[SOLVED] Win 10 BSOD: Driver_Power_State_Failure


Jan 5, 2016
· OS - Windows 10
· x64
· Originally Windows 7, upgraded to 10
· OS was free upgrade from personal Win 7 version
· Less than half a year old system
· Win 10 installation 1-2 months old

· CPU: i5 4590
· Video Card: EVGA GTX 960 4GB
· MotherBoard - Asrock H97M Anniversary
· Power Supply - EVGA 500W 80Plus

· Desktop PC

I recently built this PC for my girlfriend and everything is fine aside from getting the Driver_Power_State_Failure BSOD. It usually happens within 5 minutes of her using the computer from powered off/sleep mode and does not happen again for a while after the computer restarts itself. I read up on a previous thread for the same error on this forum but could not figure out a solution for myself. I tried downloading new motherboard/chipset drivers and updated the BIOS but the problem still happens. I also updated the graphics card drivers as well. I have attached the dump and perfmon files, unfortunately I'm not sure how to read the dumps myself.

Any help at all would be appreciated, I'll do my best to find a solution myself and will update if I solve it.



Hi Junkles. :welcome:
The minidumps show BugCheck 9F, {3, ffffe0008c3e0060, fffff80300c0a990, ffffe0008fa2de10} Probably caused by : atapi.sys
I see you have got KINGSTON SSD SV100S2/64G firmware: D110225a.
I think that's an old firmware, i.e. Kingston released new firmware in these years (click), hence I'll try to update that for starters.

Will this firmware update wipe my data?
Our internal tests show that applying the firmware should not cause loss of data; however, we strongly recommend you perform a data backup before applying the firmware.

The same is also valid for your Seagate barracuda ST31000528AS 1GB firmware: cc44.
New firmware cc49: seagate.com - Barracuda 7200.12 Firmware Update (click)

Read carefully all firmware instructions and create a FULL system backup, i.e. back up data and system files.
Thanks xilolee! I am in the process of backing up and will let you know if your solution works for me.
I agree with firmware upgrade.

Windbg IRP command shows partmgr.sys, volmgr.sys and disk.sys.
Thank you both for your advice. Sorry for the late response but I just finally got a chance to update the firmware on both the seagate and kingston drives. Hopefully this will fix it but if not I guess I'll unplug the drives and see if it happens again with only my windows boot drive plugged in.
If firmware shouldn't fix it, read Windows 8 BSOD DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE atapi.sys (click).
It seems very similar to your problem. :lightbulb:
0: kd> !devnode ffffe0008c3d6720
DevNode 0xffffe0008c3d6720 for PDO 0xffffe0008c3e0060
  Parent 0xffffe0008c3fe370   Sibling 0000000000   Child 0000000000   
  InstancePath is "IDE\DiskKINGSTON_SV100S264G_____________________D110225a\5&3829393d&0&1.0.0"
  ServiceName is "disk"
By the way, inform us BEFORE you try that one (and wait advices from someone more skilled than me). :s2:
From the greater minidump: 010216-30156-01.dmp
  • DRIVER_OBJECT: ffffe0008c3fb220
  • Device Object list: ffffe0008c3e0060 ffffe0008c3f1060 ffffe0008c3f4060 ffffe0008ac5b050
    (first and third show DevNode)
I clicked everything :smile9:
So unfortunately the issue persists. I will attach a newly generated dump/report in case it helps and I'll try to give more details about the BSOD appearance:

BSOD usually occurs several minutes after waking from sleep mode but not exclusively. One time it was triggered by accessing device manager a few hours after a fresh restart.
The BSOD can not be reproduced quickly, it seems that after a BSOD happens another one will not pop up for quite some time (several hours at least)
After it occurs the Kingston SSD (E: drive) is not recognized until after a reboot is done several hours later. Unplugging/replugging the drive from the motherboard does not speed up this process.
Drives are set to IDE mode on the motherboard as I can not seem to get windows to boot properly in AHCI mode.

I will not take any action for now, I'll unplug all hard drives except my main boot drive and see if the problem still happens while I wait for more advice and check out the other thread xilolee linked me too.

Thanks again for your time!

(note about the new perfmon report: it was done while SSD was not being recognized and I had a thumb drive plugged in and being assigned to E: drive)


Sounds like your drive is failing, if reconnecting it doesn't help.
Does it still have warranty?

I would back everything up ASAP.
Thanks for the concern, the hard drive was my old boot drive that I gave to my gf because I got a bigger one. It doesn't really have anything on it except a couple of steam games I was hoping would load faster on it. It's possible that it's dying but it was working perfectly not that long ago and barely gets used at all on the current machine so I feel like something else might be going on. Would a faulty motherboard be the cause of any of my problems?
Yes, of course.
You could try connecting using a different drive.
The last minidump (010916-13593-01.dmp) still shows SV100S264G old firmware D110225a:
InstancePath is "IDE\DiskKINGSTON_SV100S264G_____________________D110225a\5&3829393d&0&1.0.0"
The last minidump (010916-13593-01.dmp) still shows SV100S264G old firmware D110225a:

That's strange. It's definitely updated. I tried to run the firmware updater again and this time it told me latest firmware was already on it.

Just an update, with only boot disk my girlfriend had no BSOD so you guys were right on the money. Worst case scenario I can put the problem drive in an enclosure and use it through USB. Definitely keeping it backed up now.

I'll keep trying to find ways to keep the hard drive in the computer without problems but now I know at least one way to solve it. Thank you everybody for your help! I'll consider my problem solved for now :)
Hi. . .

Thank you for posting back confirming the solution. Much appreciated.

Regards. . .


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