Why we still use checksur if there's the new checksur (through dism) in Windows 7

Bump. To be clear, this wasn’t a rhetorical question. Maybe they know and there’s a good reason not to use it.
Hello, I will quote one of our members who has been asked this question many times. I hope this will clear the matter for you.

/scanhealth is compatible with Win7+, /restorehealth is only available on 8+. To be honest on a windows 7 machine there is not point running scan health, the results are never helpful. DISM on windows 7 is rather outdated compared to 8+, on a Windows 7 machine you will be better of to run SURT (The system update readiness tool) the results from SURT are a lot more accurate. SURT is not available on windows 8+ unfortunately and we are left to use DISM.

I have personally tried this and it is correct. SURT is the number one tool on Win7. No doubt about it. + It fixes a lot more things on its own, unlike DISM on modern OSes, at least from my experience.

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