Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17763.132 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\AppData\Local\Temp\\SysnativeFileCollectionApp\052919-8843-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
************* Path validation summary **************
Response Time (ms) Location
Deferred SRV*c:\symbols*
Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*
Executable search path is:
Windows 10 Kernel Version 18362 MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`5e600000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`5ea432b0
Debug session time: Wed May 29 18:11:08.999 2019 (UTC - 4:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:10.690
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck C000021A, {ffffb28aa0cfa3a0, ffffffffc0000428, 0, 22741970000}
ETW minidump data unavailable
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+d05e )
Followup: MachineOwner
Processing initial command '!analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;lmtsmn;.bugcheck'
2: kd> !analyze -v;r;kv;lmtn;lmtsmn;.bugcheck
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
The Winlogon process terminated unexpectedly.
Arg1: ffffb28aa0cfa3a0, String that identifies the problem.
Arg2: ffffffffc0000428, Error Code.
Arg3: 0000000000000000
Arg4: 0000022741970000
Debugging Details:
ETW minidump data unavailable
BUILD_VERSION_STRING: 10.0.18362.145 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER: System manufacturer
SYSTEM_PRODUCT_NAME: System Product Name
SYSTEM_VERSION: System Version
BIOS_VENDOR: American Megatrends Inc.
BIOS_DATE: 01/05/2017
ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc000021a - {Fatal System Error} The %hs system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x%08x (0x%08x 0x%08x). The system has been shut down.
EXCEPTION_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc000021a - {Fatal System Error} The %hs system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x%08x (0x%08x 0x%08x). The system has been shut down.
EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: ffffb28aa0cfa3a0
EXCEPTION_PARAMETER2: ffffffffc0000428
EXCEPTION_PARAMETER3: 0000000000000000
Kernel Generated Triage Dump
BUGCHECK_P1: ffffb28aa0cfa3a0
BUGCHECK_P2: ffffffffc0000428
BUGCHECK_P4: 22741970000
PROCESS_NAME: smss.exe
ADDITIONAL_DEBUG_TEXT: initial session process or
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc000021a_SmpDestroyControlBlock_smss.exe_Terminated_c0000428
IMAGE_NAME: ntkrnlmp.exe
CPU_MHZ: e10
CPU_VENDOR: GenuineIntel
CPU_MICROCODE: 6,9e,9,0 (F,M,S,R) SIG: 8E'00000000 (cache) 8E'00000000 (init)
BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)
ANALYSIS_SESSION_TIME: 07-06-2019 17:08:09.0794
ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.17763.132 amd64fre
LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff8005eba9c7a to fffff8005e7bc8a0
fffffd85`1496f4a8 fffff800`5eba9c7a : 00000000`0000004c 00000000`c000021a fffffd85`14a2f2f8 ffffdb04`fd4bfdd0 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffffd85`1496f4b0 fffff800`5eba0eca : 00000000`00000000 fffffd85`1496f570 00000000`00000000 fffffd85`1496f570 : nt!PopGracefulShutdown+0x29a
fffffd85`1496f4f0 fffff800`5eb9a01c : ffffb28a`9e154d01 fffff800`00000006 00000000`00000004 ffffb28a`9efd1030 : nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+0xd05e
fffffd85`1496f5b0 fffff800`5e7cdf95 : 00000000`00000000 fffff800`5e64055b 00000000`00000010 00000000`00040086 : nt!NtSetSystemPowerState+0x4c
fffffd85`1496f790 fffff800`5e7c0660 : fffff800`5ed93935 00000000`c0000004 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25
fffffd85`1496f928 fffff800`5ed93935 : 00000000`c0000004 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 fffff800`5ea40660 : nt!KiServiceLinkage
fffffd85`1496f930 fffff800`5ed19939 : ffffdb04`fc644080 fffff800`5e6c4d0c fffff800`647b3c70 ffffdb04`00000000 : nt!PopIssueActionRequest+0x79ed9
fffffd85`1496f9d0 fffff800`5e72d88f : 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 fffff800`5ea40500 : nt!PopPolicyWorkerAction+0x79
fffffd85`1496fa40 fffff800`5e6c4855 : ffffdb04`00000001 ffffdb04`fc644080 fffff800`5e72d800 ffffdb04`f3c95020 : nt!PopPolicyWorkerThread+0x8f
fffffd85`1496fa70 fffff800`5e72f725 : ffffdb04`fc644080 00000000`00000080 ffffdb04`f3c8c380 000024ef`bd9bbfff : nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x105
fffffd85`1496fb10 fffff800`5e7c3dfa : ffff8b00`0fedd180 ffffdb04`fc644080 fffff800`5e72f6d0 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
fffffd85`1496fb60 00000000`00000000 : fffffd85`14970000 fffffd85`14969000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x2a
THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC: 53fc5ecb280b3e5cc6b5dde02f8439c4d5c2f83b
THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC_OFFSET: 80ca9a621965d1a6b9d99af294c40edf3f5ebca9
THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD: dc844b1b94baa204d070855e43bbbd27eee98b94
fffff800`5eba0eca cc int 3
SYMBOL_NAME: nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+d05e
IMAGE_VERSION: 10.0.18362.145
STACK_COMMAND: .thread ; .cxr ; kb
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0xc000021a_SmpDestroyControlBlock_smss.exe_Terminated_c0000428_nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx
BUCKET_ID: 0xc000021a_SmpDestroyControlBlock_smss.exe_Terminated_c0000428_nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx
PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS: 0xc000021a_SmpDestroyControlBlock_smss.exe_Terminated_c0000428_nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx
TARGET_TIME: 2019-05-29T22:11:08.000Z
OSBUILD: 18362
OSNAME: Windows 10
OSEDITION: Windows 10 WinNt TerminalServer SingleUserTS
BUILDOSVER_STR: 10.0.18362.145
FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:0xc000021a_smpdestroycontrolblock_smss.exe_terminated_c0000428_nt!poptransitionsystempowerstateex
FAILURE_ID_HASH: {11c026a4-042b-4c24-02dc-2da456397475}
Followup: MachineOwner
rax=ffffdb04fc8738a0 rbx=0000000000000002 rcx=000000000000004c
rdx=00000000c000021a rsi=fffffd851496f628 rdi=fffffd851496f5d0
rip=fffff8005e7bc8a0 rsp=fffffd851496f4a8 rbp=fffffd851496f570
r8=fffffd8514a2f2f8 r9=ffffdb04fd4bfdd0 r10=fffffd8514a2f000
r11=ffff9fcfe7f3f000 r12=fffffd851496f6bc r13=fffffd851496f6b8
r14=fffffd851496f5ec r15=0000000000000002
iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz na po nc
cs=0010 ss=0018 ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00040286
fffff800`5e7bc8a0 48894c2408 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx ss:0018:fffffd85`1496f4b0=000000000000004c
# Child-SP RetAddr : Args to Child : Call Site
00 fffffd85`1496f4a8 fffff800`5eba9c7a : 00000000`0000004c 00000000`c000021a fffffd85`14a2f2f8 ffffdb04`fd4bfdd0 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 fffffd85`1496f4b0 fffff800`5eba0eca : 00000000`00000000 fffffd85`1496f570 00000000`00000000 fffffd85`1496f570 : nt!PopGracefulShutdown+0x29a
02 fffffd85`1496f4f0 fffff800`5eb9a01c : ffffb28a`9e154d01 fffff800`00000006 00000000`00000004 ffffb28a`9efd1030 : nt!PopTransitionSystemPowerStateEx+0xd05e
03 fffffd85`1496f5b0 fffff800`5e7cdf95 : 00000000`00000000 fffff800`5e64055b 00000000`00000010 00000000`00040086 : nt!NtSetSystemPowerState+0x4c
04 fffffd85`1496f790 fffff800`5e7c0660 : fffff800`5ed93935 00000000`c0000004 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25 (TrapFrame @ fffffd85`1496f790)
05 fffffd85`1496f928 fffff800`5ed93935 : 00000000`c0000004 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 fffff800`5ea40660 : nt!KiServiceLinkage
06 fffffd85`1496f930 fffff800`5ed19939 : ffffdb04`fc644080 fffff800`5e6c4d0c fffff800`647b3c70 ffffdb04`00000000 : nt!PopIssueActionRequest+0x79ed9
07 fffffd85`1496f9d0 fffff800`5e72d88f : 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000000 fffff800`5ea40500 : nt!PopPolicyWorkerAction+0x79
08 fffffd85`1496fa40 fffff800`5e6c4855 : ffffdb04`00000001 ffffdb04`fc644080 fffff800`5e72d800 ffffdb04`f3c95020 : nt!PopPolicyWorkerThread+0x8f
09 fffffd85`1496fa70 fffff800`5e72f725 : ffffdb04`fc644080 00000000`00000080 ffffdb04`f3c8c380 000024ef`bd9bbfff : nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x105
0a fffffd85`1496fb10 fffff800`5e7c3dfa : ffff8b00`0fedd180 ffffdb04`fc644080 fffff800`5e72f6d0 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
0b fffffd85`1496fb60 00000000`00000000 : fffffd85`14970000 fffffd85`14969000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x2a
start end module name
fffff800`5e600000 fffff800`5f0b2000 nt ntkrnlmp.exe FECF74B7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`5f0b2000 fffff800`5f155000 hal hal.dll 63975E9E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62c00000 fffff800`62c0b000 kdcom kdcom.dll Sat Feb 3 10:28:36 2018 (5A75D524)
fffff800`62c10000 fffff800`62e11000 mcupdate mcupdate.dll Mon Dec 18 04:17:14 1989 (258CAB1A)
fffff800`62e20000 fffff800`62e31000 werkernel werkernel.sys 958E14B2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62e40000 fffff800`62e6a000 ksecdd ksecdd.sys A35F28F6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62e70000 fffff800`62ed0000 msrpc msrpc.sys 8E1A4F15 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62ee0000 fffff800`62f07000 tm tm.sys 2ADB549A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62f10000 fffff800`62f78000 CLFS CLFS.SYS 477FEB27 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62f80000 fffff800`62f9a000 PSHED PSHED.dll B21F9DDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62fa0000 fffff800`62fab000 BOOTVID BOOTVID.dll 0F301604 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62fb0000 fffff800`630b5000 clipsp clipsp.sys Mon Mar 18 18:11:27 2019 (5C90178F)
fffff800`630c0000 fffff800`63131000 FLTMGR FLTMGR.SYS 2FCE7C68 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63140000 fffff800`6314e000 cmimcext cmimcext.sys C7F022B4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63150000 fffff800`6315c000 ntosext ntosext.sys BAC877D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63160000 fffff800`6323c000 CI CI.dll BFF35B48 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63240000 fffff800`632fc000 cng cng.sys 65453531 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63300000 fffff800`633d5000 Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys 116A658A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`633e0000 fffff800`633f3000 WDFLDR WDFLDR.SYS 3B396780 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63400000 fffff800`6340f000 SleepStudyHelper SleepStudyHelper.sys BA6E2346 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63410000 fffff800`63420000 WppRecorder WppRecorder.sys 34A54231 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63430000 