Using the Template in the BSOD Apps


BSOD Kernel Dump Analyst Trainee
Oct 19, 2012
usasma said:
Just a suggestion - you might want to post a summary of what you found (I use the template.txt file for this).

That way you don't find yourself running older dump files and re-discover drivers that have already been fixed.

When running a second set of dumps from a poster, I check the previous post summary to make sure that I haven't run those particular dumps before.

- John

Any guides/links to the suggestion? It sounds like a better way to manage my debug analysis's.
The .chm file provides info on how to set up the template.txt file: Sysnative BSOD Processing Apps Help -> Change Settings -> Template

Or if you have an older .chm file: Sysnative BSOD Processing Apps Help -> Template

writhziden said:

[h=3]3rd Party Drivers Output Options[/h]

Use <3rd Party Drivers><date> to input 3rd party driver lists by date in the location of the
<3rd Party Drivers><date> string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

Use <3rd Party Drivers><name> to input 3rd party driver lists by name in the location of the
<3rd Party Drivers><name> string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

Use <3rd Party Drivers><date><descriptions> to input 3rd party driver lists by date including
the descriptions of the drivers in the location of the <3rd Party Drivers><date><descriptions>
string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

Use <3rd Party Drivers><name><descriptions> to input 3rd party driver lists by name including
the descriptions of the drivers in the location of the <3rd Party Drivers><name><descriptions>
string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

Use <3rd Party Drivers><date><timestamp> to input drivers that need to be updated
sorted by date in the location of the <3rd Party Drivers><date><timestamp>
string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

Use <3rd Party Drivers><name><timestamp> to input drivers that need to be updated
sorted by date in the location of the <3rd Party Drivers><name><timestamp>
string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

Use <3rd Party Drivers><date><descriptions><timestamp> to input drivers that need to be updated
sorted by date including the descriptions in the location of the <3rd Party Drivers><date><descriptions><timestamp>
string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

Use <3rd Party Drivers><name><descriptions><timestamp> to input drivers that need to be updated
sorted by name including the descriptions in the location of the <3rd Party Drivers><name><descriptions><timestamp>
string (you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

[h=3]Dmp Analysis Options[/h]

Use <dmp Analysis> to input the important information in a code box within the template
(you need the triangle brackets for this to work)

[h=3]Example Template[/h]Here is an example template:


I also recommend you update the following drivers: <3rd Party Drivers><date><descriptions><timestamp>

[B][U]Device Concerns:[/U][/B] [INDENT]

[B][U]Software Concerns:[/U][/B] [INDENT]

[B][U]3rd Party Drivers:[/U][/B][INDENT][B][COLOR="BLUE"]The following is for information purposes only.[/COLOR][/B] My recommendations were given above. The drivers that follow belong to software or devices that were not developed by Microsoft. [B][COLOR="Red"]Any drivers in red should be updated/replaced/removed.[/COLOR][/B] You can find links to the driver information and where to update the drivers in the section after the code box:
<3rd Party Drivers><date>

[B][U]Analysis:[/U][/B][INDENT][B][COLOR="BLUE"]The following is for information purposes only.[/COLOR][/B] The following information contains the relevant information from the blue screen analysis:
<dmp Analysis>[/INDENT]
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