I am using xp professional sp 3. Motherboard is gigabyte 8ipe1000g
Back 4 usb, front 2 usb. I dont use too much front usbs and i dont know if i connected correctly but i only charge my mobile and sometimes file transfer, and no problem.
For back usbs, i use webcam keyboard and external harddrive but always they give errors.
10 minutes ago , i could see webcam, harddrive in my computer. Now they disapperared. In device manager, there are 2 unknown device. If i take off and put another place, it can work. I tried a lot of times and sometimes it became succssfull.
While external harddrive was working, it was saying "writing was unsucsesfful and had delay."
How do i understand if drivers are defected or motherboard or my devices but i dont think my devices are defected.