Good day to all! My name is Kelvin and I am experiencing difficulty with upgrading to IE 11. I have seen a lot of circulation around this subject, which has been useful information, but nothing exact to my situation. Let me explain. I am use Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit, presently on IE 8, but trying to upgrade to IE 11. I have seen literature surrounding leaving the dialog box open, which I have and did the two commands of :
dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\temp\IE1CF18.tmp\ /quiet /norestart
dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\temp\IE1CF18.tmp\ /quiet /norestart
But according to the log:
00:00.124: Started: 2017/09/11 (Y/M/D) 01:22:18.577 (local)
00:00.187: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.280: Command line: "C:\Users\AFAM\Downloads\IE11-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe"
00:00.405: INFO: Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 11.0.9600.16428
00:00.624: INFO: Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.19104
00:00.858: INFO: Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 11.0.9600.0...
00:00.936: INFO: ...and
00:01.092: INFO: Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:01.216: INFO: iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:01.279: INFO: Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1)
00:01.310: INFO: Trying to extract ID: SetupDownloadList.txt (0) as "SetupDownloadList.txt"
00:01.388: INFO: Trying to extract ID: HardwareBlockingList.xml (0) as "HardwareBlockingList.xml"
00:01.466: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as ""
00:03.681: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 5501 (1033) as "Spelling_en.msu"
00:03.806: INFO: Extracted Spelling dictionary for en to C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\Spelling_en.msu.
00:03.837: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 5502 (1033) as "Hyphenation_en.msu"
00:03.915: INFO: Extracted Hyphenation dictionary for en to C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\Hyphenation_en.msu.
00:03.946: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 6128 (1033) as ""
00:05.616: INFO: PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:08.221: INFO: Updated Download list, Hardware Blocking list, and no reboot policy files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:09.422: INFO: Launched program to check hardware: "C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\IE11-SUPPORT\IEXPLORE.EXE" /CheckHardware "C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\IE11-support\HardwareBlockingList.xml"
00:10.186: INFO: Graphics Device Information: AMD Radeon™ HD 6520G
00:10.233: INFO: Hardware support check succeeded. Installation will continue.
00:10.249: INFO: Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:10.280: INFO: Service pack major: 1
00:10.311: INFO: Service pack minor: 0
00:10.358: INFO: Service pack name: Service Pack 1
00:10.374: INFO: Version Check for (KB2834140) of C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll: 6.2.9200.16570 >= 6.2.9200.16570 (True)
00:10.436: INFO: Version Check for (KB2670838) of C:\Windows\System32\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll: 6.2.9200.16492 >= 6.2.9200.16426 (True)
00:10.483: INFO: Version Check for (KB2639308) of C:\Windows\System32\Ntoskrnl.exe: 6.1.7601.23864 >= 6.1.7601.21863 (True)
00:10.530: INFO: Version Check for (KB2533623) of C:\Windows\System32\api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll: 6.1.7601.23775 >= 6.1.7601.21728 (True)
00:10.561: INFO: Version Check for (KB2731771) of C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe: 6.1.7601.23775 >= 6.1.7601.22045 (True)
00:10.592: INFO: Checking for correct version of C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeui.ttf.
00:10.639: INFO: Version Check for (KB2786081) of C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe: 6.1.7601.18010 >= 6.1.7601.18010 (True)
00:10.748: INFO: Version Check for (KB2888049) of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tcpip.sys: 6.1.7601.23821 >= 6.1.7601.22444 (True)
00:10.842: INFO: Version Check for (KB2882822) of C:\Windows\System32\tdh.dll: 6.1.7601.18939 >= 6.1.7601.18247 (True)
00:34.881: INFO: Waiting for 0 prerequisite downloads.
00:37.705: INFO: The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:37.752: INFO: Waiting for 0 language pack downloads.
00:37.799: INFO: Language pack downloads completed. (exit code = 0xffffffff (4294967295)).
00:37.939: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x022414a8 returned 0x00000000.
00:38.984: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000000.
00:39.015: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000014.
00:39.047: INFO: Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\
00:39.125: INFO: Launched package installation: C:\Windows\System32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\ /quiet /norestart
02:08.700: INFO: Process exit code 0x00003712 (14098) [The component store has been corrupted. ]
02:08.856: ERROR: Neutral package installation failed (exit code = 0x00003712 (14098)).
02:08.934: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x00009c59 returned 0x00000000.
02:09.012: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000000.
02:09.387: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000016.
02:09.418: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete.
02:09.465: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:14.519: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:19.605: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:24.784: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:29.854: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:35.018: INFO: PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
The component store is corrupted. See the SUR log: Can anyone help solve this one error, please. Thanks. Be Blessed
Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.22471
Package Version 26.0
2017-09-11 00:36
Checking Windows Servicing Packages
Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs
Checking Package Watchlist
Checking Component Watchlist
Checking Packages
Checking Component Store
(f) CSI Missing Winning Component Key 0x00000000 x86_microsoft.vc80.atl_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d1cb102c435421de
Seconds executed: 888
Found 1 errors
CSI Missing Winning Component Key Total count: 1
dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\temp\IE1CF18.tmp\ /quiet /norestart
dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\temp\IE1CF18.tmp\ /quiet /norestart
But according to the log:
00:00.124: Started: 2017/09/11 (Y/M/D) 01:22:18.577 (local)
00:00.187: Time Format in this log: MM:ss.mmm (minutes:seconds.milliseconds)
00:00.280: Command line: "C:\Users\AFAM\Downloads\IE11-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe"
00:00.405: INFO: Setup installer for Internet Explorer: 11.0.9600.16428
00:00.624: INFO: Previous version of Internet Explorer: 8.0.7601.19104
00:00.858: INFO: Checking if iexplore.exe's current version is between 11.0.9600.0...
