win10 ver 1903, 19H1


Apr 25, 2020
I have a problem, I have sfc /scannow cbs log file i want you to look at.
I can only boot to usb ms media win10 ver 1903.18362.239.
can i run sfcfix from PE command prompt.
i have been trying to run dism offline, dism does nor recognize my source for the wim file.i have read and tried multiple solutions and used different wim sources or install.wim:6;none have worked. i did see a rpt after running dism that there were 594 corruptions component store or manifests and it cant be fixed because the source cannot be read.thanks for help.
i have attached 3 log files.
1-offline-sfc /scannow command-sfc3log.txt
1-offline-dism restorehealth-with source not found error command-dism.log
1-FRST log file-frst.txt


I haven't heard a word about my problems.
Did you receive my uploaded log files ok?
Please respond with an acknowledgment.
is anyone seeing my info? and uploads? am i in the wrong forum?
Usually I get get daily responses. I'm confused about NO RESPONSE
Thank you for the reply. I'll be patient.
In the while, can I run sfcfix from RE 10-1903 CONSOLE??
I cannot boot into win or safemode. My component store has abt 594 errors.
I dont know how this happened. maybe upgrade from 19h1 to 22h2 failure. dism offline source cannot be found error.
tried multiple workarounds. no success yet.
i just found this reply.
look at the 3 uploaded log files.
as far as booting, various msg.
direct ?: can i run sfcfix from win RE/PE. i tried and get a sxs error. this needs to happen, running sfcfix, that is. please reply so ill know im being read and i will give a more detailed report on what i have guys helped me before, so i know a bit abt the procedure.
in addition,i have been running dism offline, but i have a source error, i cannot find a workaround. i have scoured your website and the internet for a workable solution. none found, i.e., created mount dir in c: and mounted wimre as source with image:c:\ or tried image:c:\windows. the original source is MS usb win10-1903... media. i have been working on this for over 2 wks. component store is reported as repairable.
hope this helps. look at uploaded logs from previous post.
Sorry for delayed response.I cannot boot into win 10 1903.18362. i have been running in PE. I slipstreamed my win media and fixed "source not found problem".
I have attached the latest sfc/dism log. I believe the ms component onecore is the problem. I need to run sfcfix.exe. Can I do this from PE for "c:\"? I have tried,but it won't run.
All these problems started when I was updating from the above ver to 22h2. I have extensively looked for a "ms onecore" manifest replacement solution. The component store from dism restore health finishes 100% complete successful. sfc /scannow runs with "some files were not corrected". Do you have any suggestions? log(s) attached.
Thank you,


That's just a .manifest file for the Visual C++ Redistributable; that shouldn't be causing you issues with booting. Why can't you boot? What is the actual error message(s) you're seeing?
Well, thanks for the reply. The Boot msgs are as follows:
boots to RECOVERY SCREEN>ERROR CODE: 0xc0000001; pretty generic>Try SAFEMODE:CMD PROMPT
RESPONSE: "Inaccessible Boot Device"; pretty generic.
my c:\is system and bootable. All my files and folders are intact, incl c:\windows.I'm running 32 bit .
There is a history here. This is an original computer I built from my past life as system builder for about 25 yrs.
xp>7ult>10 pro; only last november. Transition from 7 to 10-1903.18362.239 very smooth. I was actually amazed.
Usually not the case. Then I wanted to update to 22H2; INPLACE UPGRADE from windows. It would not complete.
So,I started to uninstall antivirus prog, etc to "help"it along.I know to stay away from winsxs. Then win10 started to not boot
properly, until it broke completely. I knew it wasn't hardware, disk partitions, etc. So, i rebuilt the bcd. That didn't fix it. Then I went to DISM, OFFLINE,
TO FIX IT with RestoreHealth. Then it developed a source error problem, which I finally fixed last week or so. and of course I ran SFC /SCANNOW OFFLINE
Anyway, I wish I could run SFCFIX from PE, but I guess not. Any suggestions?There is no CBS LOG since I'm working offline.
Okay, at least we've established what the error message you're seeing is and the age of the machine. If you haven't already done so, then I would strongly suggest that you run a hard disk test to ensure that the disk just hasn't failed, you can use SeaTools DOS/Bootable to do this:SeaTools for DOS tutorial | Support Seagate US

Download: SeaTools | Support Seagate US

You will want to perform a long test.

Anyway, I wish I could run SFCFIX from PE, but I guess not.
It wouldn't matter because SFCFix isn't going to resolve your issue.

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