Windows 7 Windows Update gives me error code 80070246
Cannot run sfc, comes back with "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation." I'll try and attach the CBS and CheckSUR logs.
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Ran SFCFix with no script, came back with:
SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2014-07-14 21:42:41.217
Not using a script file.
SUMMARY: Some corruptions could not be fixed automatically. Seek advice from helper or
CBS & SFC total detected corruption count: 6098
CBS & SFC total unimportant corruption count: 0
CBS & SFC total fixed corruption count: 0
SURT total detected corruption count: 32
SURT total unimportant corruption count: 0
SURT total fixed corruption count: 0
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.
Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2014-07-14 21:45:30.430
Script hash:
Thanks in Advance!