BTW. . .
There is nothing to set up; no need to download symbol packages.
The MSDL SYM site will populate the local cache; hence the reason I use a:\symbols in the MSDL SYM path in Windbg -
BSOS scripts use - $_symbols PARMS file -
When running the BSOD scripts (uses local SYM cache), if I see missing symbols for Microsoft OS drivers, I simply kill the script execution, then 2x-click on a few of the dumps, which then runs Windbg and populates the local SYM cache with the missing symbols. Then re-run the BSOD scripts.
That is required MAX 1x/month - after Windows Updates blows through and only if Microsoft OS drivers are updated.
To set up Windbg as the default for *.?dmp files -
Bring up an elevated Admin CMD/DOS prompt; type:
Change path accordingly
Then you should see something like:
The above is how I do things; others... differently!
BTW. . .
Also... I had issues setting up a local symbols cache the last few times, so I used the MS symbol cache...
There is nothing to set up; no need to download symbol packages.
The MSDL SYM site will populate the local cache; hence the reason I use a:\symbols in the MSDL SYM path in Windbg -
[font=lucida console]SRV*[h31]a:\symbols[/h31]*[/font]
BSOS scripts use - $_symbols PARMS file -
[font=lucida console]a:\symbols[/font]
When running the BSOD scripts (uses local SYM cache), if I see missing symbols for Microsoft OS drivers, I simply kill the script execution, then 2x-click on a few of the dumps, which then runs Windbg and populates the local SYM cache with the missing symbols. Then re-run the BSOD scripts.
That is required MAX 1x/month - after Windows Updates blows through and only if Microsoft OS drivers are updated.
To set up Windbg as the default for *.?dmp files -
Bring up an elevated Admin CMD/DOS prompt; type:
[FONT=Lucida Console]
cd /d [h32]C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)[/h32]
windbg.exe -IA
Then you should see something like:
[FONT=Lucida Console]
WinDbg successfully registered file assocations
for .DMP, .HDMP, .MDMP, .KDMP and .WEW.
The above is how I do things; others... differently!