Windows 7 fresh install, no updates past SP1, C++ 2015 wont install either


Sep 4, 2016

I have reached the end of what I can do. I just replaced my HDD with a SDD and have ran and installed windows to many times to count. The problem has been since I installed the SDD even though it seems to run fine running games, transfer times and such, it just all happened at that point so that is why I point it out.

I install windows 7, get through the first couple of installs and then SP1. Once it is on the system just want nothing to do with windows update, updating single updates manually from the MS website. I have formatted and reinstalled multiple times to rule out my dumb human errors. Windows update just hangs on updating. I once got it to show the next big set of files which is over 200 but it would not let me install them even though they showed. I have tried every trick on the web i find and was lucky enough to come across this website which can hopefully shine some light on my problem. I don't want to even think about going back to the HDD that still seems to work....

Thanks in advance,


EDIT: Can not run the recommended tool because of not being able to install c++ 2015 which seems to be where the .DLL that is missing comes from.

Ok i lied... I installed an none finished 2015 C++ which was enough for me to not get the .dll error and run the program.

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2016-09-04 16:49:07.758
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SUMMARY: No corruptions were detected.
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2016-09-04 16:49:32.706
OK, I have added the new updater and am at the Step 3: Install the "Convenience Roll Up" Package (KB 3125574)

It say this update is not applicable for your computer. I am running windows 7 64 bit and picked that option. I have made it to this point in the past so I don't want to mess up something now and try to do my own thing.

Again, Thanks in advance.


P.S. Can the rollup be bypassed? There are a couple of updates I have been told are less than friendly. KB2670838 and KB971073 which appear to be snooping updates more than anything. The one reason I wont go to Windows 10.
Everything is good. Single updates are coming in. I am just doing them in small batches.

Man they messed that up bad:(

Thanks so much for the info. It is on my favorite list, and put on my backup cloud so the instructions are always around.

- Disableing the "Snooping":

Disable Telemetry and Data Collection on Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 - AskVG


- Are you sure you downloaded the right "Convenience" version ? Do you have a folder called "C:\Windows\syswow64" ? If not, then you do have a 32bit version of Win 7.
- Which version of the new Update Client did you install ? KB 3102810 or another KB number ? I could imagine that installing the wrong WU Client could block the "Convenience" from being able to be installed. (Computers are complicated things, right ??)

3102810 straight from the link on the page.

I haven't been on a 32 bit system in over a decade. It was all just than update above. Everything else installed fine after as i decided just to do the whole batch like normal and it was done in a few minutes.

All is good, solved. Thanks again for the help

- I ask because I am trying to understand why the installation of the "Convenience" failed.
- Computers are complicated things right ? Now this is a another reason why MS is changing its Update Policies.
- OK. Thanks.
I tried it several ways. through IE. after restart and with nothing open and win update serv not running also. No idea why it didnt want use it. I could only use the early version of the updater not the first requested one on that page.
Sorry i was trying to run out the door and get in that last reply. If you need me to try anything else to help you confirm anything, please let me know. I did have that not fully install version of c++ 2015 on there which had a driver needed for the install of yours. Its a common .dll problem I see when starting games after a fresh install in the past because my D drive, which is my gaming drive stays intact so it doesn't reinstall the games and I forget and run them before getting direct x and other common installs on. I forget the .dll but if I had to take guess on memory alone, I would say its msvcp140.dll

32002369 is on my PC now but I never installed the "inconvenience" update. It wouldn't run so I just downloaded the batch minus a few the old fashion way. I have it stored in with SP1 with my backup drivers and stuff but it never ran during when it was supposed to in the guide.


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