00:00.936: INFO: ...and
00:01.092: INFO: Maximum version on which to run IEAK branding is:
00:01.216: INFO: iexplore.exe version check success. Install can proceed.
00:01.279: INFO: Operating System: Windows Workstation: 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1)
00:01.310: INFO: Trying to extract ID: SetupDownloadList.txt (0) as "SetupDownloadList.txt"
00:01.388: INFO: Trying to extract ID: HardwareBlockingList.xml (0) as "HardwareBlockingList.xml"
00:01.466: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 6006 (0) as ""
00:03.681: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 5501 (1033) as "Spelling_en.msu"
00:03.806: INFO: Extracted Spelling dictionary for en to C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\Spelling_en.msu.
00:03.837: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 5502 (1033) as "Hyphenation_en.msu"
00:03.915: INFO: Extracted Hyphenation dictionary for en to C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\Hyphenation_en.msu.
00:03.946: INFO: Trying to extract ID: 6128 (1033) as ""
00:05.616: INFO: PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully paused Automatic Updates.
00:08.221: INFO: Updated Download list, Hardware Blocking list, and no reboot policy files successfully downloaded and extracted for use.
00:09.422: INFO: Launched program to check hardware: "C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\IE11-SUPPORT\IEXPLORE.EXE" /CheckHardware "C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\IE11-support\HardwareBlockingList.xml"
00:10.186: INFO: Graphics Device Information: AMD Radeon™ HD 6520G
00:10.233: INFO: Hardware support check succeeded. Installation will continue.
00:10.249: INFO: Windows 7 operating system detected.
00:10.280: INFO: Service pack major: 1
00:10.311: INFO: Service pack minor: 0
00:10.358: INFO: Service pack name: Service Pack 1
00:10.374: INFO: Version Check for (KB2834140) of C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll: 6.2.9200.16570 >= 6.2.9200.16570 (True)
00:10.436: INFO: Version Check for (KB2670838) of C:\Windows\System32\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll: 6.2.9200.16492 >= 6.2.9200.16426 (True)
00:10.483: INFO: Version Check for (KB2639308) of C:\Windows\System32\Ntoskrnl.exe: 6.1.7601.23864 >= 6.1.7601.21863 (True)
00:10.530: INFO: Version Check for (KB2533623) of C:\Windows\System32\api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll: 6.1.7601.23775 >= 6.1.7601.21728 (True)
00:10.561: INFO: Version Check for (KB2731771) of C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe: 6.1.7601.23775 >= 6.1.7601.22045 (True)
00:10.592: INFO: Checking for correct version of C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeui.ttf.
00:10.639: INFO: Version Check for (KB2786081) of C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe: 6.1.7601.18010 >= 6.1.7601.18010 (True)
00:10.748: INFO: Version Check for (KB2888049) of C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tcpip.sys: 6.1.7601.23821 >= 6.1.7601.22444 (True)
00:10.842: INFO: Version Check for (KB2882822) of C:\Windows\System32\tdh.dll: 6.1.7601.18939 >= 6.1.7601.18247 (True)
00:34.881: INFO: Waiting for 0 prerequisite downloads.
00:37.705: INFO: The neutral pack was successfully downloaded from the internet. Installation will continue using the downloaded package.
00:37.752: INFO: Waiting for 0 language pack downloads.
00:37.799: INFO: Language pack downloads completed. (exit code = 0xffffffff (4294967295)).
00:37.939: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStart(0), lParam=0x022414a8 returned 0x00000000.
00:38.984: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiScan(1), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000000.
00:39.015: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStartInstall(4), lParam=0x00000001 returned 0x00000014.
00:39.047: INFO: Installing with the downloaded package. C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\
00:39.125: INFO: Launched package installation: C:\Windows\System32\dism.exe /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\Windows\TEMP\IE1771.tmp\ /quiet /norestart
02:08.700: INFO: Process exit code 0x00003712 (14098) [The component store has been corrupted. ]
02:08.856: ERROR: Neutral package installation failed (exit code = 0x00003712 (14098)).
02:08.934: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiInstallDone(7), lParam=0x00009c59 returned 0x00000000.
02:09.012: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiStartFinish(11), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000000.
02:09.387: INFO: No reboot logic message NrApiFinish(12), lParam=0x00000000 returned 0x00000016.
02:09.418: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete.
02:09.465: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:14.519: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:19.605: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:24.784: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:29.854: INFO: Waiting for Active Setup to complete. ({89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383})
02:35.018: INFO: PauseOrResumeAUThread: Successfully resumed Automatic Updates.
The component store is corrupted. See the SUR log: Can anyone help solve this one error, please. Thanks. Be Blessed
Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.22471
Package Version 26.0
2017-09-11 00:36
Checking Windows Servicing Packages
Checking Package Manifests and Catalogs
Checking Package Watchlist
Checking Component Watchlist
Checking Packages
Checking Component Store
(f) CSI Missing Winning Component Key 0x00000000 x86_microsoft.vc80.atl_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d1cb102c435421de
Seconds executed: 888
Found 1 errors
CSI Missing Winning Component Key Total count: 1
Last edited by a moderator: