[SOLVED] [Win10V1703Build15063 x64] Creators Update: Chkdsk Not Working on Reboot

Re: Win10 x64 Creators Update: Chkdsk Not Working on Reboot

Execute following command to set dirty bit for the C: partition and restart your computer.

fsutil dirty set C:
Re: Win10 x64 Creators Update: Chkdsk Not Working on Reboot

i have the same so have others also dism wont work properly Microsoft bug again
Re: Win10 x64 Creators Update: Chkdsk Not Working on Reboot

(If the hibernation is enabled) Try to disable the fast startup in Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options\System Settings.
Re: Win10 x64 Creators Update: Chkdsk Not Working on Reboot

Thanks for the adviceFreeBooter.

The command: "fsutil dirty set C:" definitely causes a chkdsk scan on C: after a reboot. I do not have hibernation enabled.

From what I can tell on the internet this "chkdsk not working on a reboot" seems to be a Microsoft bug....but I cant seem to find any Microsoft mention of it.

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