fffff800`63455000 acpiex acpiex.sys 2B91EDB2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63460000 fffff800`634a9000 mssecflt mssecflt.sys FA518C4A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`634b0000 fffff800`634ca000 SgrmAgent SgrmAgent.sys F851A195 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`634d0000 fffff800`6359c000 ACPI ACPI.sys 637B6DAD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`635a0000 fffff800`635ac000 WMILIB WMILIB.SYS 59021E3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`635e0000 fffff800`63629000 intelpep intelpep.sys 8A1B7970 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63630000 fffff800`63647000 WindowsTrustedRT WindowsTrustedRT.sys CB95CE3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63650000 fffff800`6365b000 WindowsTrustedRTProxy WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys 514E3023 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63660000 fffff800`63675000 pcw pcw.sys 6B731527 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63680000 fffff800`63690000 FNETHYRAMAS FNETHYRAMAS.SYS Fri Jul 15 04:22:15 2016 (57889D37)
fffff800`636a0000 fffff800`636ab000 msisadrv msisadrv.sys 5E470A0E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`636b0000 fffff800`6371f000 pci pci.sys AF24B239 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63720000 fffff800`63733000 vdrvroot vdrvroot.sys 0101BCC6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63740000 fffff800`63773000 pdc pdc.sys 9AEEDDCB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63780000 fffff800`63799000 CEA CEA.sys F3811107 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`637a0000 fffff800`637d0000 partmgr partmgr.sys 89C96AD1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`637e0000 fffff800`63885000 spaceport spaceport.sys DC82B965 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63890000 fffff800`638aa000 volmgr volmgr.sys 211CEF76 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`638b0000 fffff800`63913000 volmgrx volmgrx.sys D6F366B7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63920000 fffff800`6393f000 mountmgr mountmgr.sys 242DB05F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63940000 fffff800`639e2000 storport storport.sys A692CE5B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`639f0000 fffff800`63a0b000 EhStorClass EhStorClass.sys 526CC202 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63a10000 fffff800`63a2a000 fileinfo fileinfo.sys 24BBED20 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63a30000 fffff800`63a6d000 Wof Wof.sys 3CB75347 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63a70000 fffff800`63ac6000 WdFilter WdFilter.sys ***** Invalid (ED6139D7)
fffff800`63ad0000 fffff800`63add000 Fs_Rec Fs_Rec.sys 49E932BA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63ae0000 fffff800`63b74000 NETIO NETIO.SYS E5D63B1E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63b80000 fffff800`63bb2000 ksecpkg ksecpkg.sys E1E129D5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63bc0000 fffff800`63bf0000 wfplwfs wfplwfs.sys ADA837F9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63c00000 fffff800`647a4000 iaStorAC iaStorAC.sys Fri Jul 6 08:50:14 2018 (5B3F6586)
fffff800`647b0000 fffff800`64a4e000 Ntfs Ntfs.sys D9A3CE82 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64a50000 fffff800`64bc2000 ndis ndis.sys A6D0FB1E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64bd0000 fffff800`64eba000 tcpip tcpip.sys A5F4F7D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64ec0000 fffff800`64f3a000 fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys 58C1E6ED (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64f40000 fffff800`65009000 fvevol fvevol.sys 66798154 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65010000 fffff800`65023000 amdkmpfd amdkmpfd.sys Mon May 25 16:25:23 2015 (55638533)
fffff800`65030000 fffff800`6503b000 volume volume.sys A4E9FDFA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65040000 fffff800`650ad000 volsnap volsnap.sys 1876F533 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`650b0000 fffff800`650fe000 rdyboost rdyboost.sys F450CEB3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65100000 fffff800`65125000 mup mup.sys 565E0311 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65130000 fffff800`65142000 iorate iorate.sys 18D52DDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65160000 fffff800`6517c000 disk disk.sys 384FEFED (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65180000 fffff800`651eb000 CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS 09ED6E49 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6be00000 fffff800`6be6b000 fastfat fastfat.SYS 5D09ADAA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6be70000 fffff800`6bebf000 ahcache ahcache.sys A8473BE2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6bec0000 fffff800`6bf4c000 Vid Vid.sys B7391632 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6bf50000 fffff800`6bf65000 umbus umbus.sys 3104A4AD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c0d0000 fffff800`6c0ed000 crashdmp crashdmp.sys 2985CB13 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c110000 fffff800`6c1a4000 csc csc.sys B2D84C51 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c600000 fffff800`6c6a7000 afd afd.sys