Hello, I am having issues with my laptop upgrading Windows 10 Professional 64-bit version 1709 to 1803. While routine monthly Windows 10 updates work fine, I have been unable to get 1803 to apply despite multiple tries. I found some threads in this forum through searches where you were able to help them resolve it, and was hoping you can help me identify what exactly the problem is. I see messages in the update’s log files at the time of the error, but I have no idea what they mean.
I tried using the Update Assistant and then creating a USB thumb drive with the Media Creation Tool, and neither succeeded. However, using the ISO at least gave me an error message when it rolled back.
So when I run the ISO, the main update process starts and runs normally at first. Windows then restarts, and you get the “Working on Updates” screen. When it reaches 30%, it reboots. That’s when I expect the special main section of the Feature Update to start. As soon as Windows tries to start, you get a BSOD as shown in the photo attached that says “STOP CODE: REFERENCE_BY_POINTER”. If you manually try and reboot, Windows tries again, and you either get the BSOD again, or the computer just freezes totally. After a few reboot attempts, Windows reverts the update and goes back to running 1709. When you log in, you get the error screen attached with the code: 0xc1900101 - 0x30017.
The reboot occurred at 2:05 pm. In the log files I see various messages at 14:05, but I have no idea what they mean. I found two other threads on this forum with similar issues:
Following the ideas in one of them, I uninstalled Veracrypt. (I use it with thumb drives, not on any internal drive.) I have no other encryption program installed. I also turned off the special caching driver my SSD manufacturer (Crucial) provides to speed up my SSD hard disk. (When you turn that off, it says the driver is removed.) It made no difference. I have seen posts online where people spend days trying to sort this out with trial-and-error driver uninstalls, etc. I don’t have time for that, so I am hoping you guys can give me some specific direction.
I wrote down the time when various steps in the update happened:
Started ISO at 1:48 pm
Main prep phase at 1:49 pm
Restart 2:05 pm. Quickly get to 30%, reboot again.
BSOD 2:05 pm
I tried using the Update Assistant and then creating a USB thumb drive with the Media Creation Tool, and neither succeeded. However, using the ISO at least gave me an error message when it rolled back.
So when I run the ISO, the main update process starts and runs normally at first. Windows then restarts, and you get the “Working on Updates” screen. When it reaches 30%, it reboots. That’s when I expect the special main section of the Feature Update to start. As soon as Windows tries to start, you get a BSOD as shown in the photo attached that says “STOP CODE: REFERENCE_BY_POINTER”. If you manually try and reboot, Windows tries again, and you either get the BSOD again, or the computer just freezes totally. After a few reboot attempts, Windows reverts the update and goes back to running 1709. When you log in, you get the error screen attached with the code: 0xc1900101 - 0x30017.
The reboot occurred at 2:05 pm. In the log files I see various messages at 14:05, but I have no idea what they mean. I found two other threads on this forum with similar issues:
Following the ideas in one of them, I uninstalled Veracrypt. (I use it with thumb drives, not on any internal drive.) I have no other encryption program installed. I also turned off the special caching driver my SSD manufacturer (Crucial) provides to speed up my SSD hard disk. (When you turn that off, it says the driver is removed.) It made no difference. I have seen posts online where people spend days trying to sort this out with trial-and-error driver uninstalls, etc. I don’t have time for that, so I am hoping you guys can give me some specific direction.
I wrote down the time when various steps in the update happened:
Started ISO at 1:48 pm
Main prep phase at 1:49 pm
Restart 2:05 pm. Quickly get to 30%, reboot again.
BSOD 2:05 pm