
Windows Update Moderator, Security Analyst
Staff member
Dec 20, 2013

This is the computer that belongs to my Father and we want to add an SSD and also upgrade to Windows 10

One of the firts releases of Windows 10 was installed some years ago by upgrading from Windows 7 and receive a key from Microsoft, at that time it worked just fine but we reverted because he use some old professional applications that didn't work on Windows 10. Now my Father is retired and no longer need those applications...
  • A brief description of your problem (but you can also include the steps you tried)
    BSD occurs with KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED and the Windows Event Viewer show bug check 0x0000001E
  • System Manufacturer? OEM
  • Laptop or Desktop? Desktop
  • OS ? Windows 10 Pro
  • x64
  • What was original installed OS on system? Windows 7 Pro x64
  • Is the OS an OEM version (came pre-installed on system) or full retail version (YOU purchased it from retailer)? OEM
  • Age of system? (hardware) 10 years
  • Age of OS installation? Fresh install
  • Have you re-installed the OS? Yes fresh install of Windows 10 21H01 on a SSD
  • CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
  • RAM (brand, EXACT model, what slots are you using?) 3x 2GB Kingstone KVR1333D3N9/2G slots 1,2,3
  • Video Card - Asus Radeon HD 5450
  • MotherBoard - Foxconn H67M-V
  • Power Supply - brand & wattage Unknown brand 500W
  • Is driver verifier enabled or disabled? disabled
  • What security software are you using? Windows Defender included on Windows 10
  • Are you using proxy, vpn, ipfilters or similar software? No
  • Are you using Disk Image tools? (like daemon tools, alcohol 52% or 120%, virtual CloneDrive, roxio software) No
  • Are you currently under/overclocking? Are there overclocking software installed on your system? No
Current BIOS version is A48F1016 22/11/2010 I'm trying to find a newer version but the Foxconn website is gone and I can't flash using some downloads I found on 3rd party websites not sure if the problem is because its the wrong update or there is special procedure to upgrade the BIOS!

Please let me know if there is any clue on the dumps about the component that makes Windows 10 crash! Windows 7 works just fine just slow because its installed on a HDD and Windows 10 is on the SSD (installed with the HDD physically disconnected).

Let me know if more details are needed and thanks for any other suggestions besides replacing the machine!


Does the machine crash while exiting hibernation or sleep? It seems that the system isn't able to rebuild the IOMMU table for some reason.

Rich (BB code):
0: kd> knL
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 ffff8f04`1dfb8418 fffff801`0a8dbc06 nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 ffff8f04`1dfb8420 fffff801`0ada5e4e nt!IvtUpdateGlobalCommand+0xa6 << Crash here!
02 ffff8f04`1dfb8470 fffff801`0ada28bc nt!IvtInitializeIommu+0x17e
03 ffff8f04`1dfb8570 fffff801`0ad9164d nt!HalpIommuInitializeAll+0xbe78
04 ffff8f04`1dfb8610 fffff801`0ad914ad nt!HalpInterruptReinitialize+0x75
05 ffff8f04`1dfb8670 fffff801`0a782f0b nt!HalpAcpiPostSleep+0x121
06 ffff8f04`1dfb8720 fffff801`0ad8f5b0 nt!HaliAcpiSleep+0x2db
07 ffff8f04`1dfb87b0 fffff801`0ad8f316 nt!PopHandleNextState+0x1f0
08 ffff8f04`1dfb8800 fffff801`0ad8f011 nt!PopIssueNextState+0x1a
09 ffff8f04`1dfb8830 fffff801`0ad91c99 nt!PopInvokeSystemStateHandler+0x2b9
0a ffff8f04`1dfb8a30 fffff801`0ad8c98a nt!PopEndMirroring+0x1e9
0b ffff8f04`1dfb8af0 fffff801`0ad8c675 nt!MmDuplicateMemory+0x2be
0c ffff8f04`1dfb8b80 fffff801`0a717e85 nt!PopTransitionToSleep+0x135
0d ffff8f04`1dfb8c10 fffff801`0a7fd498 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
0e ffff8f04`1dfb8c60 00000000`00000000 nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x28

Rich (BB code):
fffff801`0a8dbbac b901000000      mov     ecx,1
fffff801`0a8dbbb1 e84ac8d9ff      call    nt!KeStallExecutionProcessor (fffff801`0a678400)
fffff801`0a8dbbb6 81fda0860100    cmp     ebp,186A0h
fffff801`0a8dbbbc 742c            je      nt!IvtUpdateGlobalCommand+0x8a (fffff801`0a8dbbea)  Branch

Throws the bugcheck exception shown:

Rich (BB code):
fffff801`0a8dbbea 8bc7            mov     eax,edi
fffff801`0a8dbbec 4c8bc6          mov     r8,rsi
fffff801`0a8dbbef 448bcb          mov     r9d,ebx
fffff801`0a8dbbf2 ba00050000      mov     edx,500h
fffff801`0a8dbbf7 b95c000000      mov     ecx,5Ch
fffff801`0a8dbbfc 4889442420      mov     qword ptr [rsp+20h],rax
fffff801`0a8dbc01 e83aa2f1ff      call    nt!KeBugCheckEx (fffff801`0a7f5e40)

All of the Stop 0x1E bugchecks are related to a divide by zero error. This is usually caused by some kind of hardware fault; considering the other bugcheck which was a Stop 0x5C, then I'm strongly inclined to suggest that the fault lies with the BIOS.