B88DD13E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c6b0000 fffff800`6c6ba000 gpuenergydrv gpuenergydrv.sys 0CC24294 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c6c0000 fffff800`6ca33000 dxgkrnl dxgkrnl.sys 8CDD2D26 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ca40000 fffff800`6ca56000 watchdog watchdog.sys 21474799 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ca60000 fffff800`6ca76000 BasicDisplay BasicDisplay.sys 4E6E05E1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ca80000 fffff800`6ca91000 BasicRender BasicRender.sys 82A93228 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6caa0000 fffff800`6cabc000 Npfs Npfs.SYS B03ECFD3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cac0000 fffff800`6cad1000 Msfs Msfs.SYS 91FE0FF4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cae0000 fffff800`6cb06000 tdx tdx.sys 0A1F3DC4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cb10000 fffff800`6cb20000 TDI TDI.SYS 894065A0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cb30000 fffff800`6cb46000 netfilter2 netfilter2.sys Sat Sep 17 20:52:38 2016 (57DDE556)
fffff800`6cb50000 fffff800`6cba9000 netbt netbt.sys 113D2A22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cbb0000 fffff800`6cbc3000 afunix afunix.sys 9D6C12C4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cbd0000 fffff800`6cbea000 vwififlt vwififlt.sys 39396289 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cbf0000 fffff800`6cbfd000 npsvctrig npsvctrig.sys 0E7AC006 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6d9f0000 fffff800`6da20000 cdrom cdrom.sys 9F6B0B7B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da30000 fffff800`6da45000 filecrypt filecrypt.sys 4EAD73C1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da50000 fffff800`6da5e000 tbs tbs.sys 965BAC31 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da60000 fffff800`6da6a000 Null Null.SYS E822087B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da70000 fffff800`6da7a000 Beep Beep.SYS 528EC21A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da80000 fffff800`6da89000 FNETURPX FNETURPX.SYS Wed May 30 23:00:47 2012 (4FC6DEDF)
fffff800`6da90000 fffff800`6dabb000 pacer pacer.sys E7276BDE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dac0000 fffff800`6dad4000 netbios netbios.sys B37FD2E9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dae0000 fffff800`6db5b000 rdbss rdbss.sys BCE0ED0A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6db60000 fffff800`6db72000 nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys 528DA18A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6db80000 fffff800`6db90000 mssmbios mssmbios.sys E6DC521D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dba0000 fffff800`6dbcc000 dfsc dfsc.sys FABE3F7D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dbd0000 fffff800`6e774000 dump_iaStorAC dump_iaStorAC.sys Fri Jul 6 08:50:14 2018 (5B3F6586)
fffff800`6e780000 fffff800`6e791000 CompositeBus CompositeBus.sys F050D616 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6e7a0000 fffff800`6e7b6000 bam bam.sys 22198778 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6e7c0000 fffff800`6e7c6000 AsIO AsIO.sys Wed Aug 22 05:54:47 2012 (5034AC67)
fffff800`6e7d0000 fffff800`6e7ef000 winhvr winhvr.sys 5EB9FF62 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6e7f0000 fffff800`6e7fd000 kdnic kdnic.sys 1FF5F7F5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6fe00000 fffff800`6fe88000 USBXHCI USBXHCI.SYS C566CB6A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6fe90000 fffff800`6fed1000 ucx01000 ucx01000.sys 04268533 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6fee0000 fffff800`6ff4f000 UcmCxUcsiNvppc UcmCxUcsiNvppc.sys Sun Dec 9 15:39:33 2018 (5C0D7D85)
fffff800`6ff50000 fffff800`6ff7c000 UcmCx UcmCx.sys E8A9CD85 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ff80000 fffff800`6ffbb000 TeeDriverW8x64 TeeDriverW8x64.sys Wed Apr 11 10:46:32 2018 (5ACE1FC8)
fffff800`6ffc0000 fffff800`70033000 asmtxhci asmtxhci.sys Wed Aug 16 04:36:59 2017 (5994042B)
fffff800`70040000 fffff800`7005c000 serial serial.sys B6549B39 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70060000 fffff800`7006f000 serenum serenum.sys 0B8B1DB3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70070000 fffff800`700fe000 e1i65x64 e1i65x64.sys Mon Jun 11 14:01:06 2018 (5B1EB8E2)
fffff800`70100000 fffff800`7010c000 wmiacpi wmiacpi.sys AF7EFCE5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70110000 fffff800`7014e000 intelppm intelppm.sys DF02127E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70150000 fffff800`7015b000 acpipagr acpipagr.sys 80AB510E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70160000 fffff800`7016e000 UEFI UEFI.sys 60BAE916 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70170000 fffff800`70181000 nvvad64v nvvad64v.sys Thu Mar 14 04:58:48 2019 (5C8A17C8)
fffff800`70190000 fffff800`7019f000 ksthunk ksthunk.sys 15502221 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`701a0000 fffff800`701b0000 nvvhci nvvhci.sys Thu Aug 16 16:01:22 2018 (5B75D812)
fffff800`701c0000 fffff800`701cd000 NdisVirtualBus NdisVirtualBus.sys D217410A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`701d0000 fffff800`701dc000 swenum swenum.sys C4D73525 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`701e0000 fffff800`701ee000 rdpbus rdpbus.sys 4E9899F8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`701f0000 fffff800`701ff000 clwvd8 clwvd8.sys Mon Jun 11 04:26:37 2018 (5B1E323D)
