Two Windows 10 related problems,help


Aug 25, 2018
I have an old laptop, an Acer Aspire E1 Z5WE1 NXMEPEK Laptop E1-570 Intel i5 CPU (8 GB RAM, Windows 10), that until recently was running fine. But sometime in the past few weeks, it's developed two faults, which may be connected to each other, I don't know. These two faults are:

Fault 1 - When I double click on a program, or a game, or a text file on the desktop, etc, then there is a pause of about eight or ten seconds, with the Windows 10 swirling circle swirling around, before the game (or program, or text file, etc) begins to load. After this pause, though the program or game loads as normal and plays at full speed and with no problems. And when I exit the program, or game, etc, then when I double click on a different program, game, etc, then the ten seconds or so of swirling circle reappears, before the laptop starts to load the game/program/etc.

Prior to this fault appearing, a few weeks ago, whenever I double clicked on a game or program, etc, then it would start to load immediately, as it normally should.

Fault 2 - When I use the web browser Brave on the laptop, then after opening say a dozen pages (whether I leave all the pages open, or I close one before opening another) then the web pages stop opening, it's as though the web signal stops getting through. This also happens if I use Firefox instead (I've not tried a third browser on the laptop yet). Every other item in my house that can connect to the web (my desktop PC, my tablet, my game consoles, etc) works fine, it's just the laptop that displays this problem. Again, up until a few weeks back, this problem didn't exist, and I could open new pages without problem. My laptop is wirelessly connected to the router, as are the other things.

The laptop seems to be working fine other than these two problems, Windows 10 is up to date, and the laptop is always plugged in, so it's presumably not a battery related issue. Both Malwarebytes and Avast! antivirus show the laptop as being uninfected, the laptop has two SSD drives (one of which has replaced the DVD drive, via an internal hard drive caddy, months ago, so not related to these problems), and no mechanical drive. I have run

chkdsk C: /F /X


SFC /Scannow


DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

with no errors detected. I don't want to reformat and reinstall everything, because there are many games and programs installed, and other than these two faults, everything seems fine.

Any ideas or suggestions, please?
Thanks for all of the responses.

I *might* have solved both of the problems with the laptop. I had begun uninstalling things that might be slowing the system down, and when I uninstalled Avast! Anti-virus, and rebooted, then everything started to load almost immediately when I double clicked on their icon. Success! So I rebooted, and re-installed Avast!, and the slowdown was back. I uninstalled Avast!, rebooted, and for the last couple of days everything is working fine, including the former second problem of the browser refusing to load more than a few pages.

I can sort of understand how Avast! could perhaps go wrong and start scanning things and so slow down loading (if I doble clicked on three .TXT files in a row, for example, then each one would take say eight or ten seconds to open, even if each .TXT file was only two or three kilobytes in size).

But I can't understand how Avast! could cause a web browser to stop loading after a few pages, though.

Anyway, everything seems fine now, and I am currently using Windows Defender as I don't want to rock the boat until I am sure that the two problems have been fixed - many times I have supposedly fixed a PC related problem, only for it to re-appear again later, so I am suspicious especially of easy fixes such as this one.

What good, free anti-viruses do you recommend, please?

You might try disabling Avast. RAM is another possibility.

You were right! Thanks, mate.
What good, free anti-viruses do you recommend, please?

You were right! Thanks, mate.
Just stick with Windows Defender. As a backup, Malwarebytes free. Microsoft discourages 3rd party AV/Firewall software. This was not true with Windows 7 and older.

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