USB flash drive appears in Settings but not in File Explorer


Mar 25, 2019
Using Windows 10 on a Dell Latitude. I have a PNY flash drive plugged into a USB port.

yes USB.jpg

It's 3.0 but should be backward compatible to any USB port, right?

I can see it in the Settings.

no USB2.png

But I don't see it in File Explorer.

no USB.png

Even if it needs to be formatted, I should be able to see it in File Explorer. What gives?
The drives are backwards compatible yes. Does the Flash Drive show on any other USB port on the laptop?

If not, open Disk Management and see if the drive has been assigned a drive letter and/or has been formatted correctly.
Thank you. Just opening Disk Management must have done something magical because now I see it in File Explorer.

new volume.png

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