fffff800`70200000 fffff800`70237000 nvhda64v nvhda64v.sys Tue Mar 19 00:47:57 2019 (5C90747D)
fffff800`70240000 fffff800`702dc000 UsbHub3 UsbHub3.sys D4267D67 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`702e0000 fffff800`702ee000 USBD USBD.SYS CD63CE9D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`702f0000 fffff800`70909000 RTKVHD64 RTKVHD64.sys Mon Feb 26 05:12:31 2018 (5A93DD8F)
fffff800`70910000 fffff800`70943000 usbccgp usbccgp.sys 5D2AF1D1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70950000 fffff800`70977000 asmthub3 asmthub3.sys Wed Aug 16 04:37:28 2017 (59940448)
fffff800`70980000 fffff800`70992000 hidusb hidusb.sys 7B9189FE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`709a0000 fffff800`709db000 HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS D4D0DEE6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`709e0000 fffff800`709f3000 HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS 4105D214 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70a00000 fffff800`70a11000 kbdhid kbdhid.sys 4CF68CA7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70a20000 fffff800`70a34000 kbdclass kbdclass.sys 0B474226 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70a50000 fffff800`70a5e000 dump_storport dump_storport.sys Fri Apr 26 23:44:32 2019 (5CC3D020)
fffff800`70a80000 fffff800`70a9d000 dump_dumpfve dump_dumpfve.sys C1539D11 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70aa0000 fffff800`70ab0000 mouhid mouhid.sys A140C187 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70ac0000 fffff800`70ad3000 mouclass mouclass.sys 4A22FFB8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70d10000 fffff800`72246000 nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Wed May 22 17:18:43 2019 (5CE5BCB3)
fffff800`72250000 fffff800`72272000 HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys AECD2958 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`72280000 fffff800`722e7000 portcls portcls.sys D4F15BF0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`722f0000 fffff800`72311000 drmk drmk.sys ***** Invalid (A3E06FB0)
fffff800`72320000 fffff800`72398000 ks ks.sys D02EDE05 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`723a0000 fffff800`723a1f80 AiCharger AiCharger.sys Thu Mar 22 04:07:51 2012 (4F6ADDD7)
Unloaded modules:
fffff800`70ae0000 fffff800`70b01000 WinUSB.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00021000
fffff800`70b10000 fffff800`70b61000 WUDFRd.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00051000
fffff800`6c100000 fffff800`6c10f000 dump_storpor
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 0000F000
fffff800`6ce00000 fffff800`6d9a5000 dump_iaStorA
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00BA5000
fffff800`6d9d0000 fffff800`6d9ee000 dump_dumpfve
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 0001E000
fffff800`6e780000 fffff800`6e79e000 dam.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 0001E000
fffff800`635c0000 fffff800`635d1000 WdBoot.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00011000
fffff800`635b0000 fffff800`635b9000 MbamElam.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00009000
fffff800`65150000 fffff800`65160000 hwpolicy.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00010000
start end module name
fffff800`634d0000 fffff800`6359c000 ACPI ACPI.sys 637B6DAD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63430000 fffff800`63455000 acpiex acpiex.sys 2B91EDB2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70150000 fffff800`7015b000 acpipagr acpipagr.sys 80AB510E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c600000 fffff800`6c6a7000 afd afd.sys B88DD13E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cbb0000 fffff800`6cbc3000 afunix afunix.sys 9D6C12C4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6be70000 fffff800`6bebf000 ahcache ahcache.sys A8473BE2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`723a0000 fffff800`723a1f80 AiCharger AiCharger.sys Thu Mar 22 04:07:51 2012 (4F6ADDD7)
fffff800`65010000 fffff800`65023000 amdkmpfd amdkmpfd.sys Mon May 25 16:25:23 2015 (55638533)
fffff800`6e7c0000 fffff800`6e7c6000 AsIO AsIO.sys Wed Aug 22 05:54:47 2012 (5034AC67)
fffff800`70950000 fffff800`70977000 asmthub3 asmthub3.sys Wed Aug 16 04:37:28 2017 (59940448)
fffff800`6ffc0000 fffff800`70033000 asmtxhci asmtxhci.sys Wed Aug 16 04:36:59 2017 (5994042B)
fffff800`6e7a0000 fffff800`6e7b6000 bam bam.sys 22198778 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ca60000 fffff800`6ca76000 BasicDisplay BasicDisplay.sys 4E6E05E1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ca80000 fffff800`6ca91000 BasicRender BasicRender.sys 82A93228 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da70000 fffff800`6da7a000 Beep Beep.SYS 528EC21A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62fa0000 fffff800`62fab000 BOOTVID BOOTVID.dll 0F301604 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6d9f0000 fffff800`6da20000 cdrom cdrom.sys 9F6B0B7B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63780000 fffff800`63799000 CEA CEA.sys F3811107 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63160000 fffff800`6323c000 CI CI.dll BFF35B48 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65180000 fffff800`651eb000 CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS 09ED6E49 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62f10000 fffff800`62f78000 CLFS CLFS.SYS 477FEB27 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62fb0000 fffff800`630b5000 clipsp clipsp.sys Mon Mar 18 18:11:27 2019 (5C90178F)
