Various BSODs while idleing


Jun 22, 2020
My computer crashes from time to time with a BSOD and I can't explain what causes this issue.

I build my computer on my own after AMD released zen2, it's my first contact with AMD as cpu vendor so I have no clue what might cause the problems.
Im running the following stuffs:
· OS - Windows 10 1909 (don't want 2004 yet)
· x64 (64-bit)
· I reinstalled Windows 10 on 17.04.2020, only installed the latest drivers since then

· AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, latest Chipsetdriver
· AMD R2 290X graphics card
· Gigabyte X570 Aorus Pro, latest BIOS
· 750 watt Corsair RM750
· 2x 16 GB DDR4 Kingston Memory

The only things that are active in the BIOS is the OC RAM profile (already tried turning that off, it crashed a while later again), hyperthreading (SMT) and CPU Virtualization (SVM). (I did not turn them off yet)
I tried so much troubleshooting that I found on the internet, I don't know what the problem is.
I was using a AMD 5700 XT graphics card and thought that the bluescreens might be caused by the graphics card, but with my trusty 290X it still crashed after a while, regardles if I use the latest 2020 driver or the latest 2019 driver. Changed the PCIe setting from Auto (4.0) to 3.0 and 2.0, still crashes after a few days.
Prime95 cpu stresstest runs without problems.
Checkdisk doesn't find any errors (using a Samsung M.2 SATA SSD).
I bought all the stuff on 12.07.2019, so technically if it's a hardware error there might still be warranty on it.

I'm literaly only browsing in the internet watching a youtube video and then I hear that SRRRRRRRRR tone and the system crashes with bluescreen. The system has yet to bluescreen while actually gaming.

Anyway, please have a look at the attachment. The tool stopped at "waiting for system info" so I had to kill it. FYI.

(I will do step no. 5 now)

Thank you very much!


You know, I'm actually curious about faulty RAM or the overclock RAM issue you mentioned.

Bugcheck code 00000109
Arguments a39fc2df`6e48d720 b3b6cf65`c0c71fc6 fffff800`49ec3eb8 00000000`00000001

0x109 bug check with an 0x1 4th parameter.


One bit mem corruption.

I would first recommend fixing that auto OC issue with your XMP profiles. There's bound to be a way to turn it off. I would reset the BIOS to defaults and try again. Worst case, perhaps a bug that requires a BIOS update? Do some troubleshooting. If you fix that and still crash, run Memtest86+ for several hours to check your RAM.
I already tried disabling XMP. After a few days it crashed again, so presumable it's not the RAM OC. The problem is, my system doesn't crash daily, it feels more like...every few weeks. Also, I'm running driver verifyer for the 2nd day now, the system hasn't crashed yet. I'm going to disable it again and then I'll update my LAN driver. I thought the chipset driver was already the laterst, have to check that again.
Then I will run memtest86+. There was an update for memtest86+. more recently, April something 2020, so I guess its good-to-go again?
Thank you!

Edit: (It's a German OS, sorry :))
C:\Windows\system32>verifier /query

Zeitstempel: 06/24/2020 22:02:15.718

Überprüfungskennzeichen: 0x0012892b


    [X] 0x00000001 Spezieller Pool.
    [X] 0x00000002 IRQL-Überprüfung erzwingen.
    [X] 0x00000008 Poolnachverfolgung.
    [ ] 0x00000010 E/A-Überprüfung.
    [X] 0x00000020 Deadlockerkennung.
    [ ] 0x00000080 DMA-Überprüfung.
    [X] 0x00000100 Sicherheitsüberprüfungen.
    [X] 0x00000800 Sonstige Prüfungen.
    [X] 0x00020000 DDI-Kompatibilitätsüberprüfung.

  Zusätzliche Kennzeichen:

    [ ] 0x00000004 Simulation geringer Ressourcen nach dem Zufallsprinzip.
    [ ] 0x00000200 Ausstehende E/A-Anforderungen erzwingen.
    [ ] 0x00000400 IRP-Protokollierung.
    [ ] 0x00002000 Invariante MDL-Überprüfung für Stapel.
    [ ] 0x00004000 Invariante MDL-Überprüfung für Treiber.
    [X] 0x00008000 Testen der Verzögerung des Energieverwaltungsframeworks mit zufälligen Daten.
    [ ] 0x00010000 Überprüfung der Port-/Miniportschnittstelle.
    [ ] 0x00040000 Systematische Simulation geringer Ressourcen.
    [ ] 0x00080000 DDI-Kompatibilitätsüberprüfung (zusätzlich).
    [ ] 0x00200000 NDIS/WLAN-Überprüfung.
    [ ] 0x00800000 Testen der Verzögerung der Kernelsynchronisierung mit zufälligen Daten.
    [ ] 0x01000000 VM-Switchüberprüfung.
    [ ] 0x02000000 Codeintegritätsprüfungen.

