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# Your Win 8 license
# ------------------
Gwmi SoftwareLicensingProduct | ? { $_.LicenseStatus -eq 1 } | Select LicenseFamily, Description | ft -auto
# ---------------
# for the curious
# ---------------
Gwmi SoftwareLicensingProduct | Select Description, LicenseFamily, LicenseStatus | ft -auto
gwmi SoftwareLicensingProduct | ? { $_.LicenseStatus -eq 1 } |
select PSComputerName, Description, EvaluationEndDate, ExtendedGrace, `
GenuineStatus, GracePeriodRemaining, ID, LicenseFamily, LicenseIsAddOn, `
LicenseStatus, Name, PartialProductKey, ProductKeyID, TrustedTime, `
UseLicenseURL, ValidationURL, VLActivationInterval, VLActivationType
# type EXIT, hit ENTER to close PowerShell