gave me five important and two recommended updates (including two of the previous failures - KB4493132 and KB4516065). This time got five failures. KB4493132 and KB516065 failed with the same codes as before. The other failures were KB3020388 (code failure 80070308), KB2923545 (recommended - code failure 80070308) and KB3075226 (code failure 80070308). CBS log after this round is at the link below (I've copied it directly out of the folder this time and it's rather large).

CBS log
One more update. I ran the Windows Update troubleshooter from MS (and also the .NET framework repair tool just in case). That let me install all but KB4493132 and KB4516065 which both failed with the same codes as before. I've uploaded the new CBS log to the following link. Another huge one I'm afraid.

CBS log
The same two updates are still not installing with the same error codes (they are the only two currently available updates). Here's what I've done today:
  • Everything from this pagein order
    • Run the Windows Updating troubleshooting tool
    • Renamed SoftwareDistribution and catroot2 to .bak versions
    • Tried to install KB4516655 to update the SSU. This update failed with no error codes to work from
  • Tried to install KB4474419 as suggested. Windows says it's already installed.

My next plan is going to be to try to run the following two scripts from Technet - script 1 and script 2. If you advise against it I won't do it however.
Nope, the update you provided said it was already installed when downloaded and the installer was in the checking for updates phase.

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