There is a lot of free ram but still it is lagging


Active member
Feb 2, 2014
System is

xp pro sp 3 32 bit

2.8 ghz p4 478 pin
gigabyte 8ig1000p
128 mb gpu nvidia
3.5 gb ddr ram

I bought 2 gb ram because there was lack of ram. Now there is no lag of ram but still it lags when i open multiple programs, for example chrome firefox and webcam applications.

For this 3 applications, cpu usage is around %70 80. %50 is for webcam.

And it lags, responds lately.

Is it about low mb gpu or cpu threading technology? If i make overclock or buy a 3.0 or 3.2 ghz , something changes?

The cpu temperature is low, around 30 40 c.

Maybe rams have low clock cycles. 1 gb kingston, 512 mb aidata, others are hilevel. cl5 i think most ofthem.

Yes...with a single core CPU as yours, it will have a very hard time handling multiple programs at the same time. The only advice I can suggest is go with a new PC...either buy or build.

There is a small chance, very small chance you can upgrade your CPU. We'll need the make/model of your current PC along with mobo model. Odds are it's so old and expensive to upgrade the hardware it's probably not worth the effort.

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