Very high DPC, micro stuttering, audio stuttering, distortion, as well as video lag


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2015
Bulgaria sofia
Recently many people reported such problems with NVIDIA and Windows 10.

I would like to everyone who participated to troubleshoot the issue.

Unfortunately there is noting we could offer as solution this problem was reported to NVIDIA and Microsoft. The only solution I believe is to downgrade to Windows 7 or 8.1

I expect the answer from both companies and will let you know immediately once they replay with some reasonable solution we still did`t try.

Many thanks,
I have a little input if the issues relate to ndis.sys & tcpip.sys causing stuttering, video lags etc. I had some severe issues regarding that with both an AMD setup & Intel as I just recently switched systems. It ended up being a simple option I needed to turn off in my anti virus's firewall options called 'block port scans in the network' in bitdefender total security 2016. Now I know that is for Bitdefender but I was brought to that conclusion from an Avast forum post where they had a similar issue with windows 8.1 & their port blocking module so I tried it and it applied in my situation too as i've not had a stutter, high DPC or execution time since switching the port blocking option off, the highest so far is ndis.sys which hit 1.04 ms execution time which isn't bad considering it has been up in the 100's!
So, if you have a Firewall or Antivurus equivalent then see if there's an option to turn off blocking port scans in the network. Good luck and I hope it helps someone reading as it did me!

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