fffff800`701f0000 fffff800`701ff000 clwvd8 clwvd8.sys Mon Jun 11 04:26:37 2018 (5B1E323D)
fffff800`63140000 fffff800`6314e000 cmimcext cmimcext.sys C7F022B4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63240000 fffff800`632fc000 cng cng.sys 65453531 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6e780000 fffff800`6e791000 CompositeBus CompositeBus.sys F050D616 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c0d0000 fffff800`6c0ed000 crashdmp crashdmp.sys 2985CB13 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c110000 fffff800`6c1a4000 csc csc.sys B2D84C51 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dba0000 fffff800`6dbcc000 dfsc dfsc.sys FABE3F7D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65160000 fffff800`6517c000 disk disk.sys 384FEFED (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`722f0000 fffff800`72311000 drmk drmk.sys ***** Invalid (A3E06FB0)
fffff800`70a80000 fffff800`70a9d000 dump_dumpfve dump_dumpfve.sys C1539D11 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dbd0000 fffff800`6e774000 dump_iaStorAC dump_iaStorAC.sys Fri Jul 6 08:50:14 2018 (5B3F6586)
fffff800`70a50000 fffff800`70a5e000 dump_storport dump_storport.sys Fri Apr 26 23:44:32 2019 (5CC3D020)
fffff800`6c6c0000 fffff800`6ca33000 dxgkrnl dxgkrnl.sys 8CDD2D26 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70070000 fffff800`700fe000 e1i65x64 e1i65x64.sys Mon Jun 11 14:01:06 2018 (5B1EB8E2)
fffff800`639f0000 fffff800`63a0b000 EhStorClass EhStorClass.sys 526CC202 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6be00000 fffff800`6be6b000 fastfat fastfat.SYS 5D09ADAA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da30000 fffff800`6da45000 filecrypt filecrypt.sys 4EAD73C1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63a10000 fffff800`63a2a000 fileinfo fileinfo.sys 24BBED20 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`630c0000 fffff800`63131000 FLTMGR FLTMGR.SYS 2FCE7C68 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63680000 fffff800`63690000 FNETHYRAMAS FNETHYRAMAS.SYS Fri Jul 15 04:22:15 2016 (57889D37)
fffff800`6da80000 fffff800`6da89000 FNETURPX FNETURPX.SYS Wed May 30 23:00:47 2012 (4FC6DEDF)
fffff800`63ad0000 fffff800`63add000 Fs_Rec Fs_Rec.sys 49E932BA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64f40000 fffff800`65009000 fvevol fvevol.sys 66798154 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64ec0000 fffff800`64f3a000 fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys 58C1E6ED (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6c6b0000 fffff800`6c6ba000 gpuenergydrv gpuenergydrv.sys 0CC24294 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`5f0b2000 fffff800`5f155000 hal hal.dll 63975E9E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`72250000 fffff800`72272000 HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys AECD2958 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`709a0000 fffff800`709db000 HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS D4D0DEE6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`709e0000 fffff800`709f3000 HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS 4105D214 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70980000 fffff800`70992000 hidusb hidusb.sys 7B9189FE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63c00000 fffff800`647a4000 iaStorAC iaStorAC.sys Fri Jul 6 08:50:14 2018 (5B3F6586)
fffff800`635e0000 fffff800`63629000 intelpep intelpep.sys 8A1B7970 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70110000 fffff800`7014e000 intelppm intelppm.sys DF02127E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65130000 fffff800`65142000 iorate iorate.sys 18D52DDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70a20000 fffff800`70a34000 kbdclass kbdclass.sys 0B474226 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70a00000 fffff800`70a11000 kbdhid kbdhid.sys 4CF68CA7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62c00000 fffff800`62c0b000 kdcom kdcom.dll Sat Feb 3 10:28:36 2018 (5A75D524)
fffff800`6e7f0000 fffff800`6e7fd000 kdnic kdnic.sys 1FF5F7F5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`72320000 fffff800`72398000 ks ks.sys D02EDE05 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62e40000 fffff800`62e6a000 ksecdd ksecdd.sys A35F28F6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63b80000 fffff800`63bb2000 ksecpkg ksecpkg.sys E1E129D5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70190000 fffff800`7019f000 ksthunk ksthunk.sys 15502221 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62c10000 fffff800`62e11000 mcupdate mcupdate.dll Mon Dec 18 04:17:14 1989 (258CAB1A)
