Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"


Jun 12, 2016
Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"


I am hoping I can find a solution to this matter below by tapping into the experts in this community.
I have tried and read a lot of stuff within the restrictions of a busy professional and family life and have got now to the end.
I have no more ideas of what to try and hopefully someone here can throw me a life saver.
(I apologize if this post is a bit too long, please provide feedback on this too, thank you)


A Win7Pro SP1 32bit laptop with a 2 year old 240 GB SSD had been working quite well until May 15 when 2x Windows updates were installed (KB3153199 and KB3156013) and shutdown did not happen normally.
Now it will not let me log on to the system. With every boot it brings up a "Failure configuring updates, reverting changes" screen, followed 3 hours later by a "shutting down" screen that never completes the job.
It's a infinite/endless loop.

History of events / what I have done / observations

After that update session, when I went to shut down, it did not do so as gracefully as usual. The system brought up a message with words to the effect of "X program still needs to close" and asking if I wanted to force-close it, which I did.

The system then attempted to shut down, and from there on this is what happened (I will put in bullet point form in an attempt to be clear and concise):
  • It went into 'shutting down' screen or "configuring updates, etc". I honestly don't remember which, but it stayed there for about 1 hour at which point I force-shut via power button.
  • Upon turning on it brought up boot options screen that states 'the computer shut down incorrectly' (or something like that) and the options of choosing different safe modes or booting normally.
  • Booting normally brought up a screen "Preparing/configuring desktop" and lingered there for a while, then "Failure to configure updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off"... and it stayed there again for an awfully long time.
  • So then another force-shut via power button and then I tried to boot into safe mode. That came up with a screen also saying "Failure to configure updates" and would not move past that.
  • After that I tried several times to get into all the 3x safe mode options and they would all present the "Failure configuring..." screen. I would always force-shut via power button.
  • Then I thought to let it go for as long as it would take and see if it was just an issue of letting it complete the 'reverting' process.
  • So I booted normally (no safe mode), the "Failure configuring... " came up again and this time I let it go to see what would happen. I left it overnight and by the morning it said "Shutting down".
  • I left it in "shutting down" mode for just over 2 days (about 50 hours) as I had left for a trip.
  • On my return it still said "shutting down" and so I turned it off via power button again. I assumed this meant it would never really turn off so something else had to be tried
  • I then proceeded to use a recovery-repair-diagnostic DVD that I created when it was bought. It is a Fujitsu proprietary recovery thing.
  • I ran the disk's diagnostics for HDD, RAM, etc and results were all fine.
  • I ran the boot fix diagnostics and that also didn't find any problems. (Interestingly, there is no option to access a cmd prompt as I would have run chkdsk and sfc)
  • Then I went for a restore previous configuration and... surprise! NO restore points found!!. BIG disappointment here as I know for a fact that I had created some. How did they get wiped out?
  • (I eventually ran the antivirus on that disk when I pulled it out for testing. Admittedly I used MS Security Essentials, but all fine... I can run something more powerful if people believe that may help)
  • In the end I only had the option of wiping out the disk and recover from the recovery partition and return everything to factory install, which would be my last resort so I didn't do that.
Unfortunately I did not have a backup/clone of the disk from which I could restore a copy. I do so for the desktop computer, but not for this laptop which is my daughter's (another lesson learnt).
After this I pulled out the SSD, hooked it up to my desktop computer, 1) cloned all SSD partitions to another drive and 2) ran chkdsk on it. The latter did not find any errors.
I tried running SFC /scannow in offline mode and that did not work. It came up with some error message that I can't remember.

