Windows 10 VHLK problem


Sysnative Staff, BSOD Kernel Dump Senior Analyst
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
I have this question for you. Anyone tried to mess with all this Hardware Lab Kit? I downloaded the WHLK from Microsoft and installed it as a virtual machine on Hyper-V. The system on this machine is configured, on the test system (in my case Windows 10 on my home PC) I have HLK Studio installed, but still I cannot install HLK Client. I do it exactly as described on the MSDN website - Step 2 Install Client on the test system(s), but after typing the command, it continues and nothing happens
Yes. Hyper-V in Windows Defender firewall is checked both private and public profile
So something else occurred to me. Or maybe the problem is that after installing this WHLK on Hyper-V, Windows Server 2019 is installed instead of Windows Server 2016, on which you cannot install HLK Controller?
Okay, I managed to fix the problem by doing something as simple and trivial as ... getting into the virtual machine's network folder where the files I was looking for were already there. Unfortunately, despite the installation of HLK Client, HLK Studio still displays an error message on Windows 10. Someone managed to embrace this environment to work on Windows 10 or does it only work on Windows Server (although it should also be on 10)? Do I need the Enterprise edition for this or will it work on Pro?
I am attaching a log file with HLK errors, maybe it will be useful to someone. Unfortunately, the message is in Polish, so you will have to translate it into English - HLK.evtx
I think I know what the problem could be. On the virtual machine where I have HLK Controller I cannot install the HLK client (an error message is displayed then). Do you think it's for that?
Oh, it's all clear. You had to copy one file from the virtual machine to the computer (specifically Connect.xml), run HLK Studio in the virtual machine and start the tests from there. Then the host (i.e. the computer) restarts and creates a new account called DTMLLUAdminUser with the password Testpassword,1 and when the computer is started, the system logs in to this account by default and, interestingly, only on that account HLK Studio starts. Now my problem is that I can't connect to the HLK Controller that I have in the virtual machine, so I need help with the network configuration so that my computer (host) connects to the virtual machine on which I have the HLK Controller

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