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January-2017 Security Monthly Quality Rollup (KB3212646), 1 update failed.
The errormessage only says that: "13 were installed and 1 failed".
But how do i find out which security update failed to install ???
I´m using W7 64-bit.
Update History only lists "January-2017 Security Monthly Quality Rollup (KB3212646) update failed".
Installed Updates only lists those that were succesfully installed, not the failed....
The whole update is 142.8 MB, so there is a lot of updates, not just from the last month.
So comparing the list of succesfully installed updates against the list of avilable updates from the last month is impossible....
The genius who came up the bright idea of putting all updates into one BIG cummulative update obviously did not think about what would happen if something goes wrong...
If i know which update it was that failed, i can download that update separately and try again.
If that doesn´t work i will at least know which security-problem it should have "fixed", and if i am affected by that problem.
Any ideas ?
The errormessage only says that: "13 were installed and 1 failed".
But how do i find out which security update failed to install ???
I´m using W7 64-bit.
Update History only lists "January-2017 Security Monthly Quality Rollup (KB3212646) update failed".
Installed Updates only lists those that were succesfully installed, not the failed....
The whole update is 142.8 MB, so there is a lot of updates, not just from the last month.
So comparing the list of succesfully installed updates against the list of avilable updates from the last month is impossible....
The genius who came up the bright idea of putting all updates into one BIG cummulative update obviously did not think about what would happen if something goes wrong...
If i know which update it was that failed, i can download that update separately and try again.
If that doesn´t work i will at least know which security-problem it should have "fixed", and if i am affected by that problem.
Any ideas ?