[SOLVED] windows 10 bsod when browsing cnn


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Bsod error code lends its self to a driver issue but according to the error could be a RAM or SSD issue in some cases. I updated all drivers firmware and bois on the device. Device is still blue screening. sysnative bsod colletion program would not run on laptop. attached are the minidump files. sfc and disk check came back clean. According to the user, the BSOD most commonly occurs when browsing CNN, and I have verified this. First blue screen occured after bitlocker was enabled on drive.

windows 10
laptop is a month old.
OS reinstalled with wds image.
First blue screen occured after bitlocker was enabled on drive.
no dedicated GPU
hp probook 650 g3

Any advice?


Hello the tool your referring to does not run on the laptop. I dont know why it does not run. But windows 10 says that it can not run the app.
Strange, it does run on my pc which has Windows 10. Could you make a screenshot of the error and post it.
I know this is an image off google, but it is the exact error im getting and the laptop does not have an internet connection at the moment so this is the best I can do.
Could you try sharing it again, I don't see anything (no url or image).

EDIT: just noticed the new post.
Although it should run under normal circumstances, could you right click on the tool, select Troubleshoot Compatibility and choose Try recommended settings.
Please do the following

  • Open an admin command prompt
  • Copy & paste the code below in the command prompt
  • Go to your desktop
  • Right click CollectedFiles folder and choose sent to and select compressed (zipped) folder
  • Upload the zip.

md "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles"&wmic /output:"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\hotfix.txt" qfe list full /format:table&copy %SystemRoot%\minidump\*.dmp "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles"&dxdiag /t %temp%\dxdiag.txt&copy %temp%\dxdiag.txt "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\dxdiag.txt"&type %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts >> "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\hosts.txt"&systeminfo > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\systeminfo.tmp"&findstr /v "Owner." "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\systeminfo.tmp" > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\systeminfo.txt"&del "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\systeminfo.tmp"&driverquery /v > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\drivers.txt"&msinfo32 /nfo "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\msinfo32.nfo"&wevtutil qe System /f:text > "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\eventlog.txt"&reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\uninstall.txt"&reg export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CollectedFiles\installed.txt"
Im ready to mark this one as solved. Since uninstalling avast the bsod has gone away and the computer is now stable.
Good news! :thumbsup2:

If you'd like, you could reinstall Avast to see if the problem re-occurs and if so report it to the developers so they can permanently fix it.

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