More attempts to log into the system and able to, but with limitations

After this I have tried many times to get into the system using Safe Mode and the only thing that has worked is this sequence of attempts:
  • I boot into 'Safe Mode with Command Prompt'
  • It gives me the "Failure configuring..." and I let it be until the "shutting down" screen. This takes 3 hours (I have it timed now).
  • Then I have to leave it in this "shutting down" mode for another 2-3 hours before I force-close via power button.
  • Then I leave it off for about 30 seconds, boot again and select 'Safe Mode with command prompt' and then it presents me a logon screen (it took me so many days to find this out!)
  • I log in as administrator and proceeded to try different things:
    • The first thing was to do a sfc /scannow and that went ahead well and no problems detected.
    • A chkdsk did not proceed. It actually froze my cmd prompt and I had to kill it by opening the task manager using ctrl + alt + del. I then opened another cmd prompt
    • I tried to uninstall the KB updates using wusa command but that was met with some error.
    • I 'investigoogled' for a solution to this and changed some registry setting to enable uninstalling in safe mode. I also started the Trustedinstaller.exe service as part of the solution
    • Then the wusa uninstall seemed to get started, the windows update standalone installer came up "Do you want to uninstall.... KB... bla bla",
    • Clicking 'yes' then brought up a progress bar window with the message "uninstalling" and nothing would happen, it would just not do anything. I left this for a day and then I killed the process.
  • I came across mention of the SFCFix utility, I downloaded to the desktop, copied to usb pendrive and took it across to run it on the laptop
  • After running, the SUMMARY of results listed 0 counts of corruption and no fixes required/done. Also "No corruptions have been detected on this computer"
  • I also ran MicrosoftFixit50123, which went ahead fine, but after still can't uninstall KB updates
  • I ran WindowsUpdateDiagnostic and that comes up with "An error occured while troubleshooting" and the error details states
    • Package ID and Path 'unknown'
    • Error code: 0x80300113

Other attempts

I have tried other things, like getting rid of some files from WinSxS folder, also from FolderDistribution (actually copying them elsewhere), but to no avail.
I have returned files to their original folders after restarting and seeing that things have not changed and having to go again through the arduous process to log back in.

I have got to the end of the line now and don't know what else to try.
I don't want to turn it off because it will then take ages to go through all the process of getting back into safe mode with cmd prompt, so it's been on for almost a week now.
I haven't done anything in regards to the CBS folder.
I have checked other threads for update/boot problems here on sysnative but have failed to see a pathway to try for my problem (maybe my brain's fried).

I am looking at the prospect of a factory restore now if nothing else can be tried (at least I have that, but it is the 2nd worst solution, the 1st being not having anything at all to fall back to)
I am feeling actually worse for my daughter as she will loose her installed programs and stuff that will take a lot of effort to put back and will not quite be the same :-|
But I am not throwing the towel as long as there is stuff to try out.

If anyone here can help me out I will be very grateful for this.

Thank you for your assistance.
Re: Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"

Hello and Welcome!

Does System Restore show any available restore points when in Safe Mode?
Re: Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"

Hi, thanks

No restore points appeared, which was so disappointing as something happened to them, they disappeared, got deleted and I don't know how. I made several myself, so it was not just when windows did regular updates that they got done.
Anyway, they were lost, but after spending many, many more hours trying different things I am happy to report now being able to boot and log back into the regular user accounts! The endless loop is gone! :smile9:

The system seems to be working well, but 2 things:
  1. I'd like to check it thoroughly as it seems fine, but it's not 100%: the bluetooth is now not recognized (Device Manger shows exclamation mark) and the scrolling circular pad next to the trackpad is not working
  2. I'd like to list all the extra things I did in the hopes that this may assist others that may be pulling their hair in desperation confronting the same problem I had.

I will list point 2. here and in a separate post I will refer to point 1 seeking additional assistance.

2. Other steps taken that got rid of the endless loop cycle

  • After my 1st post I kept on looking at Sysnative posts and other posts on the internet and I tried the following below (some of it logged into safe mode and for some I had to pull the drive out and put in my desktop to access files):
  • I disabled all non-MS services in msconfig
  • I changed registry keys with instructions I found on youtube video to make the computer shut down quick (this was in an attempt to get rid of the eternal "shutting down" screen that would never finish)
  • Renamed Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder so that the OS would need to recreate SoftwareDistribution again
  • Tried to install the SURT tool, but got error 0x8007000d
  • Tried Dism /online /cleanup-image /RevertPendingActions and did not proceed as message said only possible for offline mode. I then tried in offline mode from my desktop (Win7Pro 64) but that didn't work either.
  • I went into services.msc and:
    • changed Windows Update from 'Automatic' to 'Disabled'
    • changed Windows Modules Installer from 'Automatic' to 'Disabled'
  • I tried to apply fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\ but that just hung there and I eventually killed that process (like chkdsk would do). However, it did work when I tried it from my desktop computer as attached external drive
  • Got into Windows\System32\SMI\Store\Machine and delted *.blf and *.regtrans-ms files. I could not delete all online, I had to connect as attached external drive to my desktop and then I could delete the rest of the files.
  • In the same way I deleted all the files in \Windows\System32\config\TxR
  • I then shutdown the laptop and it stayed on the "Shutting down" screen overnight and in the morning I force closed via power button as I had been doing so far
  • Then I pulled the drive out and put as external drive to my desktop machine and did the following:
    • Ran chkdsk and all good.
    • I also ran sfc /verifyonly /offbootdir=o:\ /offwindir=o:\windows, but that reported 'Windows resource protection could not start the repair service'
    • However, I had already run sfc /scannow online from cmd prompt and that went ahead fine, so I was ok about this
    • Also applied the fsutil resource setautoreset true o:\ I mentioned above and good: 'The operation completed successfully'
    • Got rid of the files in the folders I mentioned above that could not be deleted while I was logged into the OS
    • I was also going to delete pending.xml and cleanup.xlm found in folder Windows\WinSxS, but I realised that I had previously delete those files already

