What defrag software should I use?

What defrag software should I use?

None. Just leave your defaults alone! I really cannot emphasize that enough! Windows 10 will automatically defrag your hard drives for you, as needed. And leave the Page File defaults alone too. Just let Windows manage it. It knows how to do it very well.

Your only responsibility here is to make sure you don't run out of free disk space. Don't let anyone tell you you need to keep some percent free. That makes no sense - especially with today's huge drives. I recommend keeping 20 to 30GB free, regardless the size. That is plenty of room for Windows to efficiently manage all the files on your disks.

Your only other responsibilities is to keep Windows and your security apps current, and don't be "click-happy" on unsolicited links, downloads, attachments or popups.
And I will triple emphasize the above!

Windows has been handling drive defragmentation for years now, and also does the functional equivalent of same (TRIM) for SSDs as well.

Defrag software is almost entirely a thing of the past. The only exception may be for external HDDs that may need the occasional defrag every once in a great while. Even then, the Windows defrag is just fine.
The only thing I would add is to make sure the automatic feature isn't turned off and IMO change weekly to monthly. When britechguy mentioned external drives, I also would uncheck an internal drive used only for storage and either recheck occasionally or run manually when desired. Finally, your comment as to so many software apps available for this, you don't need any of them.

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