Windows 10 update fails with are my only hope!


New member
Jul 10, 2021

I have been fighting to get windows to update from build 18363 to for some time and it continues to fail with the same error: "0xC1900101-0x20017 The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT operation". I feel like I have tried everything short of a clean install, but since a lot of my search results for an answer have led me to these forums I thought I would give a shot posting here. Hopefully, you can find what I am missing!

Some quick notes:
  • Windows tells me it has a new version to install in Windows Update, notifications, and start menu
  • When I reboot to install, it seems like nothing happens and it boots to same version and state as before
    • Windows update history in settings does not show any attempts or failures
  • I downloaded the MS media creation tool and created a USB stick and ran updates from there
  • When I do this the installation makes it to 87%, then reboots, but boots to the same old version and displays an error dialog that update failed with message above
  • I have tried removing a lot of drivers, but maybe there is still a problematic one?
  • I have tried Microsoft's instructions for removing windows update files and resetting registry entries
  • Weirdly, the "update and restart" state in the start menu persists even when I clean all the windows update files
  • I have read through a lot of the windows logs like setupapi, etc. and can't find any specific errors about update aborting
  • I followed the guide for this site and have successfully ran sfc scan, dism scan, and sfc fix tool with no errors, and still no success
Attached are CBS logs as requested. I really don't want to do a clean install :( Any other ideas I can try?



As you will know some of our helpers have increased workloads professionally, and this has resulted in a slower response time for Windows Update threads.

I am checking to see if you still need help with this thread. If so please respond and this will bring your thread to our attention again. Thank you for your patience.
Yes, I still need help. I have been unable to apply the update still as described in my earlier post.
Here are contents of SetupDiagResults.log:
Matching Profile found: FindRollbackFailure - 3A43C9B5-05B3-4F7C-A955-88F991BB5A48
SetupDiag version: 1.6.2107.27002
System Information:
Machine Name = TERRADACTYL
Manufacturer = System manufacturer
Model = System Product Name
HostOSArchitecture = x64
FirmwareType = UEFI
BiosReleaseDate = 20180122000000.000000+000
BiosVendor = 3803
BiosVersion = 3803
HostOSVersion = 10.0.18363
HostOSBuildString = 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202
TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.19041.900 (vb_release_svc_prod3.210311-1736)
HostOSLanguageId =
HostOSEdition = Professional
RegisteredAV = Windows Defender
FilterDrivers = FileInfo
UpgradeStartTime = 2021-07-09 3:19:42 PM
UpgradeEndTime = 2021-07-09 4:07:58 PM
UpgradeElapsedTime = 00:48:16
CV =
ReportId =

Error: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found.
Last Phase = Finalize
Last Operation = Remove System Restore checkpoints
Error = 0xC1900101-0x20017

Refer to "System Error Codes - Win32 apps" for error information.

Last Setup Phase:
Phase Name: Finalize
Phase Started: 2021-07-09 4:07:41 PM
Phase Ended: 2021-07-09 4:07:50 PM
Phase Time Delta: 00:00:09
Completed Successfully? True

Last Setup Operation:
Operation Name: Remove System Restore checkpoints
Operation Started: 2021-07-09 4:07:49 PM
Operation Ended: 2021-07-09 4:07:50 PM
Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:01.0000000
Completed Successfully? True
Did you remove all attached devices like printers and scanners, all usb devices apart from keyboard and mouse, and remove any drives that are not essential such as data drives or backup drives?

Also have you moved any system files to another drive - this can sometimes be the case if you have a small SSD for the OS and have transferred the special folders like users, documents, pictures, videos, music etc. to another drive?

Have you checked whether there is a BIOS update for your system before upgrading? In order for me to explore your system in more detail please run the log collector which we use for BSOD analysis and post the zip file created:

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 + Vista

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