  Interne Kennzeichen:

    [X] 0x00100000 Erweiterte Überprüfungskennzeichen (intern)

    [X] gibt an, dass das Kennzeichen aktiviert ist.

  Zusammenfassung der Überprüfungsstatistik

    IRQLs erhöhen:                                    12
    Spinlocks übernehmen:                       14051193
    Ausführungen synchronisieren:                          0
    Trimmungen:                                      354740

    Versuchte Poolzuordnungen:                2363071
    Erfolgreiche Poolzuordnungen:                2363071
    Erfolgreiche Poolzuordnungen - Spezieller Pool:    2363071
    Poolzuordnungen ohne Kennzeichen:                  150
    Poolzuordnungen - nicht nachverfolgt:                    0
    Fehlgeschlagene Poolzuordnungen:                         0
    Absichtlich fehlgeschlagene Poolzuordnungen:            0


    MODUL: amdpsp.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       3 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (    1280 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       3 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (    1280 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:          32768
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:     36864

    MODUL: vboxnetlwf.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       3 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (     624 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       3 /        1)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (    8376 /       47)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: vboxusbmon.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       0 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (       0 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: vboxdrv.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       1 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (      80 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       2 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (    8376 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: vboxnetadp6.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       1 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (     325 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       2 /        1)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (    8376 /       38)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: e1r68x64.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (    1066 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (  455315 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (    1067 /        1)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (  455403 /     1040)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: amdpcidev.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       0 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (       0 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: atikmpag.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (    3771 /     9285)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (  422072 /   901436)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (    4201 /     9288)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (  467368 /   902652)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: atikmdag.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (    4149 /     4420)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (11220759 / 14303583)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (    4498 /     4687)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (12849335 / 15709655)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: amdgpio2.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       0 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (       0 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: atihdwt6.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (     117 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (   42092 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (     119 /        1)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (   42212 /       30)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: rtkvhd64.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (     975 /        1)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (  356750 /     3079)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (     977 /        5)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (  356774 / 37095895)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: dump_dumpstorport.sys (laden: 0/entladen: 0)

    MODUL: dump_stornvme.sys (laden: 2/entladen: 1)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       0 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (       0 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: dump_dumpfve.sys (laden: 2/entladen: 1)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       1 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (   16400 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       1 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (   16400 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:          65536
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:     65536

    MODUL: amdryzenmasterdriver.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (      35 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (   78345 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (      36 /        2)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (  120329 /      316)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: iqvw64e.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       0 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       0 /        2)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (       0 /      176)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

    MODUL: gdrv2.sys (laden: 1/entladen: 0)

      Poolzuordnungsstatistik: (ausgelagert/nicht ausgelagert)

        Aktuelle Poolzuordnungen:  (       0 /        0)
        Aktuelle Poolbytes:        (       0 /        0)
        Max. Poolzuordnungen:     (       2 /        0)
        Max. Poolbytes:           (   32872 /        0)
        Zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:              0
        Max. zusammenhängende Speicherbytes:         0

I started memtest this morning and it ran about 6 hours while I was at work. I used memtest86 (without the +) my mistake, but it should be a valid test.
The test ran without a problem (all 4 tests had 0 errors):
2020-06-26 08:10:28 - =============================================
2020-06-26 08:10:28 - MemTest86 V8.4 Free Build: 1001 (64-bit)
2020-06-26 08:10:28 - =============================================
2020-06-26 08:10:28 - SMBIOS BIOS INFO Vendor: "American Megatrends Inc.", Version: "F20a", Release Date: "06/16/2020"
2020-06-26 08:10:28 - SMBIOS SYSTEM INFO Manufacturer: "Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.", Product: "X570 AORUS PRO", Version: "-CF", S/N: "Default string", SKU: "", Family: ""
2020-06-26 08:10:28 - SMBIOS: Found SMBIOS BaseboardInformation (pbLinAddr=0xE8E17, FormattedLen=15, iTotalLen=110)
2020-06-26 08:10:29 - SMBIOS BASEBOARD INFO Manufacturer: "Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.", Product: "X570 AORUS PRO", Version: "x.x", S/N: "Default string", AssetTag: "Default string", LocationInChassis: "Default string"
2020-06-26 08:10:29 - EFI Specifications: 2.70
2020-06-26 14:16:36 - MtSupportRunAllTests - Test execution time: 2935.887 (Test 13 cumulative error count: 0)
2020-06-26 14:16:36 - Finished pass #4 (of 4) (Cumulative error count: 0)
2020-06-26 14:16:36 - Cleanup - Unlocking all memory ranges...
2020-06-26 14:16:36 - All memory ranges successfully unlocked
2020-06-26 17:49:16 - Enabling graphics mode
2020-06-26 17:49:16 - Get screen size
2020-06-26 17:49:16 - Current screen size: 1024 x 768
2020-06-26 17:49:16 - Get_AMD_17_CurTmp: NB_SMN_INDEX_0=0x00059800 NB_SMN_DATA_0=0x2AB00FEF
2020-06-26 17:49:16 - Get_AMD_17_CurTmp: Setting NB_SMN_INDEX_0 to 0x00059800
2020-06-26 17:49:16 - Get_AMD_17_CurTmp: NB_SMN_DATA_0=0x2AB00FEF
2020-06-26 17:49:17 - Get_AMD_17_CurTmp: 0x2AB00FEF, 0, 341

