Windows 10 - Steam Game Freezes, Discord Audio Out Stops Working


New member
Mar 22, 2024
So intermittently while playing games in Steam with Discord open, I have had my games freeze momentarily, or completely. After this occurs my friends can no longer hear my in Discord until I hang up and rejoin the call. All the while I can hear them.

I have a Nvidia GeForce 1080 TI. Drivers are up to date, version 551.86 (NOTE: I updated my drivers after the last crash, and haven't had time to see if that fixed it yet)

My CPU is old, its a i5-4690k 3.5GHz. Not overclocking it or anything.

I have 16 GB of RAM. I ran MDSCHED to check it and it was reported as having no issues.

I checked my SSD health using WMIC "diskdrive get status", and it returned a status of OK.

I also wanted to walkthrough the last incident. My voice cut out about an hour into me and two friends playing games. I didn't notice any freezing on my end, just suddenly my friends couldn't hear me. I left the call and rejoined and that fixed the issue.

About an hour later, while trying to play Helldivers 2, my friend and I were not doing anything intensive, just viewing the different missions from the HUB. Suddenly my game freezes, I talk to my friend in the Discord call and tell him that my game froze. He heard me say this and responds in the Discord call. About ten seconds later I then say "I can't even open the Task Manager" but he doesn't respond. I message him on my phone and he says he can't hear me, but I can still hear him talk on Discord. So he was still able to hear me immediately after the freeze, but ~10 seconds later he couldn't hear me anymore.

I was unable to get out of the frozen game, and ended up having to force shutdown my computer through the power button.

Anyone have any ideas what my issue is? Or any other troubleshooting ideas?
How do I fix Steam freezing?

To fix this problem, you'll need to clear the Steam download cache.
  1. Launch Steam and go to Steam > Settings on the menu bar.
  2. In the Settings window, click the Downloads tab.
  3. Locate the Clear Download Cache section and click Clear Cache.
  4. Click Confirm to confirm and wait for Steam to clear the cache.
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