Windows 7 Crashing


New member
Dec 12, 2014
My monitor is going black and the output is unresponsive. I'm not even getting a Blue Screen

i7 920
Gigabyte X58-UD3R
Intel 180GB SSD
Seagate 1TB x 2 HDD

When trying to look up the minidump it reports a driver error but doesn't specify which driver so I can't quite figure out what the problem is
An expected clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor in an
MP system within the allocated interval. This indicates that the specified
processor is hung and not processing interrupts.
Arg1: 0000000000000019, Clock interrupt time out interval in nominal clock ticks.
Arg2: 0000000000000000, 0.
Arg3: fffff88002f64180, The PRCB address of the hung processor.
Arg4: 0000000000000002, 0.

Debugging Details:






ANALYSIS_VERSION: 6.3.9600.17298 (debuggers(dbg).141024-1500) amd64fre



I'm not even getting a Blue Screen

You are.

We need a kernel dump (C:\Windows and named MEMORY.DMP) to debug this bug check. Once you've found it, upload it 3rd party (Onedrive for example) and then paste the link here.




This indicates that an expected clock interrupt on a secondary processor, in a multi-processor system, was not received within the allocated interval.

0: kd> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
fffff800`00b9bf98 fffff800`02adea4a nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff800`00b9bfa0 fffff800`02a916f7 nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x4e3e
fffff800`00b9c030 fffff800`03001895 nt!KeUpdateSystemTime+0x377
fffff800`00b9c130 fffff800`02a84113 hal!HalpHpetClockInterrupt+0x8d
fffff800`00b9c160 fffff800`02a6ec60 nt!KiInterruptDispatchNoLock+0x163
fffff800`00b9c2f0 fffff800`02a7cf2f nt!KxWaitForSpinLockAndAcquire+0x20
fffff800`00b9c320 fffff800`02a8345f nt!KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel+0x6f
fffff800`00b9c370 fffff880`04828901 nt!KeSynchronizeExecution+0x2f
fffff800`00b9c3b0 fffff880`0f1220e4 dxgkrnl!DpSynchronizeExecution+0xd5
fffff800`00b9c3f0 fffff880`0f19db64 nvlddmkm+0x630e4
fffff800`00b9c490 fffff880`0f19da36 nvlddmkm+0xdeb64
fffff800`00b9c540 fffff800`02a9285c nvlddmkm+0xdea36
fffff800`00b9c570 fffff800`02a926f6 nt!KiProcessTimerDpcTable+0x6c
fffff800`00b9c5e0 fffff800`02a925de nt!KiProcessExpiredTimerList+0xc6
fffff800`00b9cc30 fffff800`02a923c7 nt!KiTimerExpiration+0x1be
fffff800`00b9ccd0 fffff800`02a7f8ca nt!KiRetireDpcList+0x277
fffff800`00b9cd80 00000000`00000000 nt!KiIdleLoop+0x5a

2: kd> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
fffff880`02f93730 fffff800`02a8f84a nt!KiInsertTimerTable+0x103
fffff880`02f93790 fffff800`02a9269d nt!KiTimerWaitTest+0x15a
fffff880`02f93810 fffff800`02a925de nt!KiProcessExpiredTimerList+0x6d
fffff880`02f93e60 fffff800`02a923c7 nt!KiTimerExpiration+0x1be
fffff880`02f93f00 fffff800`02a8ad15 nt!KiRetireDpcList+0x277
fffff880`02f93fb0 fffff800`02a8ab2c nt!KxRetireDpcList+0x5
fffff880`0287fbe0 fffff800`02ad2b53 nt!KiDispatchInterruptContinue
fffff880`0287fc10 fffff800`02a92fb8 nt!KiDpcInterruptBypass+0x13
fffff880`0287fc20 000007fe`fa38840f nt!KiSecondaryClockInterrupt+0x1a8
00000000`0228f800 00000000`00000000 0x000007fe`fa38840f

2: kd> ~3
3: kd> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
fffff880`02ffd1b8 fffff800`03004245 hal!HalpPciReadMmConfigUlong+0x7
fffff880`02ffd1c0 fffff800`03004b32 hal!HalpPCIPerformConfigAccess+0x55
fffff880`02ffd1f0 fffff800`0300402c hal!HalpPciAccessMmConfigSpace+0x196
fffff880`02ffd240 fffff800`03003e06 hal!HalpPCIConfig+0x9c
fffff880`02ffd2b0 fffff800`03003986 hal!HalpReadPCIConfig+0x5e
fffff880`02ffd2f0 fffff800`03004c12 hal!HalpGetPCIData+0x8e
fffff880`02ffd3c0 fffff880`0f294b10 hal!HalGetBusDataByOffset+0x86
fffff880`02ffd4b0 fffff880`0f2cf2a9 nvlddmkm+0x1d5b10
fffff880`02ffd500 fffff880`0f2600cf nvlddmkm+0x2102a9
fffff880`02ffd560 fffff880`0f3a65e6 nvlddmkm+0x1a10cf
fffff880`02ffd5d0 fffff880`0f2da565 nvlddmkm+0x2e75e6
fffff880`02ffd600 fffff880`0f2da433 nvlddmkm+0x21b565
fffff880`02ffd660 fffff880`0f2dadae nvlddmkm+0x21b433
fffff880`02ffd6a0 fffff880`0f2d4f2e nvlddmkm+0x21bdae
fffff880`02ffd710 fffff880`0f2d6030 nvlddmkm+0x215f2e
fffff880`02ffd780 fffff880`0f455ff6 nvlddmkm+0x217030
fffff880`02ffd7b0 fffff880`0f264894 nvlddmkm+0x396ff6
fffff880`02ffd7f0 fffff880`0f25c651 nvlddmkm+0x1a5894
fffff880`02ffd900 fffff880`0f1b98ab nvlddmkm+0x19d651
fffff880`02ffd930 fffff880`0f1b9937 nvlddmkm+0xfa8ab
fffff880`02ffd9c0 fffff880`0f19339d nvlddmkm+0xfa937
fffff880`02ffd9f0 fffff880`0f1f3b32 nvlddmkm+0xd439d
fffff880`02ffda20 fffff800`02a83819 nvlddmkm+0x134b32
fffff880`02ffdab0 fffff800`02a835f8 nt!KiScanInterruptObjectList+0x69
fffff880`02ffdb00 fffff880`045aa9c2 nt!KiChainedDispatch+0x128
fffff880`02ffdc98 fffff800`02a90709 intelppm!C1Halt+0x2
fffff880`02ffdca0 fffff800`02a7f89c nt!PoIdle+0x52a
fffff880`02ffdd80 00000000`00000000 nt!KiIdleLoop+0x2c

