We have one of our Laptops constantly failing on KB3033929, 3045999, 3057154, 3061518 and 3067505. I have run sfcfix and also exported the CBS folder and i have attached this for you.
I've spent hours on this and i really hope we can sort this.
The link to the CBS.zip is here https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=92F69F2FFCEF94E0!371&authkey=!ALMxBsvHbGt64w8&ithint=file,zip
Thank you for your support.
We have one of our Laptops constantly failing on KB3033929, 3045999, 3057154, 3061518 and 3067505. I have run sfcfix and also exported the CBS folder and i have attached this for you.
I've spent hours on this and i really hope we can sort this.
The link to the CBS.zip is here https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=92F69F2FFCEF94E0!371&authkey=!ALMxBsvHbGt64w8&ithint=file,zip
Thank you for your support.