[SOLVED] [Win7Pro x64] Windows update error


New member
Apr 25, 2017

I been trying to get my windows update to work but i keep getting the following error 80073712. After researching a bit i found the system update readiness tool, however i don't know how to fix some of the things in my log. I have attach the checksur.log file.



Hi and welcome to Sysnative. Sorry for the delay. Do you still need assistance? So we are meeting expectations I also wanted to let you know that I will be on vacation until May 10th. There are other helpers that may pick up the this thread but if they don't you can expect a response on the 10th or 11th at the latest.

Please let me know however if you still need assistance and I'll check back in at that time.

Thank you.
Hello Brian,

I have fixed the issue using an inplace upgrade.

Thanks for getting back to me. Enjoy your vacation.

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