6: kd> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
fffff880`09681640 fffff800`02abc3cd nt!KxFlushEntireTb+0xb7
fffff880`09681680 fffff800`02ae09b0 nt!KeFlushTb+0x119
fffff880`09681700 fffff800`02a9489d nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0xada2
fffff880`09681740 fffff800`02a85cee nt!MmAccessFault+0xa7d
fffff880`096818a0 fffff800`02d68d04 nt!KiPageFault+0x16e
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswSnx.sys
fffff880`09681a30 fffff880`0409db68 nt!NtQueryObject+0xa4
fffff880`09681b40 fffff800`02a86e53 aswSnx+0x2cb68
fffff880`09681bb0 00000000`774a13ba nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13
00000000`0017db38 00000000`00000000 0x774a13ba

Okay, basically the processor that was the inevitable cause of the bug check was #2. It was not the "actual" cause though. On processor #2, we seem to be retiring a deferred procedure call list, and then inserting a timer table. We hang there because if we swing to processor #6, avast! calls the NtQueryObject function to retrieve object information. We however hit a pagefault and need to flush the TB. This is a multi-processor job, so all processors need to help. Half of your processors are asleep, and the others (such as #'s 1 & 2) are dealing with nVidia stuff. #1 is specifically doing HAL stuff with the nVidia video driver.

If we get a trapframe from the first processor:

0: kd> .trap fffff800`00b9c160
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=0000000000000002 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000001
rdx=fffff8800f19dcd8 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff80002a6ec60 rsp=fffff80000b9c2f0 rbp=0000000000000002
 r8=fffff80000b9c4d0  r9=0000000000000000 r10=fffff8800f19dcd8
r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz na po nc
fffff800`02a6ec60 488b0f          mov     rcx,qword ptr [rdi] ds:00000000`00000000=????????????????

0: kd> u @rip
fffff800`02a6ec60 488b0f          mov     rcx,qword ptr [rdi]
fffff800`02a6ec63 4885c9          test    rcx,rcx
fffff800`02a6ec66 75e8            jne     nt!KxWaitForSpinLockAndAcquire+0x10 ([COLOR=#0000cd]fffff800`02a6ec50[/COLOR])
[COLOR=#008000]fffff800`02a6ec68[/COLOR] f0480fba2f00    lock bts qword ptr [rdi],0
fffff800`02a6ec6e 72e0            jb      nt!KxWaitForSpinLockAndAcquire+0x10 (fffff800`02a6ec50)
fffff800`02a6ec70 8bc3            mov     eax,ebx
fffff800`02a6ec72 488b5c2430      mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+30h]
fffff800`02a6ec77 4883c420        add     rsp,20h

0: kd> u fffff800`02a6ec50 fffff800`02a6ec68
fffff800`02a6ec50 ffc3            inc     ebx
fffff800`02a6ec52 851d70072500    test    dword ptr [nt!HvlLongSpinCountMask (fffff800`02cbf3c8)],ebx
fffff800`02a6ec58 0f848f4dffff    je      nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x5de0 (fffff800`02a639ed)
fffff800`02a6ec5e f390            [COLOR=#ff0000]pause[/COLOR]
fffff800`02a6ec60 488b0f          mov     rcx,qword ptr [rdi]
fffff800`02a6ec63 4885c9          test    rcx,rcx
fffff800`02a6ec66 75e8            jne     nt!KxWaitForSpinLockAndAcquire+0x10 (fffff800`02a6ec50)
fffff800`02a6ec68 f0480fba2f00    lock bts qword ptr [rdi],0

KxWaitForSpinLockAndAcquire - It appears at the time of the bug check, the thread was executing a pause (a CPU delay), and doing this in a loop waiting for a release. This was done as I mentioned above because we were stuck trying to flush the TB due to avast!'s screwup and also trying to do nVidia work.

1. Remove and replace avast! with Microsoft Security Essentials:

avast! removal - Avast Uninstall Utility | Download aswClear for Avast Removal

MSE - Microsoft Security Essentials - Microsoft Windows

2. While we're at it, ensure you have the latest video card drivers. If you are already on the latest video card drivers, uninstall and install a version or a few versions behind the latest to ensure it's not a latest driver only issue. If you have already experimented with the latest video card driver and many previous versions, please give the beta driver for your card a try.


Re-enable HT, it's not your issue.

Either you have a bum CPU (as with most 101's) or your video card is bad/bad drivers. Do you have integrated video to rule out the video card + its drivers? If so, uninstall your video card drivers, shut down, remove video card, and then enable integrated video.



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