Rich (BB code):
6: kd> !error ffffffffc0000094
Error code: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000094 (3221225620) - {EXCEPTION}  Integer division by zero.

I'll see if I can find some more information about the Stop 0x5C.

No hibernation or sleep, I was accessing the web to download and install Adobe Reader for example when it happened.
Bugchecks were 5C and 1E.

Turning off hibernation turns off both hibernation and Windows fast startup.
Please turn off hibernation during the troubleshooting.
Later hibernation may be restarted but turn off Windows fast startup.

If possible, please use English as the default language so that files can be scanned > post new Sysnative log collector results

Consider installing a driver for:
Controlador de comunicações simples PCI    PCI\VEN_5372&DEV_6872&SUBSYS_00121000&REV_01\5&1A97C951&0&0800E2    The drivers for this device are not installed.

19/06/2021  17:25    <DIR>          KERNEL~1     Kernel_1e_a0139d7cd70a3331ac9a5cb8d782181f9c815d_00000000_cab_28ffe6ef-50bb-42ec-aea8-72673b576a29
19/06/2021  17:49    <DIR>          KERNEL~2     Kernel_1e_39623ff1ed2cc822319764293efd96689df61c7_00000000_cab_80e90ca4-3e8b-41d5-ad60-6675b20516dd
19/06/2021  17:55    <DIR>          KERNEL~3     Kernel_1e_724f43a5770b0d199325e3294d8ab1689485627_00000000_cab_4bbfc98b-1c53-45e0-a194-7a9e5d6a4501
19/06/2021  18:03    <DIR>          KERNEL~4     Kernel_1e_c13fb3625dcd7d631d7c84bac592c17d664b9e91_00000000_cab_e78a3d78-08d7-4ee2-8485-8210ee047bcb
19/06/2021  22:23    <DIR>          KE58E5~1     Kernel_1e_e9a963fff1b798436bb27ee83fc2a17d58dafdf4_00000000_cab_2b7aa76f-7239-4d3e-87ff-3416a7481634
20/06/2021  13:33    <DIR>          KECCEC~1     Kernel_5c_eabbf4238859d76de11fee7a8f6224b1d28a1ff7_00000000_cab_c500ffe9-a151-4c5e-b383-dbfef3476f1b

Error code: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000094 (3221225620) - {EXCEPTION}  Integer division by zero.

0xc0000411 (3221226513) - The system has failed to hibernate (The error code is %hs). Hibernation will be disabled until the system is restarted.

Error code: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000001 (3221225473) - {Operation Failed}  The requested operation was unsuccessful.

  Log Name: System
  Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Boot
  Date: 2021-06-20T13:33:06.7330000Z
  Event ID: 29
  Task: N/A
  Level: Erro
  Opcode: Info
  Keyword: N/A
  User: S-1-5-18
  Computer: DESKTOP-JF4B65K
Falha do Windows no arranque rápido com o estado de erro 0xC0000001.

  Log Name: System
  Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Boot
  Date: 2021-06-19T22:12:44.7260000Z
  Event ID: 29
  Task: N/A
  Level: Erro
  Opcode: Info
  Keyword: N/A
  User: S-1-5-18
  Computer: DESKTOP-JF4B65K
Falha do Windows no arranque rápido com o estado de erro 0xC0000411.
Hi Zbook,

Thanks for the suggestions.

Sorry but the system is in Portuguese and must stay like that because my Father don't understand English.

The PCI card isn't important it was installed to have an LPT port that is no longer in use so I will remove it.

I think I found a new version of the BIOS for this motherboard but I can only try to upgrade next Friday because I'm away, I will post updated information over the weekend.

Edit: I will disable Hibernation for sure because it's not needed. Didn't do it because this is a Windows 10 fresh install without any extra configuration.
If possible, please use English as the default language so that files can be scanned > post new Sysnative log collector results
I've mentioned this previously, but could you please not suggest that users change their language settings? For many users, English isn't their first language and we need to respect that.

Problem resolved after updating the BIOS to the latest version I could found.

Thanks for all the suggestions (y)
Thank you for informing us, I thought it might have been an issue with the BIOS. I'll mark the thread as solved for you.

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