Windows 10 - unable to install Windows Features such as Hyper-v or .Net Framework 3.5 due to - 0x80073701


New member
Mar 20, 2019
Good day all,

Sorry if I posted in the wrong section. New to the forum.

I am struggling at work trying to install either the Hyper-V or .Net Framework 3.5 using multiple ways ie: Turn Windows Features On or Off, only to receive the following error: "Error Code: 0x80073701 - The Referenced assembly could not be found"

I opened a Microsoft Case and so far no luck with a resolution.

I have tried multiple things such as SFC /Scannnow, DISM /Componentstore, /RestoreHealth, etc.

Some of our machines at work are fine, others for unknown reasons are receiving this error.

Any ideas or suggestions, willing to look at logs if i can grab them?

Much appreciated!

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