Windows 10 – The First 24 Hours


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
It has been an incredible 24 hours for Windows and our fans. We’re humbled and grateful to see the response to Windows 10. We have seen unprecedented demand for Windows 10, with reviews and customer feedback overwhelmingly positive around the globe. We are doing everything we can to upgrade the world to Windows 10 as quickly as possible over the coming days and weeks ahead.

From Sydney to Nairobi to London to New York City, yesterday we celebrated with fans all over the world. We had so much fun seeing your appreciation for Windows 10, we thought we’d share a few of our favorite photos.

We also love seeing the response to #UpgradeYourWorld. Thank you for sharing what you’re doing to #UpgradeYourWorld. Many have already voted for organizations to be our 10th global non-profit partner by tagging their favorite organization and using #vote and #UpgradeYourWorld on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Keep it coming! This is a year-long initiative and we want to do great things – together – all over the world.
Windows 10 – The First 24 Hours | Blogging Windows

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