I really need help. Ive tried and tried to Install Service Pack 1. But it just wont!
I kept getting the Error 8024200D.
I've tried Readiness and downloading standalone verison but it will wont install.
I have done an error check and nothing come up.
Checksur Log results
Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.22471
Package Version 26.0
2015-06-01 21:38
Checking Windows Servicing Packages
Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs
Checking Package Watchlist
Checking Component Watchlist
Checking Packages
Checking Component Store
Seconds executed: 2845
No errors detected
Customer Experience report successfully uploaded. Thank you for participating. For more information, see the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program on the Microsoft web site.
Please Help
I really need help. Ive tried and tried to Install Service Pack 1. But it just wont!
I kept getting the Error 8024200D.
I've tried Readiness and downloading standalone verison but it will wont install.
I have done an error check and nothing come up.
Checksur Log results
Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.22471
Package Version 26.0
2015-06-01 21:38
Checking Windows Servicing Packages
Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs
Checking Package Watchlist
Checking Component Watchlist
Checking Packages
Checking Component Store
Seconds executed: 2845
No errors detected
Customer Experience report successfully uploaded. Thank you for participating. For more information, see the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program on the Microsoft web site.
Please Help