At this point I decided to put the SSD back into the laptop and try to boot and see what happened:

  • I did one other thing: I booted into BIOS menu and changed the boot devices list to 1) cd/DVD, 2) SSD, 3) USB hdd and 4) USB memory (no presence of network drive or floppy drive)
  • Then I got to the boot screen where I selected this time 'Safe mode with networking' and it got me into the logon users screen!
  • I looked around and under Windows Updates there was no list, as if nothing had ever been updated: "No Updates Installed"
  • I noticed that the system was still slow when right clicking files to check properties with context menu (about 30sec-2 min delay). This was happening before anyway, nothing new.
  • I then decided to shut down and for the first time in 6 weeks it turned off!
  • Then I attempted to boot normally and it got me to the users logon screens, but it took a while to show the screen after MS logo boot screen (similar delay to righ-click context menu)
  • Then, for the first time also in 6 weeks, I logged back into my user profile.

Now that I was logged in normally I did this other stuff:
  • I installed MSFixit. The program created a restore point and seemed to install fine
  • I tried to run the windows update troublshooter file I downloaded from links to MS website, but that didn't work. Came back with error
  • I then went into services.msc and changed the following 'Disabled' services to 'Manual' and I also started the services:
    • Windows Module Installer
    • Windows installer
    • Windows updates
  • Tried to run again Windows update diagnostic, but 'Unexpected error occured' error code = 0x80300113
  • The SURT tool also ended in erorr - 'Installer encountered an error 0x8007000d - The data is invalid'
  • So then I went to Control Panel - Windows Updates and it showed a red cross which I clicked and it started "searching for updates"
  • It took over 30min to complete and I thought that the process was hung, but it then listed many updates, one of which was the SURT tool
  • I also ran sfc /scannow and all good there. No problems
  • Also ran chkdsk once more. All good.
  • Then I ran SFCfix and this time the program communicated with the sysnative servers and took a long time going over stages 1 to 6.
  • In the end it did not detect any corruptions of CBS and SFC, but it did detect 2 corruptions of SURT and could not repair. Asked to seek advice from sysnative.
  • After windows update list was presented, I proceeded to update only the SURT file and it went ahead fine and installed fine.
  • I noticed that whilst it was the same KB number as the SURT tool I downloaded manually, it was a lot smaller in size (156 MB vs 228 MB)
  • Afer the SURT tool was downloaded and installed, I re-ran SFCfix and this time 1) it did not go through stages 1 to 6 and 2) did not detect any corruptions at all this time.
  • I then decided to reboot the computer and it booted fine, back into the users logon screen, but stil with the abnormal delay I mentioned above between MS logo screen and actual users logon screen
  • Upon logging in I ran the Troubleshooter found under 'Control panel' 'Troubleshooting', 'Fix problems with Windows Update' and it went on "Detecting problems"---"Checking for updates online..."
  • The "Checking for updates online ran succesfully" and then presented a windows to allow for restarting computer.
  • I restarted and it briefly showed screens with "configuring... 30%", both at shutdown and then booting into OS
  • Logged back in (same annoying delay still to get from MS Logo to users logon screen)
  • Now I went to windows update and saw 1x important update and 8x optional. The important was a Fujitsu one and I installed that one only.
  • Then I went into msconfig and renabled all the non-MS services that I had disabled (all of them). I rebooted the machine.

