[Win7 x64] BSoD whenever there is an extensive load caused by applications


New member
Jun 15, 2014
Hello Sysnative community,

recently(since 2014 May 26th to be precise) I have started experiencing problems related with my display/graphics card. At first it started as a "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" message(and of course a GPU crash), however as days passed on, it became a blue screen of death as well. In order to solve this problem I tried methods such as extending the TDR timer to re-installing windows 8.1 and moving on to windows 7 and doing a clean driver sweep. However, none of these software tweaks seemed to help.
Since none of the software tweaks seemed to help, I suspect that hardware is to blame, therefore I would like to know which part of my notebook is responsible for this(as it might be either faulty GPU or faulty RAM or something else even). The problem usually occurs when there is heavy load caused by applications(specifically Counter Strike: Global Offensive), however the GPU would crash as well when loading up Spotify(however, it would not go to BSoD). Also, what I have noticed is that the GPU crash happens(leading to BSoD) when I would physically move either notebook screen or the notebook itself, probably assuring that hardware is to blame. Need to know which component is causing problems, so that I could use my warranty and replace it. Thank your for your help in advance!

Please find .zip file attached below which is required for your analysis.

Also as asked I'm providing the required information for my machine:

Hardware information for notebook(laptop)
· OS: Windows 7 x64
· What was original installed OS on system?: Windows 8 x64(was upgraded to Windows 8.1 x64 later on)
· Age of system (hardware): Around 8 months(purchased at 2013 October)
· Age of OS installation - have you re-installed the OS?: It has been reinstalled a few days ago.

· CPU:
Intel i7-4700MQ
· Video Card: nVidia Gefore GTX 765M(nvidia optimus - Intel HD Graphics 4600)
· MotherBoard: Currently unable to provide information about this component(need to download additional software)

· Exact model number: Clevo W3X0ST built by UK based pcspecialist Ltd. ( Google - pcspecialist optimus v 15.6)


re: BSoD whenever there is an extensive load caused by applications - Windows 7 x64

It seems I can't edit the post anymore(or I simply can't find the edit button anymore, lol). Hence, I would like to add something - if there is anything I can do from software side, feel free to put your suggestions.

Sorry for a double post.
re: BSoD whenever there is an extensive load caused by applications - Windows 7 x64

The GPU itself is failing, the ways we can assure this is for starters you have said it happens more when the notebook moves and when it's under heavy load.

Secondly is the dump files.

BugCheck [COLOR=#ff0000]116[/COLOR], {fffffa8007553010, [COLOR=#008000]fffff8800f5d6530[/COLOR], [COLOR=#0000ff]0[/COLOR], d}

This bugcheck (as you know) indicates an attempt to reset the display driver has failed within the allocated time interval, if it responds the message appears "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" which you said.
When it doesn't respond the system bugchecks.

Now the key indication is the 3rd parameter, it's null.

What does this mean?

It's the error code for the last known failed operation, except there isn't an error code which leads me to believe its hardware given that no software failed.

5: kd> [COLOR=#008000]u fffff8800f5d6530
[COLOR=#008000]fffff880`0f5d6530[/COLOR] 48ff25d9817100  [COLOR=#ff0000]jmp[/COLOR]     qword ptr [nvlddmkm+0x867710 (fffff880`0fcee710)]
fffff880`0f5d6537 cc              int     3
fffff880`0f5d6538 e94fa2f0ff      jmp     nvlddmkm+0x5978c (fffff880`0f4e078c)
fffff880`0f5d653d cc              int     3
fffff880`0f5d653e cc              int     3
fffff880`0f5d653f cc              int     3
fffff880`0f5d6540 48ff2589817100  jmp     qword ptr [nvlddmkm+0x8676d0 (fffff880`0fcee6d0)]

fffff880`0f5d6547 cc              int     3

The failing instruction was a jump register, probably to try and reset the display.

I suggest returning the GPU if it's under warranty and getting a replacement.
re: BSoD whenever there is an extensive load caused by applications - Windows 7 x64

Alright, now I can be 100% sure that it is GPU hardware to blame. Thank you.
re: BSoD whenever there is an extensive load caused by applications - Windows 7 x64

Once changed you should have no problems anymore, any other problems let me know :)

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