fffff800`70ac0000 fffff800`70ad3000 mouclass mouclass.sys 4A22FFB8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70aa0000 fffff800`70ab0000 mouhid mouhid.sys A140C187 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63920000 fffff800`6393f000 mountmgr mountmgr.sys 242DB05F (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cac0000 fffff800`6cad1000 Msfs Msfs.SYS 91FE0FF4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`636a0000 fffff800`636ab000 msisadrv msisadrv.sys 5E470A0E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62e70000 fffff800`62ed0000 msrpc msrpc.sys 8E1A4F15 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63460000 fffff800`634a9000 mssecflt mssecflt.sys FA518C4A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6db80000 fffff800`6db90000 mssmbios mssmbios.sys E6DC521D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65100000 fffff800`65125000 mup mup.sys 565E0311 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64a50000 fffff800`64bc2000 ndis ndis.sys A6D0FB1E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`701c0000 fffff800`701cd000 NdisVirtualBus NdisVirtualBus.sys D217410A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dac0000 fffff800`6dad4000 netbios netbios.sys B37FD2E9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cb50000 fffff800`6cba9000 netbt netbt.sys 113D2A22 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cb30000 fffff800`6cb46000 netfilter2 netfilter2.sys Sat Sep 17 20:52:38 2016 (57DDE556)
fffff800`63ae0000 fffff800`63b74000 NETIO NETIO.SYS E5D63B1E (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6caa0000 fffff800`6cabc000 Npfs Npfs.SYS B03ECFD3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cbf0000 fffff800`6cbfd000 npsvctrig npsvctrig.sys 0E7AC006 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6db60000 fffff800`6db72000 nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys 528DA18A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`5e600000 fffff800`5f0b2000 nt ntkrnlmp.exe FECF74B7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`647b0000 fffff800`64a4e000 Ntfs Ntfs.sys D9A3CE82 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63150000 fffff800`6315c000 ntosext ntosext.sys BAC877D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da60000 fffff800`6da6a000 Null Null.SYS E822087B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70200000 fffff800`70237000 nvhda64v nvhda64v.sys Tue Mar 19 00:47:57 2019 (5C90747D)
fffff800`70d10000 fffff800`72246000 nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Wed May 22 17:18:43 2019 (5CE5BCB3)
fffff800`70170000 fffff800`70181000 nvvad64v nvvad64v.sys Thu Mar 14 04:58:48 2019 (5C8A17C8)
fffff800`701a0000 fffff800`701b0000 nvvhci nvvhci.sys Thu Aug 16 16:01:22 2018 (5B75D812)
fffff800`6da90000 fffff800`6dabb000 pacer pacer.sys E7276BDE (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`637a0000 fffff800`637d0000 partmgr partmgr.sys 89C96AD1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`636b0000 fffff800`6371f000 pci pci.sys AF24B239 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63660000 fffff800`63675000 pcw pcw.sys 6B731527 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63740000 fffff800`63773000 pdc pdc.sys 9AEEDDCB (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`72280000 fffff800`722e7000 portcls portcls.sys D4F15BF0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62f80000 fffff800`62f9a000 PSHED PSHED.dll B21F9DDA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6dae0000 fffff800`6db5b000 rdbss rdbss.sys BCE0ED0A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`701e0000 fffff800`701ee000 rdpbus rdpbus.sys 4E9899F8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`650b0000 fffff800`650fe000 rdyboost rdyboost.sys F450CEB3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`702f0000 fffff800`70909000 RTKVHD64 RTKVHD64.sys Mon Feb 26 05:12:31 2018 (5A93DD8F)
fffff800`70060000 fffff800`7006f000 serenum serenum.sys 0B8B1DB3 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70040000 fffff800`7005c000 serial serial.sys B6549B39 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`634b0000 fffff800`634ca000 SgrmAgent SgrmAgent.sys F851A195 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63400000 fffff800`6340f000 SleepStudyHelper SleepStudyHelper.sys BA6E2346 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`637e0000 fffff800`63885000 spaceport spaceport.sys DC82B965 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63940000 fffff800`639e2000 storport storport.sys A692CE5B (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`701d0000 fffff800`701dc000 swenum swenum.sys C4D73525 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6da50000 fffff800`6da5e000 tbs tbs.sys 965BAC31 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`64bd0000 fffff800`64eba000 tcpip tcpip.sys A5F4F7D8 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cb10000 fffff800`6cb20000 TDI TDI.SYS 894065A0 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cae0000 fffff800`6cb06000 tdx tdx.sys 0A1F3DC4 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ff80000 fffff800`6ffbb000 TeeDriverW8x64 TeeDriverW8x64.sys Wed Apr 11 10:46:32 2018 (5ACE1FC8)
fffff800`62ee0000 fffff800`62f07000 tm tm.sys 2ADB549A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ff50000 fffff800`6ff7c000 UcmCx UcmCx.sys E8A9CD85 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6fee0000 fffff800`6ff4f000 UcmCxUcsiNvppc UcmCxUcsiNvppc.sys Sun Dec 9 15:39:33 2018 (5C0D7D85)
