Re: Windows Requiring a forced reboot
Hi -
I would restore to default and then get rid of Tune up utilities 2014. Windows needs no help in the speed department. Speed is based on your hardware configuration.
Bring up an Admin CMD prompt and run
sfc /scannow
It will take 30-60 minutes or so to run.
Please post the results in your next post.
Also, go to your SSDs manufacturer support site and check for a firmware upgrade. Often, SSDs sit on shelves for months while the firmware is upgraded. The SSDs sitting on the shelves obviously don't have the new firmware applied. This is a vital step to do as I've seen SSDs with old firmware cause BSODs.
Everything you describe (well, mot items anyway) occur on my HP ENVY 17 Core i7 laptop - but after much more time - like weeks.
I use Firefox for video streaming. Firefox will start at about 500 MB RAM and slowly work its way up to 5-8 GB RAM over a period of about 5-7 days. I have basically the same tabs open all the time with a different episode of a show. I'm not sure if Firefox is doing this on purpose or if there is a genuine memory leak. Going from 0.5 GB to 8 GB RAM usage is a huge increase.
I have quirks that occur on other apps too. I don't have the sheer number of problems that you do and frankly would not expect them on some of the apps you mentioned.
One thing that I wonder about is if you are running out of RAM or not and forcing your system to use virtual memory (HDD page file). Usually, you can check with Task Manager, but since yours goes out, keep SysInternals Process Explorer up and running. It's available free from Microsoft TechNet and I think you'll like it.
Download; save to Desktop -
RIGHT-click on procexp.exe, select "Run as Administrator"
Select "View" tab; Select columns. Make sure "Working Set" is checked.
Up top, you'll see several rectangular boxes going from left to right. Click on one of them; a secondary screen will appear that has various tabs on it - select the memory tab.
I also want you to run WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation - to check on your virtual memory.
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) - (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista)
Run the text version of #34 - wmic pagefile -
A Notepad will open with info like this -
EDIT: We recently upgraded servers and there seems to be a slight problem with the batch files on that page. We'll have to run it manually.
Bring up an Admin CMD prompt. Copy the following command; paste it into the CMD screen -
wmic pagefile list full >0 & start notepad 0
This is the output:
The highlighted numbers are the ones we're after. The numbers are in
MB. They represent virtual memory. The first line shows the amount of installed RAM. Mine is 12 GB.
Obviously, "Current Usage" is just that - the amount of virtual memory currently being used. Mine says 1922, which is 1.922 GB. "Peak Usage" = the max amount of virtual memory used since last reboot. Mine is 10.139 GB. I know this to be correct because Notepad writes to the page file (virtual memory) and I know that I opened a text file around this size.
What I want you to do is to take readings as things start to happen. Keep the CMD box in taskbar so you can call it up, press the up arrow (it will bring up your last command) and re-run the WMI pagefile command. I want to find out if your problems are related in any way to virtual memory usage.
Lastly, run this troubleshooting app. No need to answer any of the questions. All I am after is the zip output file.
Please attach the zip file to your next post. Don't be concerned that it says "BSOD" on it -
Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 & Vista
That's it for now.
Regards. . .