[Win7SP1Pro x64] KB4019264 update failed: WU Error 80070002. Avast issue ?


May 17, 2017
Resolution efforts to date, all with no joy, are:

1. downloaded offline installer for KB4019264, booted to safe mode, ran offline installer KB4019264
2. ran wu troubleshooter
2. ran KB949104 reinstall wu agent
3. ran KB947821 run readiness tool
4. ran sfc /scannow
5. rad checkdsk c: /r

I have uploadded/attached my "sfcfix.txt file" to this posting, but so far unable to upload the compressed "cbs.zip" file, as unable to download "sfcfixscript.txt" file from the location provided within the posting instructions message (See https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...cript.txt?dl=1 )

Please advise alternative location or means by which I can download the "sfcfixscript.txt" file so that I can then upload my large compressed "cbs.zip" file, which takes up about 125MB. Thanks:>


Re: Win7ProSP1 64bit - KB4019264 update failed (Error Code 80070002) - Avast issue ??

Attached is CheckSUR.log for the machine.


Re: Win7Pro SP1 64bit - KB4019264 update failed (Error Code 80070002)

Below is an updated copy of the sfcfix.exe output showing no corruptions detected; and attached is an updated copy of the "checksur.log". In order to get to that point I:

1. ran the avastclear.exe cleanup utility 1X for each of the original 8 orphaned "avast" directories within the "c:\windows\sxs" directory. While am not sure, there seems a good chance that this process deleted old "avast" items in the registry;
2. took ownership of the "c:\windows\sxs" directory including child objects, and gave myself full permissions;
3. deleted each of original 8 orphaned "avast" directories, as well as any files in the manifest directory with "avast" within the name;
4. recreated the "nt service\trustedinstaller" account for the "c:\windows\sxs" and child directories, and gave ownership back to the "trusted installer" account;
5. fixed a "version" error in the registry based on directions from a 2011 posting by "theholycow" ( See http://https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-system/windows-modules-installer-error126/2a45788d-c1e5-4b62-a5b1-2410cbcbf813[/URL] ;
6. ran the MS system update readiness utility again, with no apparent errors identified;
7. ran sfc /scannow, with no apparent errors identified; and
8. ran sfcfix (see output pasted in below), with no apparent errors identified.
As it seemed like my luck had held, I ran the KB5019264 update again from a 64-bit version downloaded from the MS Catalog site. End result, no joy as the update failed. So helpful input on how to diagnose and resolve the continuing Windows Update failure much appreciated.

BTW, the steps taken above were consistent with an old saying to the effect that, if I have to pick between lucky and smart, I'll pick lucky every time :>

TIA for any helpful diagnosis / fix tips or directions!

SFCFix version by niemiro.
Start time: 2017-05-20 15:47:08.645
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - amd64
Not using a script file.

SUMMARY: No corruptions were detected.
AutoAnalysis:: directive completed successfully.

Successfully processed all directives.
SFCFix version by niemiro has completed.
Currently storing 0 datablocks.
Finish time: 2017-05-20 15:51:17.955


Re: [Win7SP1Pro x64] KB4019264 update failed: WU Error 0x800F081F

Attached is a set of screen shots (doc file) from WU troubleshooting that indicate WU Error not fixed is "0x800F081F (2017-05-02-T-08_48_40A)".

At this point, that's the only error that I'm seeing, other than the underlying problem, being that WU for May 2017 roll-up (for Win7 SP1 64-bit) continues to fail:<

Helpful tips, diagnosis and fix input much appreciated.



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