Unknown device repeatedly connecting / disconnecting


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
Hey all,

I'm having a problem whenever my PC is left alone for a while - once the monitors go to standby, I keep hearing repeatedly the Windows sound effect of a device repeatedly connecting and disconnecting.

Thoughts on how I can work out which device is causing the problem?
I'll check which PnP devices you have connected to your computer. I'll remove everything apart from your keyboard and mouse, and then add another device to try and see which one is causing the issue.

It seems that the driver for the problematic device hasn't been written to handle the power transition properly.
When did this problem start? Have you recently added or changed any hardware?

I occasionally see this problem, including with this machine with no apparent explanation. And a common fix is a simple "cold" reboot. Have you tried that? That is, shutdown and flip the PSU's master power switch - if it has one - to Off ("0"), or unplug the computer (and any self-powered connected devices) from the wall. Wait about 15 - 30 seconds, then power up and see what happens.

If still having this issue, I recommend you run with just your keyboard and mouse connected for awhile to see if you still hear the alert. This could easily be your keyboard or mouse acting up so eliminate them from the equation first, before connecting any other device.

Then, if no alert, add another device one at a time. If you still hear it with just the mouse or keyboard connected, try different USB ports. If still a problem, swap out the keyboard and mouse, one at time. If they are wireless, make sure the batteries are good. Weak batteries can result in a weaker RF signal which alone can result in disconnects. Weaker RF signals can also more easily be overridden ("walked on") by stronger signals on the same frequency, i.e. by interference.
Thanks everyone for the advice - I was trying a few things the last week and I'm pretty sure it's related to the two monitors I have.

I don't actually have very many external devices plugged in, pretty much keyboard/mouse, and two external monitors. Not sure exactly how to resolve this.
What is leading you to suspect monitors? Do they have integrated USB hubs? I know some do, but those I have seen with integrated hubs also connect to the computer via a separate USB cable. Some newer monitors may support Displayport over USB - but I am not sure how that works. I have no personal experience with them.

It seems to me when you walk away from your computer, if you turn off the monitors instead of just letting them go to sleep, your problem should go way - if the monitors are causing it.

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