Also, I just downloaded Version 2004 as ISO with the media creation tool and came back to the computer and I just saw that the computer just crashed again. This time with KERNEL AUTO BOOST LOCK ACQUISITION WITH RAISED IRQL . I never saw that error before. Other then updating the LAN and Chipset drivers nothing else changed. No Windows Updates were installed, either. The system was again idleing (well it downloaded the ISO, but thats all).
I just ran the SysnativeBSODCollectionApp again and again killed the process because the tool stopped at "waiting for system info".

I upladed the recent info in the attachments.
Should I run the RAM chek with memtest86+ again, is that a better tool?

Thanks a bunch!
Best Regards


Other then updating the LAN and Chipset drivers nothing else changed.
I did.
What makes you think that I didn't update the driver yet? I even found the eventlog for it:
- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
  <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-UserPnp" Guid="{96f4a050-7e31-453c-88be-9634f4e02139}" />
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-06-24T20:09:23.705093700Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="10916" ThreadID="11876" />
  <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
- <UserData>
- <InstallDeviceID xmlns="">
  <DriverDescription>Intel(R) I211 Gigabit Network Connection</DriverDescription>
What more can I do?

Thank you
Should I run the RAM chek with memtest86+ again, is that a better tool?
It's another old tool, but you can try It (it also let you increase the passes).
Like you can try Windows Memory diagnostics and hci design memtest: you can find guides for all of these tools in the hardware tutorials subforum here on sysnative.
Personally, I like the latter because it's simpler .
I wouldn't recommend memtest86+, the built-in memory diagnostic test or any test run within Windows.

MemTest86+ hasn't been updated to support DDR4 (yet), the built-in memory diagnostic test is known to be not amazing and hci design memtest cannot test as much memory since it runs in Windows and thus can't test memory in use by Windows.
okay, so what program should I choose, then? Or should I just RMA the RAM, I have no other DDR4 RAM to test with. Buy it off ebay?
Best regards
I was able to run memtest86+ as well today for about 10 hours. It either runs more tests or is not as fast as memtest86, because with memtest86+ I was only able to run 3 passes in 10h, while memtest86 run 4 times in about 6 hours.
Problem is, there is no error as well:

What would be the next steps? Just buy a different DDR4 RAM? One of those AMD 3rd gen certified ones? Is it that probable, that the RAM is indeed not funktioning 100%?

You appear to have used version 5.31b, this build has not been tested yet and is not ready to be used if you're not a beta tester.

My suggestion, run MemTest86 again but run it twice. MemTest86 has a limitation of 4 passes and we want 8 passes at least.
Ok, so there is an update.
I didn't want to rerun memtest or any memtest tool for that matter, I straight up just bought a new pair of RAM sticks, different manufacturer, different speed and wanted to RMA the other RAM and basically sell it.
Problem is, even after changing the RAM, my system just crashed again :( This time while playing a game. The game itself crashed a few times before that but I thought because of the age of the game (Company of Heroes 1), it might just be a Windows 10 incompatibility. But now the game crashed and my whole system restarted.
I didn't get a bluescreen, but looking at the event log, it created a bug report.
I ran the SysnativeBSODCollectionApp again and attached it.
What is the problem, I don't understand? Is it a broken CPU? A broken mainboard? Storage? I would exclude RAM for obvious reasons.

Best reagards


Okay, I wanted to update you guys on my issue (maybe someone finds this thread via google).
After a BUNCH of testing it is very clear that the Gigabyte Mainboard has the issue. I found out that Cinebench R20 was actually able to repeatedly crash the System. I once looped Cinebench for about 25 minutes and then the system crashed. Running it again after that crashed the system after like 5 minutes. Then it was pretty clear: 1 run was fine. The next run was fine. After that the application crashed or the system bluescreened with (new) errors: Kernel_"something"_auto_boost

I was able to get my hands on a known good AM4 system, there I pulled out the hardware to test it out of the chasis in a open environment. I changed one hardware after the other, always with the same Windows install, first CPU, then power Supply, then the mainboard. Once I got to the mainboard, Cinebench crashed after like 2 minutes, before that every test was running fine for 20 and 25 minutes.

So I think and am hopeful that I will now be able to finally enjoy this machine without issues, after RMA-ing the board and hoping for a refund to get the board of a different vendor.

Thank you guys again
Best regards

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