Windows 10 upgrade with november update 1511 setuphost.exe crash


Dec 27, 2015
I am new on this forum and not sure if i post it in the right location.
I am running Windows 10, 10240, initial official release. all was working fine and was upgraded originally from windows 7 Home premium with no issues. However can not upgrade to the November update, neither to the insiders previews (both rings).
I have done all procedures existing in the web for over a month. tried to install the upgrade maybe over 200 times but always SetupHost.exe stop working. After running minitools to read the event logs, it says it is on a office section related to msvcrt.dll,
SFC, DISM all run with no errors, unistalled all Antivirus,spywares, C++ redistributable and reinstalled, all windows update are installed except the one for DVD player which reinstall everytime. Troubleshooter fix Windows Update issues but when i run it again it fix it again over and over again.
Name a solution existing in the web and i have done it.

this is the error

Description: Faulting application name: SetupHost.exe, version: 10.0.10586.0, time stamp: 0x5632d59e
Faulting module name: msvcrt.dll, version: 7.0.10240.16384, time stamp: 0x559f3b84
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000073bde
Faulting process id: 0x6ec
Faulting application start time: 0xSetupHost.exe0
Faulting application path: SetupHost.exe1
Faulting module path: SetupHost.exe2
Report Id: SetupHost.exe3
Faulting package full name: SetupHost.exe4
Faulting package-relative application ID: SetupHost.exe5

Microsoft Office Sessions:

Error: (12/27/2015 10:53:46 PM) (Source: Application Error)(User: )
Description: SetupHost.exe10.0.10586.05632d59emsvcrt.dll7.0.10240.16384559f3b84c00000050000000000073bde6ec01d14130951c9b82C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupHost.exeC:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dlla337e77b-6422-4c5f-a2cc-2428e7cde7ca

any idea? I dont want to do a clean install, I have many program already personalized for many years.


I imagine you've already tried it . . . but just in case it's one you haven't tried yet: One strategy is to use the Media Creation Tool, but instead of selecting the iso method, choose "Upgrade this PC now" ... it basically goes through the entire Windows 10 installation, but uses the files from 1511.

Might want to make a backup system image before trying this one, though. Control Panel - File History - System Image Backup (in the lower-left-hand corner of the screen)

Curious problem. What version of Office?
Hello OlGrayGary
Yes, i tried that too ending with the same error. My office is 2010 Pro, however i completely uninstalled it and almost any other program i have, again setuphost crashed with the same errors line as posted above. I dont understand why if i uninstalled the office the error keep showing in the office section of the log.
i went back to a previous restore point where the office was installed because i need it for my work. I noticed when I run the setup in compatibility mode with windows 7, the setuphost look like it is progressing because i show another screen with 3 option on how to replace the files during the upgrade. Unfortunately the first option where i can keep all my programs and files is grayed. It only let me to chose the second option to keep my files and delete all programs and third option for a complete clean install deleting everything. I dont want any of those.
The MSVCRT.dll version is from version 10240, I think if it can be replaced by an older version might work, not sure if it is safe to do that.
Hello OldGrayGary
here a little more information after several installations retries and reboots. Also killed all process as possible using the MSVCRT.DLL using the taskkill /pid option.

this is the remaining list of the process still running.
Image Name PID Modules
========================= ======== ============================================
sihost.exe 1176 msvcrt.dll
taskhostw.exe 1196 msvcrt.dll
SPMgr.exe 3384 msvcrt.dll
explorer.exe 1480 msvcrt.dll
ShellExperienceHost.exe 5464 msvcrt.dll
SearchUI.exe 5580 msvcrt.dll
RuntimeBroker.exe 5592 msvcrt.dll
RAVBg64.exe 5800 msvcrt.dll
egui.exe 4452 msvcrt.dll
svchost.exe 2992 msvcrt.dll
TOTALCMD64.EXE 4532 msvcrt.dll
explorer.exe 7340 msvcrt.dll
cmd.exe 4412 msvcrt.dll
conhost.exe 7684 msvcrt.dll
tasklist.exe 7656 msvcrt.dll

Also attached is the last 10 event logs from minitools.



Hmm... I'll have to take a look around later on. It can't be a universal error, since I've two laptops running Windows 10 with the latest builds (one with the latest "Insider" build, which should go public in a few months) - and both laptops have Office 2010 on them, with no issues so far....

