[SOLVED] [W7SP1Pro x64] KB4048957 & KB2952664 not installing


Dec 2, 2017
I've tried multiple times and run numerous diagnostic tests and they stubbornly refuse to install. I've since read that KB2952664 is an "upgrade readiness patch" and as I've no intention of upgrading this box I have hidden it. Is KB4048957 an essential patch or can I safely hide it as well?

Many thanks.
Re: KB4048957 & KB2952664 not installing in Windows 7 Pro 64 bit...

Hello and welcome to Sysnative! Please provide the necessary information: Windows Update Forum Posting Instructions

Thanks for your reply.

I will do this as soon as I have an opportunity---very busy at work lately!

I am only interested in update KB4048957 as I have managed to determine KB2952664 is neither necessary or desirable for my particular situation.

Will check back in with the requested information as soon as I can.
Have since managed to update without issue! Don't know what the problem was. Thanks for your offer of help though!

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