fffff800`6fe90000 fffff800`6fed1000 ucx01000 ucx01000.sys 04268533 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70160000 fffff800`7016e000 UEFI UEFI.sys 60BAE916 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6bf50000 fffff800`6bf65000 umbus umbus.sys 3104A4AD (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70910000 fffff800`70943000 usbccgp usbccgp.sys 5D2AF1D1 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`702e0000 fffff800`702ee000 USBD USBD.SYS CD63CE9D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70240000 fffff800`702dc000 UsbHub3 UsbHub3.sys D4267D67 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6fe00000 fffff800`6fe88000 USBXHCI USBXHCI.SYS C566CB6A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63720000 fffff800`63733000 vdrvroot vdrvroot.sys 0101BCC6 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6bec0000 fffff800`6bf4c000 Vid Vid.sys B7391632 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63890000 fffff800`638aa000 volmgr volmgr.sys 211CEF76 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`638b0000 fffff800`63913000 volmgrx volmgrx.sys D6F366B7 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65040000 fffff800`650ad000 volsnap volsnap.sys 1876F533 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`65030000 fffff800`6503b000 volume volume.sys A4E9FDFA (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6cbd0000 fffff800`6cbea000 vwififlt vwififlt.sys 39396289 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6ca40000 fffff800`6ca56000 watchdog watchdog.sys 21474799 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63300000 fffff800`633d5000 Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys 116A658A (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63a70000 fffff800`63ac6000 WdFilter WdFilter.sys ***** Invalid (ED6139D7)
fffff800`633e0000 fffff800`633f3000 WDFLDR WDFLDR.SYS 3B396780 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`62e20000 fffff800`62e31000 werkernel werkernel.sys 958E14B2 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63bc0000 fffff800`63bf0000 wfplwfs wfplwfs.sys ADA837F9 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63630000 fffff800`63647000 WindowsTrustedRT WindowsTrustedRT.sys CB95CE3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63650000 fffff800`6365b000 WindowsTrustedRTProxy WindowsTrustedRTProxy.sys 514E3023 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`6e7d0000 fffff800`6e7ef000 winhvr winhvr.sys 5EB9FF62 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`70100000 fffff800`7010c000 wmiacpi wmiacpi.sys AF7EFCE5 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`635a0000 fffff800`635ac000 WMILIB WMILIB.SYS 59021E3D (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63a30000 fffff800`63a6d000 Wof Wof.sys 3CB75347 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
fffff800`63410000 fffff800`63420000 WppRecorder WppRecorder.sys 34A54231 (This is a reproducible build file hash, not a timestamp)
Unloaded modules:
fffff800`70ae0000 fffff800`70b01000 WinUSB.SYS
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00021000
fffff800`70b10000 fffff800`70b61000 WUDFRd.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00051000
fffff800`6c100000 fffff800`6c10f000 dump_storpor
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 0000F000
fffff800`6ce00000 fffff800`6d9a5000 dump_iaStorA
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00BA5000
fffff800`6d9d0000 fffff800`6d9ee000 dump_dumpfve
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 0001E000
fffff800`6e780000 fffff800`6e79e000 dam.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 0001E000
fffff800`635c0000 fffff800`635d1000 WdBoot.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00011000
fffff800`635b0000 fffff800`635b9000 MbamElam.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00009000
fffff800`65150000 fffff800`65160000 hwpolicy.sys
Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
Checksum: 00000000
ImageSize: 00010000
Bugcheck code C000021A
Arguments ffffb28a`a0cfa3a0 ffffffff`c0000428 00000000`00000000 00000227`41970000
2: kd> !blackboxbsd
Version: 168
Product type: 1
Auto advanced boot: FALSE
Advanced boot menu timeout: 30
Last boot succeeded: FALSE
Last boot shutdown: TRUE
Sleep in progrees: FALSE
Power button timestamp: 0
System running: FALSE
Connected standby in progress: FALSE
User shutdown in progress: FALSE
System shutdown in progress: TRUE
Sleep in progress: 0
Connected standby scenario instance id: 0
Connected standby entry reason: 0
Connected standby exit reason: 0
System sleep transitions to on: 0
Last reference time: 0x1d5166b6a7f2749
Last reference time checksum: 0xfd87f49
Last update boot id: 135
Boot attempt count: 2
Last boot checkpoint: FALSE
Checksum: 0xd9
Last boot id: 135
Last successful shutdown boot id: 135
Last reported abnormal shutdown boot id: 132
Error info boot id: 0
Error info repeat count: 0
Error info other error count: 0
Error info code: 0
Error info other error count: 0
Power button last press time: 0
Power button cumulative press count: 0
Power button last press boot id: 0
Power button last power watchdog stage: 0
Power button watchdog armed: FALSE
Power button shutdown in progress: FALSE
Power button last release time: 0
Power button cumulative release count: 0
Power button last release boot id: 0
Power button error count: 0
Power button current connected standby phase: 0
Power button transition latest checkpoint id: 0
Power button transition latest checkpoint type: 0
Power button transition latest checkpoint sequence number: 0