Remember when we used to install troublesome updates in Safe Mode in older versions of Windows? I don't think that it would work for 10, but heck, I'll see what's up on TechNet...
Quick note ... seems like the msvcrt file version swap worked for a Win 8.1 upgrade, by copying in the Win 7 version of the file and retrying the update. It's a stretch, but using an 8.1 version might possibly get the 1151 to finish. [I haven't yet looked on TechNet yet ... ]
Hello OldGrayGary
Thanks for the suggestion, do you have a reliable copy of MSVCRT.DLL from windows 8.1? i am afraid to download one from the web. I have an ISO file but can not find it in there. I have another computer with windows 7 and will give it a try to that version as well.
I will let you know.

Hello OldGrayGary
I tried with the windows 7 version ending with the same error. I did the replacement from a recovery USB boot drive using the DOS command, however windows didnt start, keep on a rebooting cycle, So I replaced the MSVCRT.DLL using the explorer but looks like the DLL is not actually reloaded unless windows boot. I have not tried with the windows 8.1 yet.

I see from the log file from the windows installation, Panther, errors on other files. maybe they are related to the installation failure. I Also attached the latest minitools report.
Do you know any reliable utility to scan windows problems similar to TweackingTools? I ran that already fixed some issues but not enough.


Hi again .... I didn't have any luck browsing for info over at TechNet ... at least, not much different than what you've already tried. Some of the cures, as usual, are as much or more work than you'd have trying the clean install. I've seen a few folks that were lucky with your general problem, and had successful fixes - but I didn't see anyone whose error mentioned Office 2010 files as yours does. Some of the fixes for others I imagine you've already seen: trying the reinstall over again, but removing all peripherals except keyboard & mouse, removing any SD cards in any reader slots (since they are easy to forget they are even there, especially on laptops) ... etc. etc.

It's possible that the techs on the Windows Update subforum might have tactics that can help. One of the techs there just posted a reply there - maybe they can get you past this particular hurdle. I confess that I usually would have done a clean install after more than two or three attempts [partly because I like the opportunity to set everything up again ... gives me a chance to try different settings & such] ...

Hope somethings works soon! Best of luck,
. . . Gary
Hello Gary
Thanks for your help. What is frustrating is the amount of users having this issue with the new windows and Microsoft is doing nothing to help. Installing from clean is very simple but i refuse to give up that easy. Also, i will have to install windows 7 first and then upgrade to 10 and reinstall and configure so many things...
Thanks again, hope someone find fix.
Hi again

Wish I had been able to find a quick solution. But the good new is: you don't have to reinstall Windows 7 first. You can clean install using an .iso from the Media Creation Tool, and enter your Windows 7 product key during installation. If you make a system image backup first, you can always go back ... just in case for whatever reason your hardware is still suffering a conflict with the 1511 version.

A lot of the driver issues that were so prominent in the first months of Windows 10 have been clearing up lately ... at least they weren't as bad as the driver issues that Windows Vista had at its launch.

Hope it all works out!
Hello Gary
Thanks for the suggestions. I made a clone on another drive to test and did a Reset Windows and then update to 1511 with no issues. My point was not to install and reconfigure all my programs again, etc and also I would like to know the reason of the initial problem just from a professional point of view. I will wait few more days and to the same process with my main drive in no solution are found. I always make a clone disk as backup before installing new operating systems.
Thanks for your help.
Glad to hear that the reset tactic worked for your clone test. It makes sense, since it uninstalls all the programs & drivers. It's a lot like a clean install, except that you don't have to backup & then restore other data (docs, pics, music, etc.). I'll keep checking back here & over on the Windows Update post, because I'm as curious as you are to see if a non-reset, non-clean-install fix is found.

The good part of your clone experiment = it tells you that at least there's not an incompatibility with your hardware (since the 1511 update went through after the reset). Doesn't it make it seem more like a driver issue? All through the early betas, and even into some of the early public release builds of Windows 10, some manufacturers really seemed to drag their feet providing usable drivers. Synaptics touchpad drivers were so bad for a while - they'd make their machines nearly unusable. Some of the networking drivers won't very good at first either.

I'll stay on the lookout . . .
I believe it has to be related to a driver issue because i also uninstalled almost all the programs and no change on the error. It is a shame that Microsoft has no solution for this considering the big amount of client with this problem. Finally I decided to do a reset on my main drive. I am now reinstalling all the programs. the upgrade to 1511 went fine.
Thanks for your concern and help, as well as to the other tech OLDGRAYGARY for his time.

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