Finally, where I stand now:
  • The maching now boots normally, there is no delay from MS logo boot screen to the users logon screen. The delay of the right-click context menu is gone.
  • It seems very normal now.
  • After some more checks I decided to install an optional update for the Nvida GPU and only that one.
  • The other optional updates I hid (including Win10 upgrade) as there are about Remote Desktop use that is not relevant to this laptop.
  • After rebooting a few times and playing more with it, I finshed by making a partition clone of the system! --> Lesson learnt :wink11a:

I now there's been a bit of redundancy on my part, repeating steps and trying many things, but at least this gives the big picture and hopefully it can help others experiencing the same problem.

Great to have an avenue where we can discuss these things and help each other.

Thank you for your assistance.
Re: Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"

If you've read my previous post, you know that fortunately I seem to have now a functional machine again.

I will refer to point #1 in that post for additional assistance:

1. Thorough checking

  • Would you be so kind to provide guidance as to what I can use for additional diagnostics/checks to make sure that there is no crap bogging the system down and whatever needs to be configured properly is done?
    • I am thinking of applying ccleaner to clean the registry (will make backup of registry before, as well as restore point)
    • Anything else to "clean" unwanted stuff?
  • In regards to the bluetooth, Device Manger shows 3x items "Bluetooth Peripheral Device" with the exclamation mark. When I try to update the driver and it searching Windows Updates, it doesn't find anything
  • I have all the drivers anyway. For the bluetooth there is an executable that has all the relevant files, but after running it, reinstalling those files and rebooting, the issue persists.
    • Maybe hardware failure? (don't know what else to do)

Thank you
Re: Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"

Thanks for taking the time to list the troubleshooting steps you followed and great job getting the machine to work!

Registry cleaners don't really help system performance or fix any real problems, so you can skip that if you would like.
For cleanup, CCleaner should do an excellent job of removing temporary files and clutter, you can also use the built in Windows disk cleanup utility to remove temporary files for Windows Update and other such items.

Delete files using Disk Cleanup - Windows Help

For the bluetooth devices, what error code is displayed? Is there a description of the problem that appears in the device properties?
Re: Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"

For the bluetooth devices, what error code is displayed? Is there a description of the problem that appears in the device properties?

Actually, this has been solved as well now, but I put the info below in case it may be helpful

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When you bring up device properties it says:
  • Manufacturer: unknown
  • Location: on Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator.

Then, under 'Device Status' it says:
"The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28)
There is no driver selected for the device information set or

To find a driver for this device , click Update Driver"

I click "update driver" and then I have 2 options:
  • I select "Search automatically for updated driver software" and the computer spends some time online looking for the driver and apparently also on the laptop itself. It fails, saying that it could not find a driver
  • I select also "browse my computer for driver software"
    • I first indicate the Windows folder and its subdirectories. It also fails to find something
    • I then selected a folder that came with this laptop,which is c:\Drivers and subfolders. Also fails.
  • I have reinstalled the drivers file that came with this laptop, which is under the drivers folder and is a exe.
  • The first time I did this it actually indicated if I wanted to uninstall, as it must have detected the files and driver, etc, already installed.
  • So I uninstalled and then reinstalled, but that didn't help.
  • I have done this twice, but no change of result.
  • I have also disabled each of those 3 listed items and then uninstalled. After rebooting the items show up again.
  • Then I tried to transfer an image from this laptop to another one and that worked.
  • Then I checked under "Devices and Printers" and my smartphone appeared listed with an exclamation mark and there was a reference to bluetooth.
  • When I clicked on its properties it brought up the "Bluethooth Peripheral Device" list.
  • So I decided to delete this device and after that the issue went away!
  • I rebooted and checked Device Manager again: no more "Other devices" with reference to bluetooth.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I will continue checking things to make sure it all works fine.

Thanks again.

One more question:
This computer has first generation i5 CPU and an NVidia 310 GPU with 512 MB. It just turned 6 years old. It's still pretty good for my daughter, for her gaming needs and video/imaging/artsy applications.
Would it be useful/advisable to do the free upgrade to Win10? I only have 4GB of RAM with it at the moment and I am unsure I could upgrade it (and would it be worth it?)
Re: Win7Pro SP1 32bit - Endless loop: "Failure to configure updates / shutting down"

I would recommend upgrading any computer running Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 to Windows 10 to take advantage of the free upgrade while it is available and allow use of the new Windows store apps.
The system specs sound very good for those purposes and it should be just as responsive with Windows 10 as it is with Windows 7.

In 32-bit consumer editions of Windows 4GB is the maximum amount of RAM supported, so there is no need to add additional memory unless you choose to perform a clean install of the 64-bit edition of Windows.

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