[SOLVED] Win7 SP1 shutdown button continuously shows updates need installation but none instal


Active member
May 16, 2015
this is a windows 7 SP1 laptop.

yesterday, the system tray showed that an update was being downloaded.

some time later the windows update system tray icon disappeared.

Now the "shut down" button shows the icon indicating that when a shutdown happens, updates will be installed.

The computer has been shut down and/or restarted multiple times.
However, no updates are installed.
the "shut down" button STILL SHOWS that when a shutdown happens, updates are scheduled to be installed.

further, when "windows update" was checked, it showed that an updated "failed".
However, there is NO ENTRY in the list of updates showing what update number failed.

Further, I checked the system restore points. There was a restore point created yesterday and the DESCRIPTION states "windows update" with the TYPE column showing "critical update".

any ideas on how to find out what the update was and how to clear it out or re-apply the update?

Hi dualopsys :)

My name is Aura and I'll be assisting you with your issue. Follow the instructions below please.

System Update Readiness Tool (SURT) - Scan
Follow the instructions below to run a scan with the System Update Readiness Tool (SURT) and provide a log;
  • Download the right version of SURT for your system;
    • Your version of Windows is:
  • Once downloaded, execute the installer, and go throught the installation (this process can take around 15-20 minutes);
  • On completion, a log will be created in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log;
  • Attach this log in your next reply;
Alternatively, if these instructions are unclear for you, you can follow the tutorial below.

System Update Readiness Tool (SURT)
one additional note.
the day this all began was 10/1/15.

on the windows update shell, the summary shows a "failed" update occurred on 10/1/15 at 3:20 pm
as previously stated, there is no entry in the "update history" for that date.

the system restore point entry was created on 10/1/15 at 10:29 am

however, I checked the following directory:C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
there is an entry on 10/1/15 at 3:04 pm

the entry has a folder name: 2180965f12313c2c61f48bac6cf8df08
the folder has 2 files: state; windowsupdatebox.exe

this may explain the "failed" text indication show on the windows update shell.

However, it DOES NOT explain the reason that the "shut down" button continuously shows the icon that updates are scheduled to be installed on the next shutdown.
Alright, SURT didn't report anything, let's see if SFC have anything to say :) Also we might empty that Download folder.

System File Checker (SFC)
Follow the instructions below to run a SFC scan on your system and to provide the CBS log in your next reply;
  • On Windows Vista & 7, click on the Windows Start Menu, then enter cmd in the search box, right-click on the cmd icon and select
    Run as Administrator
  • On Windows 8, drag your cursor in the bottom-left corner, and right-click on the metro menu preview, then select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • On Windows 8.1, right click on the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner and select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • Enter the command below and press on Enter;
    sfc /scannow
    Note: There's a space between "sfc" and "/scannow";
  • Once the scan is complete, enter the command below and press on Enter
    copy %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log "%userprofile%\Desktop\cbs.txt"
  • A file called cbs.txt will have appeared on your Desktop. Upload the file on Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive and post the download URL for it here;
Note: Please note that the CBS.log is volatile, which means that if you don't upload it after the SFC scan is completed, it won't have the information from the scan anymore. So archive it and upload it as soon as you can.
system file checker was run...

the file size is larger than allowed to be uploaded on the forum.

a onedrive link is provided

the CBS.log file can be downloaded here:
Microsoft services
SFC didn't find anything. Follow the instructions below please.

SoftwareDistribution - Rename
Follow the instructions below to rename the folders in SoftwareDistribution.
  • On Windows Vista & 7, click on the Windows Start Menu, then enter cmd in the search box, right-click on the cmd icon and select
    Run as Administrator
  • On Windows 8, drag your cursor in the bottom-left corner, and right-click on the metro menu preview, then select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • On Windows 8.1, right click on the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner and select Command Prompt (Admin);
  • Enter the commands below one at the time (press Enter to send it);
    • net stop wuauserv
    • ren %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download DL.bak
    • ren %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore DS.bak
    • net start wuauserv
Once done, go in your Windows Update panel and click on Check for updates. If any are found, let me know how many.
some goodness happened.

the restart button no longer show the icon indicating that updates will occur during the next shut down.

after running "check for updates", the following updates are available....
1. Skype for windows desktop (kb2876229)
2. Intel Corporation display - Intel HD graphics family
3. Upgrade to windows 10

the Intel HD graphics update is NEW. the other 2 updates have been present for a while.

is it safe to delete the download.bak & datastore.bak directories?

is there any way to determine what "critical" update tied up the update system (whatever caused the restore point entry to be created)?

If you use Skype, you can install the update. To be honest, I always upgraded Skype from the program itself, never via Windows Updates. I would leave the Intel HD Graphics drivers alone, never install drivers via Windows Updates, it causes many issues. As for the Windows 10 Upgrade, you can take it whenever you want.

It's safe to delete these directories, yes. New ones have been created and they took over the old ones. And there's no way to determine that I'm afraid. We would have to restore the Download.bak and DataStore.bak folders and push our investigation further in the Registry. It's not needed as long as your issue has been solved, it should be good :)
I took a closer look at the available Intel display driver update. Per the windows update screen, this particular driver was released in 4/2011 and published on 6/23/2011.
My current installed display driver release date is 3/2014

I sure do wish Microsoft would include a few more details on these types of updates such as driver version number....
This particular display driver update needs to be hidden
You can right-click on it and select Hide update, that should do it :)
No problem dualopsys, you're welcome :)
Hi Amrtvideo :)

You can leave it be, you don't have to worry about it. Unless it actually try to install updates everytime you shutdown/restart your computer. If you want one of our Analyst to take a look at it and try to remove it, you'll need to start your own thread, and one of us will be with you shortly :)

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